JLPT 1998 Answer 4kyuu Dokkai Bunpou 2

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JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Answer Sheet Year 1998 4kyuu Level Dokkai Bunpou Part 2


1998 4級



JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test for Answer Sheet of the 4th level (4kyuu) in year 1998 on the Dokkai Bunpou  section part 2 will be presented in this article.

Based on the related JLPT Question Sheet, we will give the answer generally according to the passage on the JLPT Question Sheet itself.


1.田中さんは ギタ-を(じょうずに)ひきます。

Romaji           : Tanaka-san wa gita- wo (jyouzu ni) hikimasu.

Meaning          : Tanaka play guitar skillfully.

Answer     :

1.じょうず     2.じょうずで    3.じょうずな    4.じょうずに

Romaji     :

1.jyouzu 2.jyouzu de 3.jyouzu na   4.jyouzu ni

Answer : 4

The correct pattern for the above question is in the fourth option. When we want to use –na type adjective (keiyoudoushi) to modify a verb as an adverb we have to add particle –ni (-に) following the –na type adjective. The pattern can be described as follows :

Kanji      : 。。。+形容動詞            +に+動詞  +。。。

Hiragana   : 。。。+けいようどうし      +に+どうし+。。。

Romaji     : 。。。+keiyoudoushi        +ni+doushi+。。。

Meaning    : 。。。+-na type adjective  +ni+verb+。。。

。。。+-na type adjective   +ni+verb+。。。

In english, the adverb itself which modify verb can generally translated as adjective with –ly ending as displayed in the above question. ‘skillfully’.

2.山田さんの にもつは とても(おもかったです)。

Hiragana : やまださんの にもつは とても(おもかったです)。

Romaji     : Yamada-san no nimotsu wa totemo (omokatta desu).

Meaning    : Yamada’s luggage was very (heavy).

Answer     :

1.おもいでした 2.おもかったです 3.おもいかったです 4.おもかったでした

Romaji     :

1. omoi deshita 2. omokatta desu 3. omoikatta desu 4. omokatta deshita

Answer : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. This question is about choosing the correct past tense form of the verb in a sentence. There are two types of pattern which can be used as the past tense pattern. Those are the formal and informal pattern of past tense form. Below is the pattern :

Formal Pattern   :

Kanji      : 形容詞               +でした

Hiragana   : けいようし           +でした

Romaji     :  keiyoushi            +deshita

Meaning    :  -i type adjective    +[past type pattern]

Informal Pattern :

Kanji      : 形容詞               ++かった

Hiragana   : けいようし           ++かった

Romaji     :  keiyoushi            +i +katta

Meaning    :  -i type adjective    +[past type pattern]


Romaji     : sentaku wa (kirai dewa) arimasen.

Meaning    : I don’t hate laundry (washing).

Answer :

1.きらいな 2.きらいに 3.きらいく 4.きらいでは

Romaji     :

1. kirai na 2. kirai ni 3. kiraiku 4. kirai dewa

Answer     : 4

The correct pattern for negative sentence in formal situation can be shown as follows :

Kanji      : 主語      +は  +形容動詞       +では+ありません

Hiragana   : しゅご    +は  +けいようどうし  +では+ありません

Romaji     : shugo     +wa  +keiyoudoushi    +dewa+arimasen

Meaning    : subject   +topic marker particle +not +-i type adjective

The other options are wrong because they are used not in the above context.

First option is an –na adjective pattern which is used to modify noun. Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : 形容詞                +な+名詞

Hiragana   : けいようし            +な+めいし

Romaji     : keiyoushi             +na+meishi

Meaning    : -i type adjective     +noun

Example    :

Kanji      : 一般的に子供たちの場合は野菜が嫌いな食べ物です。

Hiragana   : いっぱんてきにこどもたちのばあいはやさいがきらいなたべものです。

Romaji     : ippanteki ni kodomotachi no baai wa yasai ga kirai na tabemono desu.

Meaning    : typically for children’s case vegetables are food they hate.

Second option is an –na adjective which is used to modify verb. Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : 形容動詞        +に        +動詞

Hiragana   : けいようどうし  +に        +どうし

Romaji     : keiyoudoushi    +ni        +doushi

Meaning    : to do it       +with(in) +adjective

Example    :

Kanji      : いつも面倒にしてから友達をきらいになります

Hiragana   : いつもめんどうにしてからともだちをきらいになります。

Romaji     : itsumo mendou ni shitekara tomodachi wo kirai ni narimasu.

