JLPT – Nihongo Nouryokushiken – 1991 – Yonkyuu – Moji Goi Part 2 – Answer Sheet

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1991 4級




Answer Sheet

問題 ___のことばはどうかきますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。

Problem II. How do you write the word which is underlined ?. Please choose the suitable one from 1 2 3 4.

1.    えきのまえでバスをおります。そして、みなみのほうへ100メートルぐらいいってください。ひだりがわにおおきいホテルがあります。

Roman Letter :
Eki no mae de basu wo norimasu. Soshite, minami no hou e 100 meetoru gurai itte kudasai. Hidarigawa ni ookii hoteru ga arimasu.

Meaning :Ride a bus in front ot the station. Then, walk around 100 meter to the south side. There is a big

hotel in the left side.

(1)。まえ1.後 ②.前 3.先 4.間

Answer : 2. 前(mae)

Meaning : before, in front of, ahead of the line.

The answer is number 2, since kanji number 1,is read as ‘ato’ which means after, behind or later and kanji number 3,is read as ‘saki’ which means the following, not to long before and kanji number 4is read as ‘aida’ which means between.

(2)。みなみ1.東 2.西 ③.南 4.北

Answer : 3.  (minami)

Meaning : south

The answer is number 3, since kanji number 1, is read as ‘higashi’ which means east and kanji number 2, 西is read as ‘nishi’ which means west and kanji number 4is read as ‘kita’ which means north.

(3)。いって1.言って 2.走って 3.入って ④.行って

Answer : 4. 行って(itte)

Meaning : to go

The answer is number 4, since kanji number 1, 言ってalthough is also read as ‘itte’, but it is impossible to use this kanji in this context since the meaning of this word is to say.Kanji number 2, 走ってis read ‘hashitte’ which means to run kanji number 3, 入って, is read as ‘haitte’ which means to enter.

(4)。ひだり1.左 2.3.石 4.右

Answer : 4. 行って(itte)

Meaning : to go

The answer is number 4, since kanji number 1, 言ってalthough is also read as ‘itte’, but it is impossible to use this kanji in this context since the meaning of this word is to say. Kanji number 2, 走って is read as ‘hashitte’ which means to run kanji number 3, 入って, is read as ‘haitte’ which means to enter.

(5)。おおきい1.高かい 2.多きい 3.広き ④.大きい

Answer : 4. 大きい(ookii)

Meaning : big

The answer is number 4. The other kanji, kanji number 1, 高かい is read ‘takai’ which means tall. Kanji number 2, 多きいwhich is definitely wrong in the writing. The kanji should be written as多いwhich means large or many. The third kanji also wrong in the writing. It should be written as 広いwhich is read as ‘hiroi’ that means spacious, wide or vast.

2.    ちちのたんじょうびにねくたいわいしゃつをあげました。

Roman Letter :
Chichi no tanjyoubi ni nekutai to waishatsu wo agemashita.

Meaning :At my dad’s birthday I gave him a neck tie and white shirt.

(1)。ちち1.母 2.姉 3.兄 ④.父

Answer : 4. 父(chichi)

Meaning : dad, father

The answer is number 4. The first one,is a kanji which is read as ‘haha’ that means ‘mother, mom’.The second kanji, is read as ‘ane’ which means older sister. On the other hand the third kanji, is read ‘ani’ which means older brother.

(2)。ねくたい ①.ネクタイ 2.ネタクイ

                 3.スクタイ 4.スタクイ

Answer : 1. ネクタイ(nekutai)

Meaning : neck tie

Since the word which is underlined is originated from english word ‘neck tie’ it should be written in katakana. The answer is number 1. The other number is written partially wrong. As we can see that katakana number 2 is read ‘netakui’, number 3 is read ‘sukutai’ and the last one number 4 is read ‘sutakui’.

(3)。わいしゃつ 1.ウイシャツ 2.ウイシュツ

                    ③.ワイシャツ 4.ワイシュツ

Answer : 3. ワイシャツ(waishatsu)

Meaning : white shirt

Since the word which is underlined is originated from english word ‘white shirt’, wai is a japanese spelled word from english word ‘white’ and shatsu itself is from english word ‘shirt’ so all of it should be written in katakana. The answer is katakana number 3. The other answer, answer 1 is read as ‘uishatsu’ and answer 2 is read ‘uishutsu’ and the last one answer 4 is read ‘waishutsu’.

3.    こんしゅうのすいようびのしんぶんがありますか。

Roman Letter :
Konshuu no suiyoubi no shinbun ga arimasuka.

Meaning :Is there any of this week Wednesday’s newspaper?

(1)。こんしゅう1.来週 2.先週 ③.今週 4.近週

Answer : 3. 今週(konshuu)

Meaning : this week

The answer is 3. The first one来週,is read as ‘raishuu’ which means next week. The second number先週, is read as ‘senshuu’ which means last week. And number 4, 近週is read ‘kinshuu’ which doesn’t mean anything.

(2)。しんぶん1.新文 2.新聞 3.新分 4.新本

Answer : 2. 新聞(shinbun)

Meaning : this week

The answer is 2. The first one来週,is read as ‘raishuu’ which means next week. The second number先週, is read as ‘senshuu’ which means last week. And number 4, 近週is read ‘kinshuu’ which doesn’t mean anything.

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