JLPT 1998 Answer 4kyuu Moji Goi 2

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1998 4級




Part II How to write the underlined part. Please choose one best answer from 1 2 3 4


Romaji     :Tomodachi wa mise de shatsu to suka-to wo kaimashita.

Meaning    : My friend bought shirt and skirt at the store.

1.ともだち     1.及だち   2.友だち  3.反たち    4.支たち

Answer     : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. The other option’s answer were just made up as false option’s answers.

2.しゃつ       1.ツャシ   2.ツセシ  3.シャツ  4.シセツ

Answer     : 3

The correct answer are in the third option. The other options were just false pronunciation of katakana.

Romaji Pronunciation   :

1.Hard or cannot be pronounced 2. tsuseshi 3. shatsu 4. shisetsu

3.すかーと     1.スクート 2.スケート 3.スカート 4.スカーイ

Answer     :3

The correct answer is in the third option. The other options were just false pronunciation.

Romaji Pronunciation   :

1.suku-to 2. suke-to 3. suka-to 4. suka-i


Romaji     : Mai nichi terebi de nyuu-su wo mimasu.

Meaning    : Every day I watch news with television.

1.まいにち     1.毎日    2.?日 3.?日 4.苺日

Answer : 1

The correct answer is in the first option. The writer has received blurred or unread written kanji in the second and third option. The fourth option’s answer has the first kanji written as a false kanji since it is a kanji for ‘ichigo’ or strawberry.

2.みます      1.?ます  2.貝ます 3.?ます 4.見ます

Answer : 4

The correct answer is in the fourth option. The writer has also received blurred or unread written kanji in the first and third option. The second option’s answer has the first kanji written as a false kanji since it is a kanji for ‘kai’ or shell or shellfish.


Romaji     : Migi no chiisai tokei wa sen en desu.

Meaning    : The small watch at the right is 1000 yen.

1.みぎ         1.? 2.左  3.石  4.右

Answer : 4

The correct answer for the kanji presented in the question is in the fourth option. The writer has also received blurred or unread written kanji for the first option’s answer. The second is kanji for ‘hidari’ which can be translated as ‘left’. The third option answer is kanji for ‘ishi’ which means ‘stone’.

2.ちいさい     1.小さい 2.少さい 3.木さい 4.水さい

Answer : 1

The correct answer is in the first option. The other options have their first kanji as a false one.

Second Option    :

It is a kanji spelled as shiyou in onyomi (chinese reading) and ‘sukoshi’in kunyomi (Japanese reading) as follows :

Kunyomi (訓読み )      :しょう「shou」

Onyomi (音読み)     :少し・すこし「sukoshi」

Third Option     :

The third one has the first kanji written which is actually a kanji for tree. It is spelled as ‘ki’.

Fourth Option    :

The fourth one has the first kanji written which is actually a kanji for water. It is spelled as ‘mizu’.

3.せんえん     1.干円 2.千円  3.午円 4.牛円

Answer : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. The other options’s answer have their first kanji wrong.

First option :

The first kanji in this option, 干, is actually a kanji for dry out or to dry which is spelled as ‘hosu’.

Third Option     :

The first kanji in this option, 午,is actually a kanji for horse which is spelled as ‘uma’.

Fourth Option    :

The first kanji in this option, 牛 ,is actually a kanji for cow which is spelled as ‘ushi’.

4.すずきさんとはなしてから、へやで てがみをかきました

Romaji     : Suzuki-san to hanashite kara, heya de tegami wo kakimashita.

Meaning    : After (I) discuss with Suzuki, I wrote a letter at (my) room.

1.はなして     1.話して 2.詔して  3。詰して 4.語して

Answer : 1

Second Option    :

The first kanji written in the second option, 詔 is a kanji for decree or imperial decree.

Third Option     :

The first kanji written in the third option, 詰 is a kanji for cram in which is spelled as ‘tsumeru’ or ‘tsumaru’. In other words, it is used to fill the space completely, to cram in.

Fourth Option    :

The first kanji written in the fourth option, 語 is a kanji for language which is spelled as ‘go’.

The correct answer is in the first option. The other option’s answer has their first kanji falsely written.

2.かきました   1.?きました    2.書きました     3.きました  4.?きました

Answer : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. The writer receive the material blurred for the first and fourth option so it cannot be read. The third option clearly false since it is read as kimashita and they are clearly no kanji at all.

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