Meaning    : because (my friend) always bother me, I becoming to feel hate toward my friend.

Third option is wrong since it is actually a –na type adjective. The –i type adjective which is actually can be converted into this kind of pattern, for an example kuroi (黒い・くろい) becomes kuroku (黒く・くろく).

4.けさ(入った)きっさてんは とても きれいでした。

Hiragana   : けさ(はいった)きっさてんは とても きれいでした。

Romaji     : kesa (haitta) kissaten wa totemo kirei deshita.

Meaning    : this morning the tea (coffee) shop (I) entered was very lovely.

Answer :

1.入る 2.入れる  3.入った 4.入れた

Hiragana   :

1.はいる 2.いれる 3.はいった 4.いれた

Romaji     :

1. hairu 2. ireru 3. haitta 4. ireta

Answer     : 3

The answer is in the third option since it is in the past form. The verb itself is in the past form because there is a past time-marker in the sentence. That past time-marker is kesa (けさ・今朝)which can be translated as ‘this morning’.

5.あした ゆっくり(休み)たいです。

Hiragana   : あした ゆっくり (やすみ)たいです。

Romaji     : ashita yukkuri (yasumi) tai desu.

Meaning    : tomorrow I slowly want to take a rest.

Answer     :

1.休み。2.休む 3.休ま 4.休め

Romaji     :

1. yasumi 2. yasumu 3. yasuma 4. yasume

Answer     :1

The above question’s answer is in the first option’s answer. Because in the above question, we are using grammar pattern which is describing or expressing wish using –tai (-たい).

6.この ズボンは ながかったので、すこし(みじかくに)しました。

Romaji     : kono zubon wa nagakatta node, sukoshi (mijikaku ni) shimashita.

Meaning    : because this trousers(pant) was long, (I) shortened a little.

Answer :

1.みじかく 2.みじかくに 3.みじかいに 4.みじかいくに

Romaji     :

1.mijikaku 2. mijikaku ni 3. mijikai ni 4. mijikaiku ni

Answer     : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. The above question using an adjective to modify a verb. We are going to explain it by using the grammar pattern as follows :

Kanji      : 形容詞               +  +く  +に+動詞

Hiragana   : けようし             +  +く  +に+どうし

Romaji     : keiyoushi             +i   +ku  +ni+doushi

Meaning    : -i type adjective+i  +i   +ku  +ni+verb

So, by changing the adjective as the above pattern and following it with particle ‘ni’ and the verb, we can create an adjective modifying verb.

7.つよい かぜが(ふいて)、電車が とまりました。

Hiragana   : つよい かぜが(ふいて)でんしゃが とまりました。

Romaji     : tsuyoi kaze ga (fuite), densha ga tomarimashita.

Meaning    : strong wind blows, the train stopped.

Answer :

1.ふく 2。ふきて 3.ふいて 4.ふいた

Romaji     :

1. fuku fukite  3. fuite 4. fuita

Answer : 3

The above question’s context is about using –te form grammar pattern to show chronological order or relationship between events or activities. The wind blows strong indicating an arrival of a moving object which travels quick and it ends with the moving object itself which is the train in the above context stop permanently. So, the sequence order of the activities or events itself can be shown in the pattern as follows :

Kanji      : 文1           「動詞(-て形)」      + 文2

Hiragana   : ぶん1         「どうし(-てけい)」  + ぶん2

Romaji     : bun 1           「doushi (-te kei)」 +  bun 2

Meaning    : statement 1     「verb (-te form)」  +  statement 2

We can analyze the above pattern as follows :

ぶん1     :

Kanji      : 強い風が吹いた

Hiragana   : つよいかぜがふいた

Romaji     : tsuyoi kaze ga fuita

Meaning    : the windws blew strong.

ぶん2     :

Kanji      : 電車が止まりました。

Hiragana   : でんしゃがとまりました。

Romaji     : densha ga tomarimashita.

Meaning    : the train has stop.

Both of the sentence can be connected by changing the conjugation of verb in statement 1 into –te form. The verb is changed from  ‘fuita’ into ‘fuite’ in order to be connected and create a chronological order of events.

8.あぶないですから、ここで (およがないで)ください。

Romaji     : abunai desukara, koko de (oyoganaide) kudasai.

