JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) Answer Sheet Year 1992 3kyuu Level Dokkai Bunpou Part 1
1992 3級
JLPT or Japanese Language Proficiency Test for Answer Sheet of the 3rd level (3kyuu) in year 1992 on the Dokkai Bunpou section part 1 will be presented in this article.
Based on the related JLPT Question Sheet, we will give the answer generally according to the passage on the JLPT Question Sheet itself.
問題I ___のところに何をいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものを一つえらびなさい。
1.「ぜんぶ すてましたか。「いいえ、ふるく なった もの___すてました。」
Romaji : 「zenbu sutemashitaka ?。「iie, furuku natta mono (dake) sutemashita。」
Meaning : 「did (you) throw it all ?。「no, I (only) threw the iie, furuku natta mono (dake) sutemashita。」
Answer :
1.にも 2.だけ 3.へも 4.しか
Romaji :
1.ni mo 2.dake 3.e mo 4.shika
The correct answer for this question is in the second option. The correct answer is to put the word ‘only’ in the underlined part. And in the above answer there are two option answer which is translated as ‘only, just’ The answer is ‘dake’ だけ because it is always in a positive sentence. On the other hand, ‘shika’ which is also can be translated as ‘only, just’ is always used in a negative sentence.
‘shika’ (しか)
Kanji : 私たちが四人いますけどケーキが三みつしかありません。
Hiragana : わたしたちがよんにんいますけどケーキがさんみつしかありません。
Romaji : Watashi tachi ga yo nin imasu kedo ke-ki ga san mitsu shika arimasen.
Meaning : There are four of us, but there are only three cake left.
We will explain other combined particles as follows :
‘ni mo’(にも)
This combined particle, consists of particle ni (に)and particle mo (も). Particle もitself is used as ‘no’ word in Japanese grammar combined with a negative sentence as follows :
Kanji : 疑問代名詞 + に も + 「動詞 +-ません」
Hiragana : ぎもんだいめいし + にも + 「どうし +-ません」
Romaji : gimon daimeishi + ni mo + 「doushi +-masen」
Meaning : interrogative pronoun + ni mo + 「verb +-masen」
For an example :
Kanji : 昨日の夕べから鍵が無くしてしまいまた、たどこにも見つかれません。
Hiragana : きのうのゆうべからかぎがなくしてしまいまた、どこにもみつかれません。
Romaji : Kinou no yuube kara kagi ga nakushite shimaimashita, doko ni mo mitsukaremasen.
Meaning : (I) have lost my key since yesterday evening, (I) cannot find it anywhere.
‘e mo’(へも)
This combined particle, consists of particle ni (へ)and particle mo (も). As the previous explanation given, particle も itself is used as ‘no’ word in japanese grammar language. We can use it by combining it with interrogative pronoun followed with the combined particle and ends it with the negative sentence as follows :
Kanji : 疑問代名詞 + へも + 「動詞 +-ません」
Hiragana : ぎもんだいめいし + へも + 「どうし +-ません」
Romaji : gimon daimeishi + e mo + 「doushi +-masen」
Meaning : interrogative pronoun + e mo + 「verb +-masen」
For an example :
Kanji : 休みの日ですからどこへも行きません。
Hiragana : やすみのひですからどこへもいきます。
Romaji : Yasumi no hi desu kara doko e mo ikimasu.
Meaning : Because of the holiday (I) do not go anywhere.
dake (だけ)
This is the grammar pattern which can be translated as ‘only,just’ for positive meaning in a positive sentence. For an example :
For an example :
Kanji : 夏の宿題がただ一つだけ残ります。
Hiragana : なつすのしゅくだいがただひとつだけのこります。
Romaji : natsu no shukudai ga tada hitotsu dake nokorimasu.
Meaning : my summer’s homework is only one left.
2.こんばんパ-ティ-が ある_____どうか おしえてください。
Romaji : konban pa-ti- ga aru(ka) douka oshiete kudasai.
Meaning : Whether there will be party or not tonight, please let me know.
