Japanese Language Test JLPT 1999 ِAnswer Sheet 4kyuu Dokkai Bunpou 1
1999 4級
Part I What should be inserted in the underlined part. Please choose one best answer from the option’s answer 1 2 3 4.
1.わたしは いつも まんねんひつ____てがみを 書きます。
Hiragana :わたしは いつも まんねんひつ(で)てがみをかきます。
Romaji :watashi wa itsumo mannenhitsu (de) tegami wo kakimasu.
Meaning :I always write letter with a (fountain) pen.
Answer :
1.に 2.を 3.で 4.と
Romaji :
1.ni 2.wo 3.de 4.to
Answer : 3
The correct answer is in the third option. The answer is solved by using particle ‘de’ which is in this term is used to point out the means or tools for doing something. In the above question’s context, it is used to point out that using pen the subject write a letter.
2.「かびんは どれが いいですか。」「そうですね。あの 白い____は どうですか。」
Hiragana :「かびんは どれが いいですか。」「そうですね。あのしろい(の)はどうですか。」
Romaji :「kabin wa dorega ii desuka.」「sou desu ne. ano shiroi (no) wa dou desuka. 」
Meaning : 「which one is the (flower) vase.」「let’s see. how about the white one ?. 」
Answer :
1.な。2.の 3.に 4.で
Romaji :
1.na。2.no 3.ni 4.de
Answer : 2
The answer to this question is shown in the second option. It is used as a possessive pronoun without even have to specify the item which is owned after it is being stated in beginning of the conversation. The item which is a noun in the above context is the flower vase (kabin).
3.アンさんは 毎日 かんじ____べんきょう して います。
Hiragana : アンさんは まいにち かんじ(を)べんきょう しています。
Romaji : An-san wamainichi kanji (wo) benkyou shite imasu.
Meaning : Every day An is studying kanji.
Answer :
Romaji :
1.to. 2.wo. 3.no. 4.ga.
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second option. It is particle wo which is used to describe a direct object of an action. The object is specified before particle wo and the action is following after. The object is kanji and the action above is ‘study’.
4.おとうとは こうえんへ あそび____行きます。
Hiragana : おとうとは こうえんへ あそび(に)いきます。
Romaji : otouto wak ouen e asobi (ni) ikimasu.
Meaning : my younger brother is going to the park to play.
Answer :
1.で。 2.に 3.の 4.へ
Romaji :
1.de。 2.ni 3.no 4.e
Answer :2
The correct answer for the above question is in the second option. Particle ‘ni’is used to point out object of an action. The action is ‘ikimasu’ to go and the object is asobi which can be translated as ‘playing’ and act as an object.
5.まいあさ 何時____いえを 出ますか。
Hiragana : まいあさ なんじ(に)いえを でますか。
Romaji : mai asa nanji (ni) ie wo demasuka.
Meaning : what time do (you) get out of home every morning ?.
Answer :
1.に。 2.で 3.の 4.が
Romaji :
1.ni。 2.de 3.no 4.ga
Answer :1
The answer is in the first option. Particle ‘ni’ is used to indicates time where specifically intended to ask the time where the subject get out of home every morning.
6.わたしは もっと 小さい テープレコーダー____ほしいです。
Hiragana :わたしは もっと ちいさい テープレコーダー(が)ほしいです。
Romaji :watashiwamottochisaite-pureko-da- (ga) hoshidesu.
Meaning :I wish for a more small tape recorder.
Answer :
1.に 2.で 3.の 4.が
Romaji :
1.ni 2.de 3.no 4.ga
Answer : 4
7.でパートで シャツ___ネクタイなどを かいました。
Romaji :Depa-to de shatsu (ya) nekutai nado wo kaimashita.
Meaning : I bought shirt, necktie and others at the dept. store.
Answer :
1.や 2.を 3.も 4.が
Romaji :
1.ya 2.wo 3.mo 4.ga
Answer : 1
The correct answer of this question is in the first option. It is the correct particle used separate items which is described in an enumeration list. It is particle ‘ya’ which separate shatsu (shirt) and nekutai (necktie).
