Japanese Language Test JLPT 1994 Answer Sheet 3kyuu Moji Goi 2

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Japanese Language Test JLPT 1994 Answer Sheet 3kyuu Moji Goi 2


1994 3級




Problem II How to write the kanji for the underlined word. Please choose one best answer from the following 1234 option’s answers.


Romaji     : Omoi nimotsu wo motte, eki made arukimashita.

Meaning    : (I) bring a heavy luggage and walked to the train station.

1.おもい 1.思い 2.重い 3.軽い 4.細い

Answer :

Romaji :
1.omoi  2.omoi 3.karui 4.hosoi

Answer : 2

The correct answer is in the second option.

The first option is actually has the same pronunciation but the right form itself  is actually  思う which is a verb translated as ‘to think, to consider’.

The third option is an adjective spelled ‘karui’ which is translated as ‘light (not feeling heavy)’.

The fourth option is an adjective spelled as ‘hosoi’ which is translated as ‘thin, slender’.

2.もって 1.持って 2.待って 3.特って 4.侍って

Answer :

Romaji :

1.motte  2. matte  3. –  4. –

Answer : 1

The correct answer is in the first option. It is the verb which is derived from ‘motsu’, a dictionary form translated as ‘to bring’ .

The second option which has the similar kanji pattern with the right answer specified in the first option is derived from a verb ‘matsu’, a dictionary form translated as ‘to wait’.

The third option is a kanji spelled as ‘toku’ in its onyoumi (Mandarin way for reading the kanji) and it is translated as ‘special’ which is only the kanji part, the kanji letter特.

The fourth option is a kanji for ‘samurai’ which is only the kanji part, the kanji letter 侍.

3.き 1.駒 2.駐 3.駅 4.駆

Answer :  3

The correct answer is in the third option. It is the kanji used for train station.

The first option is a kanji for ‘piece’or ‘horse’.

The second option is a kanji for ‘stop over, reside in, resident’. It is spelled as ‘chou’ for the onyoumi (Mandarin way for reading the kanji).

The fourth option is a kanji for ‘drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire’.


Romaji     : Ashita no as 6ji ni hiroba ni atsumatte kudasai.

Meaning    : Please gather in the square at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

1.あさ  1.明 2.朝 3.喋 4.籐

Romaji :

1.aka (rui)   2. asa      3. shabe(ru)      4.tou

Meaning :

1.bright     2.morning  3. to talk       4.cane,rattan

Answer : 2

The correct answer is in the second option. It is the right kanji for morning.

The first option is a kanji for the word bright and the written form is ‘akarui’ (明るい・あかるい).

The third option is a kanji which is part of word derived from a dictionary form verb ‘shaberu’and it is translated as ‘to talk, to chat’.

The fourth option is a kanji for ‘rattan, cane’.

2.ひろば 1.立場 2.出場 3.広場 4.入場

Romaji       :

1.tachiba 2. shutsujyou 3. hiroba   4. nyuujyou

Meaning      :

1.standpoint, position  2. appearance, performance  3. square plaza, public square  4. entrance,admission

Answer : 3

The correct answer is in the third option. It is the correct answer for a square field or square town.

3.あつまって 1.来まって 2.東まって 3.案まって 4.集まって

Answer :

Romaji :

1.–     2. –   3. –   4. atsumatte

Answer : 4

The correct answer is in the fourth option.

The first option answer is actually consist with a kanji来 for future or time to come and the form来まってit is not the right form as specified in the first option.

The second option is actually consist with a kanji東 for east and the form東まって is not the the right form as specified in the second option.

The third option, 案 is actually a kanji for ‘plan, idea, suggestion’ which is spelled as ‘an’.


Romaji     : ano furui eiga wa ongaku ga subarashii desu.

Meaning    : that old movie has the amazing song.

1.ふるい       1.古い 2.吉い 3.舌い 4.杏い

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.furui  2. –  3. –   4. –

Answer     : 1

The correct answer is in the first option.