Answer :
1.で 2.を 3.や 4.か
Romaji :
1.de 2.wo 3.ya 4.ka
Answer : 4
The other particle in the option’s answers have their own several specific functions to be used in the sentence depends on the context of it.
3.今年の 試験は 去年の 試験_____むずかしく ないと 思います。
Hragana : ことしの しけんは きょねんのしけん(ほど)むずかしくないとおもいます。
Romaji : kotoshi no shiken wa kyonnen no shiken (hodo) muzukashikunai to omoimasu.
Meaning : I think this year’s exam is not difficult as the last year’s exam.
Answer :
1.など 2.しか 3.ばかり 4.ほど
Romaji :
1.nado 2.shika 3.bakari 4.hodo
Answer : 4
The correct answer in this question is definitely on the fourth option. Because the word ‘hodo’ is a Japanese grammar perfectly used to compare two things in form of negative sentence. Below is the correct pattern of ‘hodo’ using an adjective as the characteristics of comparison :
Pattern :
Kanji : AはBほど(形容詞)+ない「です」・ではありません
Hiragana : AはBほど(形容詞)+ない「です」・ではありません
Romaji : A wa B hodo(keiyoushi)+nai「desu」・dewa arimasen
Meaning : A is not as 9adjective) as B.
Example :
Kanji : 日本料理は韓国料理ほど辛くないです・辛いではありません
Hiragana : にほんりょうりはかんこくりょうりほどからくないです・からいではありません
Romaji : Nihon ryouri ha kankoku ryouri hodo karakunai desu ・karai dewa arimasen
Meaning : Japanese cooking is not as spicy as korean cooking.
The other japanese grammar pattern are described as follows :
This is a grammar pattern which is used or stands for etc. or others. When we want to name several items but not all of the items can be stated in the sentence, we can use ‘nado’ to represent the other items which aren’t stated. Below is the pattern and also the example :
Pattern :
Hiragana : AやBやCなどが+。。。
Romaji : A ya B ya C nado ga +。。。
Meaning : A, B, C and many others (etc).
Example :
Kanji : かばんのなかに本や鉛筆や消しゴムなどがあります。
Hiragana : かばんのなかにほんやえんぴつやけしごむなどがあります。
Romaji : Kaban no naka ni hon ya enpitsu ya keshigomu nado ga arimasu.
Meaning : There are books, pencil, eraser and many other things (etc.).
しか (shika)
しか has been described before in the previous question. It is translated as only to describe the amount items which is left in a negative sentence. It is basically used when the speaker has certain regret because the amount is less than it is expected. The pattern and also the example has been given in the previous question.
ばかり (bakari)
ばかり is another Japanese grammar expression which can be translated as ‘just, only’, below is the example :
Kanji : 休みの日は弟が一日中ゲームばかりです。
Hiragana : やすみのひはおとうとがいちにちじゅうにゲームばかりです。
Romaji : Yasumi no hi wa otouto ga ichi nichi jyuu ni ge-mu bakari desu.
Meaning : In the holiday, it is only game for my brother all day long.
ほど (hodo)
It is a Japanese grammar language expression used for comparison. It can be translated as ‘to certain extent, approximately’. The pattern and example is shown as below :
Pattern : 。。。+名詞・動詞(辞書 刑)・形容詞・形容動詞+ ほど+。。。
Kanji : 。。。+めいし・どうし(じしょ けい)・けいようし・けいようどうし+ ほど+。。。
Hiragana : 。。。+めいし・どうし(じしょ けい)・けいようし・けいようどうし+ ほど+。。。
Romaji : 。。。+meishi・doushi(jisho kei)・けいようし・けいようどうし+ ほど+。。。
Meaning : 。。。+approximately, around, about, to the certain extent of + noun・verb(dictionary form)・ -i type adjective・-na type adjective+ 。。。
For an example :
Kanji : うちから大学まで一時間ほど歩きます。
Hiragana : うちからだいがくまでいちじかんほどあるきます。
Romaji : uchi kara daigaku made ichi jikan hodo arukimasu.
