問題Ⅴ つぎのぶんを読んで、しつもんにこたえなさい。こたえは1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。
(1)わたしは かいしゃに つとめて います。かいしゃの 休みは、日よう日だけですから、(①)は、する ことが たくさん あります。そうじや せんたくや かいものです。そうじと せんたくは、すぐに おわります。(②)、かいものは、時間が かかります。たいてい あさ 11時ごろから 2時ごろまで かかります。かう ものが たくさん ある(③)です。はじめに、ちかくの みせに 行って、やさいや くだものなど、おもい ものを かいます。それから いちど いえに かえって、つぎに かるい ものを かいに 「カネヤ」と いう みせに いきます。「カネヤ」は、(④)けれども やすいのです。
Meaning :
I am working in a company. Company’s holiday is Sunday but (Sunday) there are a lot of things to do. Cleaning, doing laundry, shopping. Cleaning and doing laundry can be done shortly. (But), shopping takes time. Mostly takes from 11 o’clock at the morning until 2 o’clock. It is because there are so many things to buy. First of all, I go to the near shop, I buy vegetables, fruits, and sort of all things. After that I go back home, and go to a shop called ‘kanaya’ to buy small things. Kanaya is quite far but it is cheap.
Answer : 4
It is considerately a suitable answer since the previous sentence is describing about a holiday in Sunday but on the contrary for a holiday to be used to get some rest, the writer told that there are a lot of things to be done.
Answer : 1
It is a question which is displaying a conjunction or in Japanese term is called setsuzokushi. In this sentence, it is actually a gyakusetsu setsuzokushi no It connects sentence while describing contrast or exception among the sentences which is connected.
Answer : 2
In Japanese language, から is used in order to show a cause or a reason for some particular things to be done or happened. In the passage, we can see the reason of shopping which takes the most time of all. Because there are so many things to be bought.
Answer : 3
It is the right format to be used when comnbining –i adjective with けれども(keredomo). We don’t have to change the –i adjective.
(2)きのう、本を かって、よる 3時間ぐらい 読みました。250ページの 本ですが、まだ 100ページぐらい あります。
Meaning : Yesteday, (I) bought a book, at night (I) read the book for about three hours. It is a book with 250 pages but, there are still 100 pages.
(1)この 人は、何ページ 読みましたか。
Meaning : This person, how many pages (he or she) has read ?
Answer : 2
There are 250 pages in the book and for almost 3 hours the person has read last night. The information told us in the next sentence there are still 100 pages left despite almost 3 hours the person spent to read the book. So, the person has already read 150 pages.
(3)せんしゅう、あたらしいアパートに いりました。わたしの へやは 2かいです。となりには、今 だれも すんで いません。1かいには、おばあさんと おとこの 大学生が すんで います。3がいにも だれか いますが、 まだ どんな 人かいりません。
Meaning : Last week, I entered a new apartment. My room is in the second floor. The next door, there is no one now. In the first floor, a granny and male university student lived there. In the third floor there also someone who lives there but (I) still don’t know what kind of person he or she is.
(1)この 人の アパートは どれですか。
Meaning : Which apartment does this person lives ?
Answer : 4
The information which contains in the first sentence will not eliminate all the answers. The information is that the person lives in the second floor. The information in the second sentence eliminate the first and the second option, there is no one lived in the next door. The next info justify the answer. In the first floor a granny and a male university student lives. It will be the fourth option. The last info strengthen the answer which gives a description about the tenant in the third floor that the person doesn’t know yet now.