Kanji 二日(futsuka)
This word is also written in jukugo form. It is pronounced as ‘futsuka’. It means the second date or the second day of the month. It is read using the kun-yomi or Japanese Reading Method. This word itself were built from two kanjis which is joined. The first kanji is kanji二 which is spelled as ‘futsu’ since it is read in kun-yomi (Japanese Reading Method). The second one is kanji 日 and since the kanji itself also has to be read in kun-yomi (Japanese Reading Method), it is spelled as ‘ka’. And it will be pronounced as ‘futsuka’.
2 |
二 |
漢字の順番の書き方 (Kanji’s Writing Steps Method) |
(NotAvailable at the moment) |
漢字の読み方 (Kanji’s Reading Method) |
二 |
訓読み (Japanese’s Reading Method) |
ふつ |
例字 (Vocabulary Example) |
3. |
字 (Word) |
意味 (Meaning) |
二日 (read:futatsu) |
second (It is used to state the second day date). |
例文 (Sentence Example) |
文(Sentence) |
母の誕生日は三月の二日です。 |
ロマ字 (Roman Letter) |
Haha no tanjyoubi wa sangatsu no futsuka desu. |
意味 (Meaning) |
My mother’s birthday is in the 2nd (second) of March. |