問題Ⅲ ______のところになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。
Part III What should be inserted into the underlined part. Please
choose one of the best from 1 2 3 4.
1. ____かばんがほしいですか。
1.どこ 2.どちら 3.どれ 4.どんな
Answer : 4
Hiragana : Donna kaban ga hoshii desuka.
Meaning : What kind of bag do you wish?
どんなis an interrogative pronoun which is used to ask further description of a person or an item with the pattern of :
どんな+ A
Where A is the person or the item which is being asked for its further description which means what kind of A ?
2.「____ この しゃしん を とりましたか。」「せんしゅう とりました。」。
1.いつ 2.だれの 3.なに 4.どこから
Answer : 1
Hiragana : Itsu kono shashin wo torimashitaka.Senshuu torimashita.
Meaning : When did this picture is taken ?. It was taken last week.
We are using いつto ask a definite occurrence time of an activity and in this question is the activity which the picture was taken. The answer of the question is giving the occurrence time of taking the picture which is last week.
3. きょうは ともだちは _____ 来ませんでした。
1.どんな 2.いくつ 3.だれも 4.いつも
Answer : 1
Hiragana : Kyou wa tomodachi wa dare mo kimasendeshita.
Meaning : Today none of my friends came.
Another function of もis expressing no for all or none of it. It can be used by combining and following an interrogative question such as ‘dare’. It means no one or none of anyone. In this sentence it means no one which is the speakers’ friend actually came.
4.「日よう日には どんな ____ を しますか。」「てがみを書いたり、本を 読んだり します。」
1.とき 2.こと 3.もの 4.ところ
Answer : 2
Hiragana : Nichiyoubi wa donna koto wo shimasuka. Tegami wo kaitari, hon wo yondari
Meaning : What things which have you done on Sunday. I have written letter, read book.
Since the answer is a sequence of activities like writing letter and reading book, the most appropriate interrogative pronoun is こと. The first option, とき is related to time so the meaning of どんなときwill be what kind of time. The third option, ものis related to a noun specifically an item, so the meaning will be what kind of item if it is combined with どんな.The fourth option, ところis related to place or location, so どんなところwill have a meaning as what kind of place or location.
5. おんがくは あまり ____。
1.すきです 2.すきでしょう 3.すきでは ありません 4.すきに なります。
Answer : 3
Hiragana : Ongaku wa amari (suki dewa arimasen).
Meaning : I don’t really like song.
There is a pattern for あまりin Japanese language. It has to be combined with a
negative form which means not really.
Format :あまり+negative form.
In this sentence we need to choose the right answer by negating the adjective form. In this sentence, we have すきwhich means like as a keiyoudoushi or –na adjective. The right negative form of すきwill follows below format :
あまり+形容動詞 +では ありません.
あまり+形容動詞 +では ない.
あまり+形容動詞 +じゃ ない.
あまり+けいようどうし +では ありません.
あまり+けいようどうし +では ない
あまり+けいようどうし +じゃ ない.
amari+keiyoudoushi +dewa arimasen.
amari+keiyoudoushi +dewa nai.
amari+keiyoudoushi +jya nai.
6.「そこに じしょが ありますか。」「いいえ、ここには ざっししか_____。」
1.あります 2.ありません 3.あるでしょう 4.ありました
Answer : 2
Hiragana : Soko ni jisho ga arimasuka. Iie, koko ni wa zasshi shika arimasen.
Meaning :Is there any dictionary over there. No, there is only magazine.
The pattern of shika is actually follows this format below :
しか +ありません
shika + arimasen
It means only or just.
7.まだ 時間が ありますから、ゆっくり____。
1.食べて ください 2.食べないで ください 3.食べないで くださ
いませんか 4.食べたく だいです
Answer : 1
Hiragana : Mada jikan ga arimasukara, yukkuri tabete kudasai.
Meaning : Because there is still time, please eat slowly.
It is a polite form of asking someone to do something. The pattern is following the format below :
Verb –te
form + kudasai
動詞 -て形 + ください
Verb :食べる (たべる)
The meaning is to ask politely to eat slowly.
8.「みなみ」と いう かんじの 書き____を おしえて ください。
1.ところ 2.こと 3.ひと 4.かた
Answer : 2
Hiragana : Minami to iu kanji no kaki (kata) wo oshiete kudasai.
Meaning : Please teach me how to write kanji which is spelled ‘minami’.
In this sentence, we have a new pattern on saying how to or the way of doing an activity describes in a verb. By using kata (かた) after the verb which is going to be expressed the meaning will be how to do the it.
Format :
動詞 (-ます 形) + かた
Verb –masu form + kata
Since the verb before kata is write or kaku (かく) which is transformed in –masu
form, after eliminating the –masu part, it means how to write or the way to write.