Japanese Language Test Answer 1994 4kyuu Dokkai Bunpou Part 3

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1994 4級



問題III ____のところになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。

Part III What should be inserted in the underlined part.
Please choose one best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4 below.

1.「コーヒーと こうちゃと____ が すきですか。」「コーヒーの ほうが すきです。」

1.どこ。2.どう。 3.どちら。 4.どれ。

Answer : 3

Romaji :
[Ko-hi- wo kocha to (dochira) ga sukidesuka. [Ko-hi- no houga suki desu].

Meaning : [Which one do you like between coffee and tea?]. [I like it if it is coffee].

When you want to ask someone to choose between things that you are stating in a sentence, we can use ‘dochira’ (どちら) to form the question sentence. Below is shown for another example :

Kanji: 猫とウサギはどちらが可愛いですか。

Hiragana: ねことウサギはどちらがかわいいですか。

RomajiNeko to usagi wa dochira ga kawaii desuka.

MeaningWhich one is cutier between cat and rabbit ?


2.先生「らいしゅう しけん が あります。」学生「___に ありますか。」

1.どこ。 2.いつ。 3.なに。 4.なんようび。

Answer : 4

Romaji : Sensei [Raishuu shiken ga arimasu.] Gakusei [(Nanyoubi) ni arimasuka.]

Meaning : Teacher [There will be a test next week.] Student [What day will it be].

The first option is doko(どこ)、it is used to ask the location which took place of an activity or situation that happened. Below is the example of the usage :

Kanji: 会社の会議がどこにありますか。

Hiragan: かいしゃのかいぎがどこにありますか。

Romaji Kaisha no kaigi ga doko ni arimasuka.

Meaning Where is the company meeting ?

The other option, itsu (いつ)is used to ask time depend on the sentence. Normally means when, what time. Below is the example of the usage :

Kanji: 今日いつ空港へ行きますか

Hiragana: きょういつくうこうへいきますか

Romaji Kyou itsu kuukou e ikimasuka.

Meaning Today when (you) go to the airport

The third option, nani (なに)is used to generally ask something. The example is shown below :

Kanji: なにを読みますか

Hiragana: なにをよみますか

Romaji nani wo yomimasuka

Meaning What do (you) read ?

Since the answer of the question is about choosing the right one on asking the exact time of the test. We have to choose the most correct answer when asking the exact time of the test. Since the previous information which is stated by the teacher is that the test will be performed next week, we can use ‘nanyoubi’ to ask what day in that next week will be the day the test will be performed.

Below is another example on using nanyoubi(なんようび):

Kanji: 社員のなるため先週に面接がありました。「何曜日でしたか。

Hiragana: しゃいんのなるためせんしゅうにめんせつをしました。なんようびでしたか。

RomajiShain no naru tame senshuu ni mensetsu wo shimashita. Nan youbi deshitaka.

Meaning To become an employee, I went to an interview. What was that day ?


3.「___ 東京に いますか。」「1か月 います。」

1.どこの 2.どう 3.どうして 4.どのくらい

Answer : 4

Romaji : [(Dono kurai) Tokyo ni imasuka.] [1kkagetsu imasu.]

Menaing : [(How long) you will be in Tokyo ? .] [(I will be in Tokyo for) one month.]

To ask how long that an activity or a situation happened we usedono kurai)どのくらい。The answer will be an interval or period of time which is required for that activity or that situation to be established.

Another example is shown as below :

Kanji: 歩くで博物館から駅までどのくらいかかりますか

Hiragana: あるくではくぶつかんからえきまでどのくらいかかりますか。

RomajiAruku de hakubutsukan kara eki made dono kurai kakarimasuka.

MeaningHow long does it take from the museum to the station by walking ?

4.「やすみには どんな____を しますか。」「いつも テニスをしたり、おんがくを きいたりします。」

1.こと 2.もの 3.とき 4.ところ

Answer : 1

Romaji : Yasumi ni wa donna (koto) wo shimasuka.] [Itsumo tenisu wo shitari, ongaku wo kiitari shimasu.]

Meaning : What kind of (thing) you do ni holiday ?.] [(I) always play tennis, listening song.

Koto (こと) is used as a reference to point out a thing or matter in an abstract form. It is an intangible object such as idea, feeling, thoughts. Below is another example of the usage :



RomajiKimi wa watashi no omou koto ga nani mo wakatte imasen.

MeaningYou really don’t understand about what I think of at all.


On the other hand, mono (もの) is used as a reference to point out a thing or matter which can be interacted in physical form or a tangible object. Items like food, books can be pointed out with mono. To use mono (もの) below is another example :


Kanji : 朝御飯を食べるときにどんなの食べ物が食べたいですか

Hiragana : あさごはんをたべるときにどんなたべものがたべたいですか。

Romaji : Asa gohan wo taberu toki ni donna tabemono ga tabetai desuka.

Meaning : When (you) take your breakfast, what kind of food do you want ?


Using toki (とき) means using it to specify a current time of activity or situation which is happened as the following example :


Kanji: 子供時にどんなお玩具が一番欲しいですか。

Hiragana: こどもときにどんなおもちゃがいちばんほしいですか。

RomajiKodomo toki ni donna omocha ga ichiban hoshii desuka.

MeaningWhat kind of toy that you really wished when you are a children.


Tokoro (ところ) is used as a reference to point out a place or a location. It is actually means place, spot, scene, site. Below is an example to use tokoro (ところ) :


Kanji: バリ島がどんなところを教えてくださいませんか。

Hiragana: バリしまがどんなところをおしえてくださいませんか。

Romaji Bari shima ga donna tokoro wo oshiete kudasaimasenka.

Meaning Can you please inform (me) what kind of place is the bali island ?


5.この おかしは _____ あげますん。

1.だれが 2.だれと 3.だれにも 4.だれしか

Answer : 3

Romaji : Kono okashi wa (dare ni mo) agemasen.

Meaning : (I) will not give this cookie to anyone.

The correct answer will be the third option which means whoever or anyone.


The first option, だれが means who. The proper example is :

Kanji: その古い家にだれがいますか。

Hiragana: そのふるいいえにだれがいますか。

RomajiSono furui ie ni dare ga imasuka.

MeaningIs there any one in that old house ?  

The second option, だれと means with whom. Another example of the usage is shown below :



RomajiKonshuu no kaigi de dareto happyou shimasuka.

Meaning This week meething with whom do you do your presentation ?


6.わたしは おさけは あまり____。

1.のみます 2.のみません 3.のんで ください 4.のまないで ください

Answer : 2

Romaji : Watashi wa osake wa amari (nomimasen).

Meaning : I don’t drink sake

あまりis a pattern which is used generally with a negative form. It means not much, not many, not enough, not really, not well, not very.

Pattern :

あまり+negative verb

あまり+negative adjective

Below is another example of the usage of amari (あまり) :

Kanji: 日本製のカメラは値段があまり安くないです。

Hiragana: にほんせいのカメラはねだんがあまりやすくないです。

Romaji: Nihonsei no kamera wa nedan ga amari yasukunai desu.

Meaning: Japanese made camera, the price is not really cheap.

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