8.雨が ふって います____さんぽを しません。
Hiragana :あめが ふって います(から)さんぽをしません。
Romaji :ame ga futte imasu (kara) sanpo wo shimasen.
Meaning : because the rain fall, I don’t take a stroll.
Answer :
1.か 2.で 3.でも 4.から
Romaji :
1.ka 2.de 3.demo 4.kara
Answer : 4
The correct answer is in the fourth option. The particle, ‘kara’, actually it is a suitable particle used to indicate a cause or reason.
9. 毎日 1時間____うたの れんしゅうを します。
Hiragana :まいにち 1じかん(ぐらい)うたの れんしゅうを します。
Romaji :mai nichi 1jikan (gurai) uta no renshuu wo shimasu.
Meaning : every day I practice singing for about 1 hour.
Answer :
1.ごろ 2.しか 3.などに 4.ぐらい
Romaji :
1.goro 2.shika 3.nado ni 4.gurai
Answer : 4
The correct answer is in the fourth option. The particle ‘gurai’ is used to indicate an approximate amount or extent of time. It is used to specify the certain amount of time used to practice singing which is 1 hour in the above question.
10.わたしは いしゃ____なる つもりです。
Romaji :watashi wa isha (ni) naru tsumori desu.
Meaning : I intend to become a doctor.
Answer :
1.を 2.が 3.に 4.で
Romaji :
1.wo 2.ga 3.ni 4.de
Answer :3
The question is using ‘ni naru’ Japanese language grammar pattern to express change. The subject express that he intend to change to become a doctor.
11.わたしは あね_____せーたーを もらいました。
Romaji :watashi wa ane(kara) se-ta- wo moraimashita.
Meaning : I received a sweater from my older sister.
Answer :
1.から 2.では 3.まで 4.など
Romaji :
1.kara 2.dewa 3.made 4.nado
Answer : 1
The correct answer is in the first option. In this context, particle kara is used to describe the agent of a passive verb which is the person or something performing the action. The agent in this context is my older sister.
12.あには しごと____きょうとへ 行きました。
Hiragana :あには しごと(で)きょうとへ いきました。
Romaji :ani wa shigoto (de) Kyouto e ikimashita.
Meaning : my older brother went to Kyoto because of (his) work.
Answer :
1.を 2.が 3.に 4.で
Romaji :
1. wo 2. ga 3. ni 4. de
Answer : 4
The correct answer for the above question is in the fourth option. It is particle ‘de’which is indicate reason for something. It can be translated as ‘because of’.
13.あの かど____まがってまっすぐ行きます。
Hiragana : あの かど(を)まがってまっすぐいきます。
Romaji : ano kado (wo) magatte massugu ikimasu.
Meaning : turn on that corner and then go straight ahead.
Answer :
1.へ 2.が 3.を 4.に
Romaji :
1.e 2.ga 3.wo 4.ni
Answer : 3
The answer in the above question is in the third option. Particle ‘wo’used to describe verb of motion and indicate the place of the motion. In the above context, kado (corner) is the place of the motion and ‘magaru’ (to turn) is the verb of motion.
14.11時___しゅくだいが おわりました。
Hiragana :11じ(ごろ)しゅくだいが おわりました。
Romaji :11 ji (goro) shukudaiwoowarimashita.
Meaning : the home work was over around 11 o’clock.
Answer :
1.では 2.ごろ 3.ぐらい 4.まで
Romaji :
1. dewa 2. goro 3. gurai 4. made
Answer : 2
The correct answer for the above question is in the second option. It is a particle which is used to describe approximately around in time of an event occurred but not the interval of it.
15.きょねん りょうしん_____山に のぼります。
Hiragana :きょねん りょうしん(と)やまに のぼります。
Romaji : kyonen ryoushin (to) yama ni noborimasu.
Meaning : last year (I) climb the mountain with my parent.
Answer :
1.と 2.に 3.を 4.か
Romaji :
1.to 2.ni 3.wo 4.ka
Answer : 1
The correct answer to the above question is in the first option. The particle exist in the first option is used to describe something which is done with someone else and it can be translated as ‘together with’.