Another article where it is a part of series of the article containing material from Minna no Nihongo 1. In this article, it is discussing a grammar pattern used to quote what someone has said. It is possible for quoting directly or indirectly. Using this grammar, the tense of the quoted sentence or the quote itself does not depend on the time of the speaking. The samples for this grammar are available in Minna no Nihongo 1 Book Chapter 21. It is very useful for answering the problem exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 21 Section B Part 5 in page 176.
Solving the problem will not be difficult. Just solve it by building a sentence consisting of the one who said it, what is being said, and close the sentence with と言いました。 So, the following answers are references and alternatives for answering the question exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 21 Section B Part 5 in page 176 :
動詞「どうし」: verb | |||
Kanji : | 動詞 | + | と言いました |
Hiragana : | どうし | + | といいました |
Romaji : | doushi | + | to iimashista |
Meaning : | verb | + | said |
―い形容詞・形容詞「―いけいようし・けいようし」: -i adjective (adjectival verb) | |||
Kanji : | 形容詞 | + | と言いました。 |
Hiragana : | けいようし | + | といいました。 |
Romaji : | keiyoushi | + | to iimashita |
Meaning : | adjectival verb | + | said |
名詞「めいし」: noun | |||||
Kanji : | 動詞 | + | だ | + | と言いました |
Hiragana : | どうし | + | だ | + | といいました |
Romaji : | doushi | + | da | + | to iimashita |
Meaning : | verb | + | suffix -da | + | said |
According to the above grammar pattern, the following are the example in the form of a sentence for each of the grammar pattern :
動詞「どうし」: verb | |
Kanji : | 先生は来週試験があると言いました。 |
Hiragana : | せんせいはらいしゅうしけんがあるといいました。 |
Romaji : | Sensei wa raishuu shaken ga aru to iimashita. |
Meaning : | The teacher said there will be an exam next week. |
The above example, is using the verb ‘aru’ followed by ‘to iimashita’. It exist as a grammar pattern for quoting a sentence someone else said. That someone else in the context of this sentence is the teacher.
―い形容詞・形容詞「―いけいようし・けいようし」: -i adjective (adjectival verb) | |
Kanji : | 彼は結果が悪いといいました。 |
Hiragana : | かれはけっかがわりいといいました。 |
Romaji : | Kare wa kekka ga warui to iimashita. |
Meaning : | He said the result is bad. |
Next, another example is using the adjective ‘warui’ followed by ‘to iimashita’. And it is also following the grammar pattern above. The other person’s statement which is taken for a further quote is just a man whom the speaker might be an acquaintance.
名詞「めいし」: noun | |
Kanji : | あの子はカリナの妹だと言いました。 |
Hiragana : | あのこはカリナのいもうとだとおもいました。 |
Romaji : | Ano ko wa Karina no imouto da to omoimashita. |
Meaning : | That child said she is Karina’s sister. |
The last example is using a noun. The noun in this context is ‘imouto’. According to the pattern, it is followed by ‘to iimashita’. Next, another example is using the adjective ‘warui’ followed by ‘to iimashita’. And it is also following the grammar pattern above. The other person’s statement which is taken for a further quote is just a man whom the speaker might be an acquaintance.
- Answer :Kanji :大統領は 来月に 日本の 首相に 会うと 言いました。Hiragana :
だいとうりょうは らいげつに にほんの しゅしょうに あうと いいました。
Romaji :
Daitouryou wa raigetsu ni nihon no shushou ni au to iimashita.
Meaning :
The President said that he would meet the Japanese prime minister next month.
- Answer :Kanji :首相は お金が 足らないと 言いました。Hiragana :
しゅしょうは おかねが たらないと いいました。
Romaji :
Shushou wa okane ga taranai to iimashita.
Meaning :
The prime minister said he was running out of money.
- Answer :Kanji :部長は この 会議は 時間の 無駄だと 言いました。Hiragana :
ぶちょうは かいぎは じかんの むだだと いいました。
Romaji :
Buchou wa kaigi wa jikan no mudadato iimashita.
Meaning :
Head of department said that the meeting was a waste of time.
- Answer :Kanji :社長は 長い 休みが 欲しいだと 言いました。Hiragana :
しゃちょうは ながい やすみが ほしいと いいました。
Romaji :
Shachou wa nagai yasumi ga hoshii to iimashita.
Meaning :
Company President said that he wanted long vocation.
And so those above are the answer for answering all the problem exist in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 21 Section B Part 5 in page 176. Actually, just refer to the grammar pattern above as a reference to answer the questions.