Japanese Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Answer Sheet Chapter 2 Practice B Section 4 Page 16

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In this article we will once again use the important particle which is exist in Japanese language as the in the previous article. Particle no (の) is used in this article to display of possessive pronoun function by combining it with one of interrogative pronoun dare (だれ) to ask the owner that own or possess the item.

Based on the displayed form of paired question and answer, we will demonstrate a sample which is suitable to the problem in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter 2 practice B part 4 on page 16. The answer will be the owner of the item and it is defined as an answer pattern in the problems on the book.

Not only using particle no (の) and interrogative pronoun dare (だれ), but we will also use a demonstrative pronoun which is used before in the previous article. We will point an item using demonstrative pronoun kore (これ)in order to ask who is the owner of the item which is being pointed.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji: これ+は  + だれ    + の          + 名詞    + ですか

Hiragana: これ+は  + だれ      + の          + めいし   + ですか

Meaning: Kore+ wa  + dare     + no+ meishi     + desuka

Romaji: Who’s [noun] is this ?

The answer pattern will be :

Kanji: 主語          + の          + 名詞

Hiragana: しゅご        + の          + めいし

Romaji: shugo        +no  + meishi

Meaning: subject       + no  + noun

We will explain the above pattern by demonstring into the following example :

Possible question

Kanji          : これはだれの眼鏡ですか

Hiragana       : これはだれのめがねですか

Romaji         : Kore wa dare no megane desuka

Meaning       : Whose eyeglasses is this ?

Possible answer

Kanji          :


Hiragana       : おじいさんのめがねです。

Romaji         : Ojiisan no megane desu.

Meaning       : (It is) grandfather’s eyeglasses.

Below is the answer of the problems or exercises which is displayed in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter 2. We will be displaying only the answer based on the problems. Please look at the book for the complete question.

  1. Hiragana      : リーさんのカメラです。

Romaji                  : Ri-san no kamera desu.

Meaning      : (It is) Lee’s camera.


  1. Hiragana      : ナロンさんのかぎです。

Romaji                  : Naron-san no kagi desu.

Meaning      : (It is) Naron’s key.


  1. Kanji          : 先生のかばんです。

Hiragana      : せんせいのかばんです。

Romaji                  : Sensei no kaban desu.

Meaning      : (It is) (my) teacher’s bag.


  1. Hiragana      : アリさんのたばこです。

Romaji                  : Ari-san no tabako desu.

Meaning      : (It is) Ari’s cigarette.


To see all the questions, please refer to the original Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book on chapter 2, practice B section 4.


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