Meaning : it is around one hour from (my) house to the campus on walk.
4.りんごを たくさん もらった 、はんぶん ともだちに あげました。
Romaji : ringo wo takusan moratta (node), hanbun tomodachi ni agemashita.
Meaning : because (I) received lots of apples, (I) gave it half to my friend.
Answer :
1.ので 2.に 3.と 4.まで
Romaji :
1.node 2.ni 3.to 4.made
The correct answer is in the fourth option. Because the word ‘node’ is the perfect answer for giving reason in Japanese grammar pattern.
5.ともだちは「旅行は どうだった。」_____私に ききました。
Hiragana : ともだちは「りょこうは どうだった。」(と)わたくしに ききました。
Romaji : Tomodachi wa 「ryokou wa doudatta. 」(to) watashi ni kikimashita。
Meaning : I asked “your friend, how was the trip ? 」
Answer :
1.で 2.を 3.に 4.と
Romaji :
1.de 2.wo 3.ni 4.to
Answer : 4
When we are going to describe hearsay or restating someone’s statement which is heard before or basically quote a thought or statement we can use this particle. Below is the available pattern :
Kanji : 。。。+ と + 「言う (言った) ・ 思う (思った) ・ 聞く (聞いた) 」
Hiragana : 。。。+ と + 「いう(いった) ・ おもう (おもった) ・ きく (きいた) 」
Romaji : 。。。+to+「iu (itta)・omou (omotta)・kiku (kiita)」
Meaning : 。。。+that is what the subject+「say(said)・think(thought)・hear(heard)」
6. けさ、電車の 中で 足____ふまれました。
Hiragana : けさ、でんしゃの くるまで あしを ふまれました。
Romaji : kesa, densha no naka de ashi wo fumaremashita.
Meaning : this morning, my foot was stepped by in the middle of the train.
Answer :
1.の 2.を 3.へ 4.か
Romaji :
1.no 2.wo 3.e 4.ka
Answer : 2
The correct particle for the above question is in the second option. It is a passive voice using verb fumu (to step) to be changed into ‘fumareru’ (to be stepped by).
7.「あのう、ハンカチが おちました__________。」「あっ、どうも。」
Romaji : 「あのう、ハンカチが おちました__________。」「あっ、どうも。」
Meaning : 「anou、hankachi ga ochimashita ( yo )。」「aa、doumo。」
Answer :
1.よ 2.かい 3.だい 4.さ
Romaji :
1.yo 2.kai 3.dai 4.sa
Answer : 1
In the above question, we are using ‘yo’ as the final ending of a sentence to inform someone.
The other option, kai and dai is generally used with an interrogative sentence. The other option, the fourth usually used to emphasize sentence and it is normally used by men.
8.この はしを つくるの____4年かかりました。
Hiragana : この はしを つくろの(に)4ねんかかりました。
Romaji : Kono hashi wo tsukuru no (ni) 4nen kakarimashita.
Meaning : It took 4 years in order to built this bridge.
Answer :
1.を 2.へ 3.に 4.か
Romaji :
1.wo 2.e 3.ni 4.ka
The answer is in the third option. It is a grammar pattern of Japanese language ‘no ni’. It is translated as in order to with the following pattern :
Kanji : 。。。+動詞「辞書-形」 +のに +。。。
Hiragana : 。。。+どうし「じしょーけい」 +のに +。。。
Romaji : 。。。+doushi「jisho -kei」 +no ni +。。。
Meaning : 。。。+in order to do +verb「dictionary form」 +。。。
9.この山では 夏____スキーが できます。
Hiragana : このやまでは なつ(でも)スキーが できます。
Romaji : kono yama dewa natsu (demo) suki- ga dekimasu.
Meaning : (We) can do skiing in this mountain even though it is summer.
Answer :
1.しか 2.へも 3.とは 4.でも
Romaji :
1.shika 2.e mo 3.to wa 4.demo
Answer : 4
It is the correct answer since, demo in this context of sentence can be translated into ‘even though’ or ‘although’.
