1995 4級
問題I ____のところになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。
Part I What should be inserted in the underlined part. Please choose one of the best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4 below.
1.わたしは にくも さかな____たべません。
Romaji : Watashi wa niku mo sakana (mo) tabemasen.
Meaning : I don’t eat meat and also fish.
1.を。2.は。 3.も。 4.が。
Answer : 3
The correct answer is the third option. Particle も is used in the above sentence to give an additional information. The information given state that the subject doesn’t eat meat and the additional information is that the subject doesn’t eat fish.
2.ぎんこう____田中さんに あいました。
Romaji : Ginkou (de) Tanaka-san ni aimashita.
Meaning : (I) met Tanaka-san at the bank.
1.で。 2.に。 3.を。 4.は。
Answer : 1
The correct answer is the first option. Particle で is used in the above sentence to indicate a location of an action which mans at or in. The sentence describes the subject met Tanaka-san which express an action. The action itself took place at the bank.
3.「ひとりで 行きますか。」「いいえ、はは____行きます」。
Romaji : [Hitori de ikimashitaka.] [Iie, haha (to) ikimasu].
Meaning : [Did go alone ?] [No, I go with my other]
1. に 2.と 3.へ 4.を
Answer : 2
The above sentence is using a particle which indicates an action which is done with other people. The subject is the one who answered the question which explains that the subject is going with his or her mother.
4.外国____てがみが 来ました。
Romaji : Gaikoku (kara) tegami ga kimashita.
Meaning : A letter came from overseas.
1.とも 2.ごろ 3.から 4.しか
Answer : 3
Particle からis obviously the answer in the third option. It defines place of something that come from. The sentence describe that a letter has came and particle から is used to inform that the letter came from overseas.
5.1日____3かい くすりを のんで ください。
Romaji : Ichi nichi (ni) sankai kusuri wo nonde kudasai.
Meaning : Please drink the medicine three times in a day.
1.で 2.に 3.と 4.の
Answer : 2
The right answer is the second option. Particle に indicates an interval of time when the action takes place. The interval time described in the sentence is a range of one whole day. In that one day the action which is taken by the subject is the subject itself has to take the medicine three times.
6. つぎの えきで でんしゃ____おります。
Romaji : Tsugi no eki de densha (wo) orimasu.
Meaning : In the next train station (I) will get off the train.
1.に 2.へ 3.を 4.と
Answer : 1
The right answer is in the first option. Particle を is used in the above sentence expresses the subject move from the train which is a smaller place to the larger place which is the train station.
7. かいしゃまで 1時間____かかります。
Romaji : Kaisha made ichi jikan (gurai) kakarimasu.
Meaning : It will take around one hour to get to the office.
1.しか 2.など 3.ごろ 4.ぐらい
Answer : 4
The right answer for the above sentence is in the fourth action. To express limit extent which is needed for an action to be done we can use particle ぐらい. The activity which is described in the sentence is to go to the office and the limit extent is approximately one hour. Particle ぐらいwhich is used in this sentence can be translated as approximately, about or around.
8. 時間が ありませんから、タクシー_____行きましょう。
Romaji : Jikan ga arimasenkara, takushii (de) ikimashou.
Meaning : There aren’t much time, let’s got by taxi.
1.しか 2.か 3.では 4.で
Answer : 4
The correct answer for the above problem is the fourth option. We use particle で in this sentence as answer to indicate that the taxy is being used as a means to the place they were heading to. The speaker ask for an agreement to take taxy since he or she realized that they don’t have much time.
9. 山田さんは どこ_____いませんでした。
Romaji : Yamada-san wa doko (ni mo) imasendeshita.
Meaning : Yamada is no where to be found.
1.へも 2.かも 3.にも 4.とも
Answer : 3
The right answer is stated in the third option. It is a combination of two particle, ni (に) and mo (も). Particle に indicates the very existence of a person or a thing in a place, such as the following example :
Kanji : 山田さんは学校にいます。
Hiragana : やまださんはがっこうにいます。
Romaji : Yamada-san wa gakkou ni imasu.
Meaning : Yamada is at school.
But since particle ni (に) is followed by particle mo (も) the usage or the purpose changed from the original one. Particle mo (も) in this context of sentence indicates total negation concerning the meaning in the sentence itself since it is also followed with a past negative form imasendeshita (いませんでした). The meaning became Yamada-san is no where to be found.
10. おとうとは せい_____たかいです。
Romaji : Otouto wa sei (ga) takai desu.
Meaning : (My) brother is tall.
1.が 2.を 3.で 4.に
Answer : 1
The right answer is in the first option. It is indicating the object adjectives. The subject in this sentence is otouto (my brother). The object is his or her brother’s height (sei).
11. けさは 9時____ いえを 出ました。
Romaji : Kesa wa kuji (goro) ie wo demashita.
Meaning : This morning I got out from home at nine o’clock.
1.など 2.ごろ 3.しか 4.だけ
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second option. We use it to express the time of an activity occurs or action is being done. The action which is being done in the sentence is that the subject got out from home. The time of the action which is stated in the sentence is it happened at nine o’clock.
12. 学生は ここ____すわって ください。
Romaji : Gakusei wa koko (ni) suwatte kudasai.
Meaning : Student please take a seat in here.
1.や 2.も 3.と 4.に
Answer : 4
The right option is in the fourth option. The answer above is using particle ni (に). It is used to give an information about a place which is pointed. In context of the sentence, the student is pointed to sit to the location which is inferred with particle ni (に). The location is represented with koko (ここ) which means here.
13. わたしは かぜ____あたまが いたいです。
Romaji : Watashi wa kaze (de) atama ga itai desu.
Meaning : My head is dizzy because of the wind.
1.が 2.に 3.で 4.を
Answer : 3
The correct answer is the third option. In the above sentence once again we learned about another usage which is expressed by using particle de (で). It is used to express cause or reason for something happened. Because of the wind or kaze (かぜ) which is denoted using particle で, the speaker feels dizzy in his or head.
14. あした じゅぎょうが ある____どうか ともだちに ききました。
Romaji : Ashita jyugyou ga aru (ka) douka tomodachi ni kikimashita.
Meaning : I asked my friend whether there are classes or not tomorrow.
1.を 2.か 3.は 4.が
Answer : 2
The right answer is the second option. It is using particleか for asking a choice which can be translated whether or whether not. It is normally the choice are between two contradicting things. Those are whether or not tomorrow the class is going to be held. We use particle か to indicate the choice.
15. 「どの ネクタイを かいますか。」「その あかい___を かいます。」
Romaji : [Dono nekutai wo kaimasuka] [Sono akai (no) wo kaimasu].
Meaning : Which necktie (do you) want to buy ? (I will) buy the red one.
1.な 2.の 3.は 4.も
Answer : 2
The right answer is the second option. It is common to omit the noun which has already known in a discussion. The speaker is actually said sono akai no nekutai wo kaimasu which means (I will) buy the red necktie. But since both parties which involved in the conversation above already knew about the noun which is being asked the noun is omitted. Partikel の is used to indicate possession. In the sentence’s context, the characteristics that is possessed by the necktie is red.