Japanese Language Test Answer 1995 4kyuu Moji Goi Part 1

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1995 4級




Part I How to read the underlined part. Please choose one best answer from 1 2 3 4

1.毎日 大学へ いきます。


Hiragana : まいにち くるまでだいがくへ いきます。

Romaji: Mai nichi kuruma de daigaku e ikimasu.

Meaning: (I) go to the university by car every day.


1.毎日まいにち 2.まえにち 3.めいにち4.めえにち

           Answer : 1

The perfect answer is the first one since the other option only act as a deceived option by changing part of hiragana letter into a false one.


           Answer : 2

The right answer is the second option. The other options are false answers. There are certain part of letters which is being changed to make it a deceiving options.

3.大学1.たいかく 2.たいがく 3.だいかく .だいがく

           Answer : 4

This question’s answer is the fourth option. The other answer has been made by switching it with a false character to make it as a false answers. The third problem consists of two kanjis, 大学 that the first one is spelled as ‘dai’ and the second one is spelled as ‘gaku’ in this jukugo form (熟語) / kanji compound.

2.先週 ともだちに の しゃしんを 見せました。


Hiragana: せんしゅう ともだちに ははの しゃしんを みせました。

Romaji: Senshuu tomodachi ni haha no shashin wo misemashita.

Meaning: Last week I showed my mother’s picture to my friend.


1.先週   1.ぜんしゅう .せんしゅう 3.ぜんしょう 


Answer : 2

The right answer is the second option. The other options has its own part of letter being switched to become a false answer for deceiving in order to find the right answer. This problem is also a form of jukugo (熟語) / kanji compound. In this jukugo form the first kanji is spelled as ‘sen’ and the second one, is spelled as ‘shuu’.

2.母 1.ちち 2.あに .はは 4.あね

           Answer : 3

The right answer is in the third option. The first option is a false answer since it is written as 父 in kanji which is spelled as chichi. Chichi means our own father or my father. The second option is also a false answer since it is written as in kanji which is spelled as ani. Ani means older brother. The fourth option is also a false answer since it is written as in kanji  


3.見1.の 2.み 3.き 4.さ

           Answer :

The right answer is in the second option. The other options are false answers. 

3.きのうの は七時におきました。が、ふって さむかったから、あついコ-ヒ-をみました


Hiragana: きのうの あさはしちじにおきました。あめが、ふって さむかったから、あついコーヒーをのみました。

Romaji: Kinou no asa wa shichiji ni okimashita. Ame ga, futte samukattakara, atsui koohii wo nomimashita.

Meaning: (I) wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning yesterday. Because the rain fell and it became cold, I drank a warm coffee.


           Answer : 4

The right answer is the fourth option. The first option is clearly false, because the right kanji for よる (yoru) which means night is . The second option, ひる which means day


           Answer : 3

The correct answer is the third option. The first option, nanji is written as 何時 which means what time. The second option doesn’t have a special meaning since it just a false option which is made to deceive and has a slight different form with the first option. The fourth option is also a false answer which has a slight different form with the third option.


3.雨.あめ 2.ゆき 3.くも 4.はれ

           Answer : 1

The second option is yuki which means snow and is written as in kanji. The third option which means cloud is spelled as kumo and is written as in kanji. The fourth option which is spelled as hare means clear or clear weather and is written as 晴れ in kanji.


4.飲1.す 2.や .の 4.よ

           Answer : 3

The correct answer for this kanji form is the third option. The other options are just false answers


4.の に おおきい が あります。

Hiragana : えきの みなみに おおきい かわが あります。

Romaji: Eki no minami ni ookii kawa ga arimasu.

Meaning: There is a big river to the south of the train station.


1.駅1.はし 2.いえ 3.まち .えき

           Answer : 4

The correct answer is the fourth option which means train station and is spelled as eki. The first option is spelled as hashi which means bridge and is written as in kanji. The second option is spelled as ie which means house and is written in kanji as . The third option, another false answer is spelled as machi which means city. This third option is written as in kanji.


2.南.みなみ 2.ひがし 3.きた 4.にし

           Answer : 1

The correct answer is the first one. The other options all of them are also vocabularies represents directions. The second option, higashi which means east is written as in kanji. The third option, kita which is written as in kanji means north.The last one, the fourth option, nishi means west and is written as 西 in kanji.

3.川1.いけ .かわ 3.うみ 4.みず

           Answer : 2

The correct answer is the second option. All of the answers are things related with water but the correct one is in the second option. The first option is false, it is spelled as ike which means pond and is written as 池 in kanji. The third option is written as in kanji which means sea, beach. The last option, mizu means the water itself and is written in kanji as 水。

5.おふろに 入って すこし 休んで、 べんきょうします。

Hiragana : おふろに はいって すこし やすんで、べんきょうします。

Romaji: Ofuro ni haitte sukoshi yasunde, benkyoushimasu.

Meaning: Entering ofuro (Japanese bath/hot tub) I rest for a while, after that I study.

1.入って1.はって .はいって 3.いって 4.いれって

Answer : 2

The correct answer is the second one. All of the options relates with verb. The first option is spelled as hatte. Depends on the context of the sentence and also the kanji which represent it. If the kanji is written as 張って, it can be translated as to pull, to weave (web), to spin (net), etc. For an example in a sentence :


2.休んで1.たのんで 2.あそんで 3.えらんで .やすんで

Answer : 4

The right answer is the fourth option. The other option are just false answers. All of the options are verbs. The first option tanonde is derived from doushi (verb) tanomu which means to request, to beg or to ask something. It is written as 頼んで in kanji. The second option is asonde which is derived from doushi (verb) asobu. It means to play and is written as 遊んで in kanji. The third option which is spelled as erande means to choose. It is written as 選んで in kanji.

The right answer is in the third option. The first option is a false answer since it is written as 父 in kanji which is spelled as chichi. Chichi means our own father or my father. The second option is also a false answer since it is written as in kanji which is spelled as ani. Ani means older brother. The fourth option is also a false answer since it is written as in kanji

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