Meaning    : because it is dangerous, please don’t swim here.

Answer     :

1.およがないで 2。およくないで 3.およがなくて 4.およぐなくて

Romaji     :

1.oyoganaide 2. oyokunaide 3. oyoganakute 4. oyogunakute

Answer     : 1

The above grammar pattern is about creating negative sentence. When we want to create a negative sentence by changing the verb into a negative form we have to change the verb conjugator into mizenkei as follows :

Kanji      : 動詞「未然形」        +ないで

Hiragana   : どうし「みぜんけい」  +ないで

Romaji     : doushi 「mizenkei」   +naide
Meaning    : verb 「mizenkei」     +naide

The example is shown from the above verb :

Hiragana   : およが+ないで

Romaji     : oyoga +naide

The above question has grammar pattern –naide kudasai (-ないで ください)。This grammar pattern is used ask someone politely in a formal request for not doing something. In the above question’s context is for not swimming.

9.ばんごはんを(食べる)前に しゅくだいをします。

Hiragana   : ばんごはんを(たべる)まえに しゅくだいをします。

Romaji     : ban gohan wo (taberu) mae ni shukudai wo shimasu.

Meaning    : before I eat meal, I do my homework.

Answer     :

1.食べて 2.食べる 3.食べた 4.食べるの

Romaji     :

1. tabete 2. taberu 3. tabeta 4. taberu no

Answer     : 2

The grammar pattern above is when we want to describe an activity which occurs before another activity comes. The grammar pattern is ‘mae ni’ (まえ に) and it can be translated as ‘before …(something). The verb which is preceding the grammar pattern must be in plain form. Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : 動詞「普通形」        +まえ に

Hiragana   : どうし「ふつう けい」 +まえ に

Romaji     : doushi「futsuu kei」  +mae ni

Meaning    : before doing          +verb

So, the subject is doing his or her homework before he or she has his or her dinner.

10.「としょかんの 本は かえしましたか。」「いいえ、まだ(読んで)います」。

Hiragana : 「としょかんの ほんは かえしましたか。」「いいえ、まだ(よんで)います」。

Romaji     :「toshokan no hon wa kaeshimashitaka。」「iie, mada (yonde) imasu」.

Meaning    : 「have you returned the library’s book ?。」「no, (I) still read (it)」.

Answer     :

1.読みて 2.読みた 3.読んで 4.読んだ

Romaji     :

1. yomite 2. yomita 3. yonde 4. yonda

Answer     : 3

The correct answer is in the third option. It is described as grammar pattern for ‘mada (verb) –te form’ which can be translated as still doing the activity which is described in the verb.  Below is the grammar pattern :

Kanji      : まだ                  +動詞     「普通形」

Hiragana   : まだ                  +どうし    「ふつうけい」

Romaji     : mada                  +doushi    「futsuu kei」

Meaning    : still doing the       +verb「plain form」

11.「今 すぐ 大山さんの うちへ 行きますか。」「いいえ、電話をかけてから行きます。」

Hiragana   : 「 いま おおやまさんの うちへ いきますか。」「いいえ、でんわをかけてからいきます。」

Romaji     : 「ima sugu Ooyama-san no uchi e ikimasuka。」「iie, denwa wo kakete kara ikimasu」。

Meaning     : 「are you going directly (straight) to Ooyama’s house ?。」「no, (I will) go after I call」。

Answer :

1.かける 2.かけた 3.かけに 4.かけて

Romaji     :

1. ga 2. ka 3. wo 4. no

Answer     : 2

The above question has a –te kara grammar pattern. This grammar pattern can be translated as ‘after doing something…’. Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : 。。。+動詞  「-て形」       + 。。。

Hiragana   : 。。。+どうし 「-てけい」     + 。。。

Romaji     : 。。。+doushi 「-te kei」     +  。。。

Meaning    :  。。。+verb    「-te form」    +  。。。

12.「パ-ティ-は にぎやかでしたか。」「ええ、30人(ぐらい)来ました」。

Hiragana : 「パ-ティ-は にぎやかでしたか。」「ええ、30にん(ぐらい)きました」。

Romaji     :「Pa-ti- wa nigiyaka deshitaka。」「ee, 30 nin(ぐらい)kimashita」。

Meaning    : 「Was the party lively ?」「yes, (around) 30 people came」。

Answer     : 4

1.ごろ 2.しか 3.など 4.ぐらい

Romaji     :

1. goro 2. shika 3. nado 4. gurai

The correct answer is in the fourth option. To pronounce an amount of something in a certain extent or degree we can use ‘gurai’・ぐらい . It is can also be used to specify the duration of time, age, number of an people or items.  In the above question, we can translate it as around, approximately.  The other option’s answers are wrong since it is not appropriate to use it in the above context.