10.この 大学では、 ベトナム語____東南アジアの いろいろな ことばが勉強できます。
Hiragana : この だいがくでは、 ベトナムご(とか)とうなんアジアの いろいろな ことばがべんきょうできます。
Romaji : kono daigaku dewa, betonamu go (toka) tounan ajia no iro iro na kotoba ga benkyou dekimasu.
Meaning :In this university, I can learn various words of south-east asia like Vietnam language.
Answer :
1.とか 2.しか 3.ほど 4.にも
Romaji :
1.toka 2.shika 3.hodo 4.nimo
The correct answer is in the first option since it is practically giving an example of one of the south-east asia’s words which can be found in Vietnam language. Obviously because Vietnam is part of south-east asia.
11.あそこには 空気も きれいだ_____けしきも いいので、ときどき 行きます。
Hiragana : asoko ni wa kuuki mo kirei da ( shi ) keshiki mo ii node, tokidoki ikimasu.
Romaji : because over there the air is clean, the scenery is nice (I) sometimes go (over there).
Answer :
1.の 2.し 3.に 4.で
Romaji :
1.no 2.shi 3.ni 4.de
The correct answer is in the second option. Because we are using multiple adjectives in one sentence, we can use those and connect it with Japanese expression ‘shi’ which can be translated as ‘and’.
12.牛乳____ バターや チーズを つくります。
Hiragana : ぎゅうにゅう( から )バターや チーズを つくります。
Romaji : gyuunyuu ( kara ) bata- ya chi-zu wo tsukurimasu.
Meaning : (we) make butter, cheese from cow milk.
Answer :
1.にも 2.から 3.とも 4.しか
Romaji :
1.ni mo 2.kara 3.tomo 4.shika
Answer : 2
The above question is also a grammar pattern of Japanese language which can be translated as ‘from’ to explain a material or substance came from.
13.毎年 交通事故____多くの 人が 死にます。
Hiragana : まいとし こうつうじこ( で )おおくの ひとが しにます。
Romaji : mai toshi koutsuujiko ( de ) ooku no hito ga shinimasu.
Meaning : every year many people died because of the traffic light.
Answer :
1.と 2.に 3.で 4.を
Romaji :
1.to 2.ni 3.de 4.wo
Answer : 3
The above question’s answer is in the third option. It is because the particle in the third option can be used to explain reason for incident or event happened.
14.この 花、へんな におい_____します。
Hiragana : この はな、へんな におい( が )します。
Romaji : kono hana, hen na nioi ( ga ) shimasu.
Answer :
1.が 2.を 3.で 4.へ
Romaji :
1.ga 2.wo 3.de 4.e
Answer : 2
When we try to describe the appearance of an item either with feeling, hearing or the smell of the item we have to use particle が followed with the verb which is stated in the above question.
15.うちの 子は まんが_____読んで います。
Hiragana : うちの こは まんが(ばかり)よんで います。
Romaji : uchi no ko wa manga (bakari) yonde imasu.
Meaning : our children is just keep reading manga only.
Answer : 3
1.しか 2.までに 3.ばかり 4.ずつ
Romaji :
1.shika 2.made ni 3.bakari 4.zutsu
We are using ‘bakari’ as the correct answer in the third option since the pattern is suitable with the above context’s sentence. The word’s expression itself can be translated as ‘only, just’, below one of the pattern which is adapted to the above question :
Kanji : 。。。+ 名詞 +ばかり+。。。
Hiragana : 。。。+めいし +ばかり+。。。
Romaji : 。。。+meishi +bakari +。。。
Meaning : 。。。+noun +bakari +。。。
Based on the above question, we can infer it into the following part :
Hiragana : 。。。+まんが +ばかり +。。。
Romaji : 。。。+manga +bakari +。。。
Meaning : 。。。+onl y(just) +manga +。。。
The noun in the question above is manga and it is followed with bakari which can be translated as just manga, only manga. The speaker imply it in the sentence that his children just keep reading manga.