The second option has a part of kanji letter. 吉. The kanji letter itself, the kanji 吉 is for ‘good sign, good fortune or good omen’. It is spelled as ‘kitsu’ in onyoumi (Mandarin way for reading kanji letter).

The third option has a part of kanji letter舌. The kanji letter itself, the kanji舌is for ‘tongue’ and it is spelled in onyoumi (Mandarin way for reading kanji letter) as ‘zetsu’.

The fourth option has a part of kanji letter杏. The kanji letter itself, the kanji杏 is for ‘apricot’. It is pronounced as ‘anzu’ in kunyoumi (Japanese way for reading kanji letter).

2.えいが       1.影画 2.影図 3.映画 4.映図

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.kage e  2. –  3. eiga           4. –

Answer     : 3

The correct answer is in the third option. It is the kanji for ‘movie’. And there is no matching kanji compound which is there in the option answer 2 and 4.

3.おんがく     1.査学 2.査楽 3.音学 4.音楽

Romaji     :

1.–  2. –  3. –  4. ongaku

Answer     : 4

The correct answer is in the fourth option. It is a kanji for ‘song’.

There are no matching kanji compound for the rest of the option answer.


Romaji     : Shinu made ni sekaijyu wo ryokou shite mitai.

Answer     : I want to travel to the entire world until (I) die.

1.しぬ         1.亡ぬ 2.死ぬ 3.弔ぬ 4.消ぬ

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.–  2. shinu  3.–     4.–

Answer     : 2

The first option has a kanji letter part亡, it is the kanji for ‘dying’. It is pronounced as ‘bou’ in onyoumi (Mandari way for reading kanji letter).

The third option has a kanji letter part弔, it is the old kanji for ‘condolescence, mourning, funeral’.

The fourth option has a kanji letter part消, it is the kanji for a verb derived from dictionary form verb ‘kesu’「消す」 and it is translated as ‘to erase’.

2.せかい      1.生異 2.世異  3.生界 4.世界

Romaji     :

1.–  2.–  3.–      4.sekai

Answer     :  4

The correct answer is in the fourth option. The rest of the other options are meaningless in their kanji compound or combination which is literally doesn’t exist in those forms except for each of their own kanji letter as a single kanji.

3.りょこう     1.旅行 2.留行  3.流行 4.料行

Romaji     :

1.ryoukou  2. –        3. hayari         4. –

Answer     : 1

The correct answer is in the first option which is translated as ‘trip’ or ‘travelling’. There are no matching kanji compound in the second and fourth option.

The third option is translated as ‘fashion’which is pronounced as ‘hayari’.


Romaji     : shinsetsu na tenin ni uriba wo oshiete moraimashita.

Meaning    : (I) was told (informed) by a kind shop assistant in the shopping counter.

1.しんせつな 1.新接な 2.新接な 3.親切な 4.親切な

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.– 2.– 3.shinsetsu na 4.shinsetsu na

Answer     : 3 or 4

The correct answer for the above question is in the third and fourth option. Based on the question sheet received it seems that there are several similar option answers which also resulted in double answers.

2.てんいん 1.店人 2.店員 3.点人 4.点員

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.–  2.tenin 3.– 4.–

Answer     :  2

The correct answer is in the second option. The other options are just false kanji compound or false kanji combination which don’t have any meaning.

3.おしえて 1.教えて 2.授えて 3.習えて 4.学えて

Answer     :

Romaji     :

1.oshiete  2. –  3. –  4. –

Answer     : 1

The correct answer is in the first option. The other options actually are verb derived from another form of dictionary form verb which actually have their own correct form.

The second option, the kanji 授 actually has its own dictionary verb form which is ‘sazukeru’ 「さずける・授ける」。

The third option, the kanji習actually has its own dictionary verb form which is ‘narau’ 「ならう・習う」。

The fourth option, the kanji学actually has its own dictionary verb form which is ‘manabu’ 「まなぶ・学ぶ」。

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