Japanese Language Test JLPT 1993 Answer Sheet 3kyuu Moji Goi 2

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1993 3級




Problem II How do you write the kanji which is used in the underlined word. Please choose one best answer from the following 1234 option’s answers.

1.きょうねんはる、 そつぎょうしたがおわってから日本へ来ました。

Romaji           : kyounen no haru, sotsugyou shita ga owatte kara nihon e kimashita.

Meaning        : this year’s spring, after finishing on the graduation I came to Japan.

1.きょねん 1.去年 2.作年 3.先年 4.前年

Answer  :

The correct answer is in the first option.  The other options were just kanji compound made solely as false answers.

Answer : 1

2.はる      1.秋 2.春 3.夏 4.冬

         Answer             :

         Hiragana          :           1.あき     2.はる    3.なつ      4.ふゆ

         Romaji              :           1.aki        2.haru 3.natsu        4.fuyu

         Meaning           :           1.autumn    2.Spring 3.summer   4.winter

         Answer             :            3

3.おわって          1.教わって 2.変わって 3.終わって 4.後わって

         Answer             :

         Hiragana          : 1.-    2.かわって    3.おわって  4.-

         Romaji              : 1.-    2.kawatte    3.owatte       4.-

         Meaning           : 1.-    2.changing  3.finishing    4.-

The first option is actually written as 教えて・おしえて which is translated as to teach, to inform, to tell.

The fourth option actually can be written as 後・あと、which can be translated as after, later on. And it also can be written as 後ろ・うしろ which can be translated as back, behind.

Answer  : 3


Hiragana       : こうちょうせんせいのかんがえかたはただしいとおもう。

Romaji           :  kouchou sensei no kangae kata wa tadashii to omou.

Meaning        :  I think the principal’s way of thinking is right.

1.こちょう 1.高長 2.校長 3.講長 4.公長

                Answer  :

The correct answer will be in the second option. Since the other option answer is just kanji combination which doesn’t make any sense to be read. All of the kanji letter ends in 長. But the correct combination to be pronounced as the right one is in the second option.

Answer  : 2

2.かんがえかた 1.老え方 2.教え方 3.孝え方 4.考え方

Answer :

Hiragana           : 1.- 2.おしえかた       3.- 4.かんがえかた

Romaji              : 1.- 2.oshiekata            3.- 4.kangae kata

Meaning           : 1.- 2.way of teaching 3.- 4.way of thinking

Answer  :  4

3.ただしい 1.止だしい 2.下だしい 3.正しい 4.王しい

Answer  :

The correct answer for this question is in the third option. It is the correct kanji in the third option.

The first option止まる(とまる), it is actually can be read as ‘tomaru’ and it can be translated as to stop.

The second option, 下さる(くださる), it is actually can be read as ‘kudasaru’ and it can be translated as to kindly do favor for someone else, to give (honorific).

The fourth option, 王(おう), it is actually can be reads as ‘ou’ and it can be translated as ‘king’.

Answer : 3


Romaji           : aoi iro no shatsu wo okutte kudasai.

Meaning        : please give me a shirt with a blue color.

1.あおい   1.素い 2.肯い 3.赤い 4.青い

 Answer         :

 Hiragana      :  1.- 2.- 3.あかい 4.あおい

 Romaji          :  1.- 2.- 3.akai 4.aoi

 Meaning       :  1.- 2.- 3.red 4.Blue

 Answer         :  4

The correct answer is in the fourth option. The option answer which can be read is in   the third and the fourth option. Both of it are color name. But the true one is in the fourth option.

2.いろ 1.亀 2.色 3.芭 4.墓

Answer  :

Hiragana           : 1.かめ 2.いろ 3.― 4.はか

Romaji   : 1.kame 2.iro    3.― 4.hoka

Answer  :  2

The right answer is in the second option. The other options are false answers. Even we could not find the kanji in the third option.

3.おくって          1.送って 2.侘って 3.遅って 4.達って

Answer  :

Hiragana           : 1.おくって 2.- 3.- 4.-

Romaji   : 1.okutte 2.―    3.― 4.―

Answer  :  1

The right answer is in the first option. The other options are false answers. The other option answers are kanji which is read as follows :

The third option is an adjective 遅い・おそい which is read as ‘osoi’ and can be translated as slow.

The fourth option is a form of suffix 達・たち which is read as ‘tachi’ and can be used as suffix among the other.


Hiragana       : あねはひつようなしなものなまえをかみにかいてくれた。

Romaji           : ane wa hitsuyou na shinamono no namae wo kami ni kaite kureta.

Meaning        : My older sister wrote important things’ name in the paper for me.

1.あね 1.妹 2.始 3.姑 4. 姉

Answer  :

Hiragana           : 1.いもうと 2.はじ(め) 3.しゅうとめ 4.あね

Romaji   : 1.imouto 2.hajime    3.shuutome 4.ane

Answer  :  4

The option answers are made to confuse on answering and choosing the right answer. So, the answer were made to have same shape in the beginning pattern, which is 女.

The first option, 妹 ・いもうとis read as imouto and can be translated as ‘(my) younger sister’.

The second option, is actually a verb when it is written as始め. It can be translated as ‘to begin’.

The third option, it is a kanji written as姑・しゅうとめ. It is read as shuutome and can be translated as ‘mother-in-law’.

The last option, the fourth one is a kanji written as姉・あね and it is read as ‘ane’. It is translated as ‘my older sister.

2.しなもの 1.呂物 2。呂牣   3。品牞 4.品物

Answer  :

The above option answers are just combination of several kanji which is made to confuse on choosing the right answer. The correct answer is in the fourth option.

Answer  : 4

3.かみ 1.表 2.図 3.紙 4.画

Answer  :

The correct answer is in the fourth option. The other option answers are just false answers.

The first option, 表・ひょうcan be read as ‘hyou’ and can be translated as chart, list among of the pronunciation and translation which exist for this kanji.

The second option, 図・ず can be read as ‘zu’ and can be translated as drawing, picture, diagram.  One of the famous word in a jukugo or kanji compound with this kanji is 地図・ちず which can be pronounce as ‘chizu’ and it can be translated as ‘a map’.

The fourth option, 画・が can be read as ‘ga’ and can be translated as painting, drawing, picture, sketch. One of the famous word in a jukugo or kanji compound with this kanji is 映画・えいが which can be pronounce as ‘eiga’ and it can be translated as ‘movie’.

Answer  : 3


Romaji           : onaji imi no kotoba wo jisho de shiraberu.

Meaning        :  (I am) searching for word with similar meaning using dictionary.

1.おなじ   1.回じ 2.同じ 3.可じ 4.司じ

Answer            :

The first option has a kanji for occurrence’s counter. It is used to count for how many occasion, event occurred. The kanji回・かい is pronounce as ‘kai’.

The third option is a kanji which is used as suffix. It is the kanji可・か which is pronounce as ‘ka’.

The fourth option, 司・し, is a kanji which can be pronounce as ‘shi’. The meaning of the kanji is ‘office, director, official government’.

Answer            : 2

2.いみ       1.意未 2.異字 3.意味 4.意見

Answer            :

The first option is a kanji compound which is solely made as false answer.

The 維持・いじ  in the second option can   be pronounce as ‘iji’ which means a different character.

The fourth option, it is a kanji意見・いけん and it can be pronounce as ‘iken’. It can be translated as opinion, point of view.

Answer            :  3

3.じしょ   1.辞書 2.辞写 3.辞集 4.辞習

Answer            :

The correct answer is in the first option. The other option answer were just kanji compound made solely as false answers.

Answer            : 1

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