1994 4級
問題IV どのこたえがいちばんいいですか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。
Part IV What kind of answer will be the best. Please choose one best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4 below.
1.A「なまえを かいて ください」。
1.どうぞ。2.そうです。 3.わかりました。 4.おねがいします。
Answer : 3
Romaji :
A : Namae wo kaite kudasai.
B : Hai, (wakarimashita).
Meaning :
A : Please write (your) name.
B : Yes, (I) understood.
The first option, douzo is an expression which is used literally to permit someone to do something or to offer someone to do something. The second option, sou desu is an answer to give an agreeable answer on someone’s opinion, thought or statement which is declared. The fourth option, onegaishimasu relates as an expression to humbly ask for a help or a favor to another person.
2.A「あなたは 外国の かたですか」。
1. そうです。 2.そうします。 3.しりません。 4.どういたしまして。
Answer : 1
Romaji :
A : Anata wa gaikoku no kata desuka.
B : Hai, sou desu.
Meaning :
A : Are you a foreigner ?
B : Yes, I am.
The second option is stating on inviting the other party to do an activity or something, it is literally means ‘let’s do it’. The third option shirimasen means to not know or not to be able to know something. The fourth option, dou itashimashite is normally used as an expression to describe a gratitude or a way to respond back to the other party which is saying thank you. It is usually said as a respond after a person said ‘arigatou’ or ‘arigatou gozaimasu’.
3.A「きょうは いい てんきですね。」
1.しつれいしました 2.おげんきですか 3.わかりました 4.ほんとうに
Answer : 4
Romaji :
A :Kyou wa ii tenki desu ne.
B :Hontou ni.
Meaning :
A : Today the weather is nice isn’t it.
B : It’s true.
The first option is a formal and polite expression to ask an apology for being rude or impolite. The second option is an interrogative question to ask someone’s current health or condition. The third option is an expression to inform the other party or the one whom we talk to that we clearly understand what he, she or the other party speaks.
4.A「ここは がっこうですか。」
1.ここです 2.ちがいます 3.ごめんなさい 4.わかりました
Answer : 2
Romaji :
A : Koko wa gakkou desuka.
B : Chigaimasu.
Meaning :
A : Is this where the school is ?
B : No, it is not.
The first option is stating the place or the location, it acts as a pronoun which is pointing or referencing to the place or the location which is being discussed. It is literally means it is here. The third option is a less formal expression which is used among peers, colleague or those who have lower level than the speaker which is used as an expression to pardon or ask for an apology.