This particle is used to express the exact time of an event not the duration of the event, we can use this particle. Below is the example :

Kanji      : 今日一時ごろ料理コースが始まります。

Hiragana   : きょういちごろりょうりコースがはじまります。

Romaji     : kyou ichiji goro ryouri ko-su ga hajimarimasu.

Meaning    : today at 1 o’clock the cooking course is going to start.


This particle is used to express the amount of item which is left in a negative tone or expression. Below is the example :

Kanji      : 仕事の同僚が10人いるけど買ったお土産の同僚ために九つしかいないです。どうすればいいんですか。

Hiragana   : しごとのどうりょうが10にんいるけどかったおみやげのどうりょうために9しかいないです。どうすればいいんですか。

Romaji     : douryou ga 10 nin iru kedo katta omiyage no douryou tame ni kokonotsu shika inai desu. dou sureba iin desuka.

Meaning    : there are 10 of my working colleagues but I only bought 9 presents for them. What should I do ?

In the above example, the speaker is expressing a little bit of regret since he or she doesn’t have enough presents left for his or her co-worker.


This particle is translated as ‘etc’. It is used when we want to substitute on specifying other items or things that we don’t want to state. Below is the example :

Kanji      : 動物園に麒麟や虎や像などがいます。

Hiragana   : どうぶつえんにきりんやとらやぞうなどがいます。

Romaji     : doubutsuen ni kirin ya tora ya zou nado ga imasu.

Meaning    : in the zoo park there are giraffe, tiger, zoo and others (among them).

13.「どこ(で)かいものに 行きますか。」「デパートです」。

Hiragana   : 「どこ(で)かいものに いきますか。」「デパートです」。

Romaji     : 「doko(de)kaimono ni ikimasuka。」「depa-to desu」。

Meaning    : 「where do you go for shopping ?。」「department store」

Answer :

1.が 2.で 3.と 4。へ

Romaji     :

1. ga 2. de 3. to 4. e

Answer     : 2

The answer to the above question is in the second option. The particle is used to indicate or specify location of an activity which is shopping (kaimono suru ・かいもの する) in the above context.

In the above question we also have grammar pattern which is translated as ‘go for’ or ‘go in order to’ with the following pattern :

Kanji      : 動詞     +に        +いく

Hiragana   : どうし    +に       +いく

Romaji     : doushi    +に        +iku

Meaning    : to go for +doing     +the verb

The above context is ‘kaimono ni iku’ (買い物にいく・かいものに いく) which can be translated to go for shopping.

14.「ひるごはんは ひとりで 食べましたか。」「いいえ、山田さん(と)食べました。」

Hiragana   : 「ひるごはんは ひとりで たべましたか。」「いいえ、やまださん(と) たべました。」

Romaji     : 「hiru gohan wa hitori de tabemashitaka。」「iie, Yamada-san (to) tabemashita。」

Meaning    : 「did you eat lunch by yourself。」「no, I ate (it) with Yamada-san。」

Answer     :

1.で 2.に 3.と 4.へ

Romaji     :

1.de 2.ni 3.to 4.e

Answer     : 3

The correct answer for the above question is in the third option. The particle is used to express an activity which is done with someone else or other people.

15.「いつ 来ましたか。」「きのうの よる こちら(に)つきました。

Hiragana   : 「いつ きましたか。」「きのうの よる こちら(に)つきました。

Romaji     : 「itsu kimashitaka。」「kinou no yoru kochira (ni) tsukimashita。」

Meaning    : 「when did you come ?。」「(I) came here yesterday’s last night。」

Answer :

1.に 2.が 3.で 4.を

Romaji     :

1. ni 2. ga 3. de 4. wo

Answer     : 1

The above question’s answer is in the first option. The particle is used to indicate the location which is headed by someone. There are movement verb ‘tsuku’ (つく・着く)which is indicating that someone is going, arriving or heading to the location or place.

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