Japanese Language Proficiency Test Answer Sheet 1997 4kyuu Moji Goi Part 3

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1997 4級




Part III What do you need to insert in the underlined part. Please choose one best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4.


Romaji : Ginkou no mae ni kuruma ga (tomatte) imasu.

Meaning : The car stop in front of the bank.

1.のって 2.たって  3.とまって  4.すわって

Answer : 3

Romaji :

1 .notte 2. tatte 3. tomatte 4. suwatte

Meaning :

1 .to ride 2. to stand 3. to stop 4. to sit

The above pattern’s sentence is using a –te iru form to express a state of result of an activity. It is a state of the star which is being depicted in the sentence. The car is not moving right now.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : 。。。    +動詞「-ています」    +。。。

Hiragana   : 。。。    +どうし「-ています」  +。。。

Romaji     : …       +doushi「-te imasu」  +…

Meaning    : …       +verb「-te imasu」    +…

Based on the above pattern we can also give another example :

Kanji      : 休みですから今日店が閉めています。

Hiragana   : やすみですからきょうみせがしめています。

Romaji     : Yasumi desukara kyou mise ga shimete imasu.

Meaning    : Because of holiday the shop is closed.

We are going to create another sentence using the other options to display the proper usage of those options :

乗って(のって)・notte : to ride, to get on, to get in

Kanji      : もうこんな遅く時間になって大雨も降っているから早くタクシーに乗って家へ買って下さい。

Hiragana   : もうこんなおそくじかんになっておおあめもふっているからはやくタクシーにのってうちへかえってください。

Romaji     : Mou konna osoku jikan ni natte ooame mo futte iru kara hayaku takushii ni notte uchi e kaette kudasai.

Meaning    : Since it is already this late and the heavy rain fall please quickly ride a taxi and go home.


Kanji      : バスに満席ですから今立っています。

Hiragana   : バスにまんせきですからいまたっています。

Romaji     : Basu ni manseki desu kara ima tatte imasu.

Meaning    : Because the seats are full (I) have to stand by myself.


Kanji      : 今誰が教室のすみに座っていますか

Hiragana   : いまだれがきょうしつのすみにすわっていますか

Romaji     : ima dare ga kyoushitsu no sumi ni suwatte imasuka ?

Meaning    : Who is siting in the corner of the class ?

2.まいばんかおを____からねます。 Romaji : Mai ban kao wo (aratte) kara nemasu. Meaning : Every night, I go to sleep after washing my face.

1.みがいて     2.あらって 3.そうじして 4.せんたくして

Answer : 2

Romaji :

1. migaite 2. aratte 3. souji shite 4. sentaku shite

Meaning :

1. to brush (teeth) 2. to wash (face) 3. to clean (floor, house)4. to laundry (clothes).

The above sentence contains questions relate to a grammar pattern which is showing a sequence of activity. It is describe an activity or action which is done after another activity or action is being executed.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : … +動詞「-て計」        +から     + …+動詞

Hiragana   : … +どうし「-てけい」   +から      + …+どうし

Romaji     : … +doushi[-te kei]       +kara      + …+doushi

Meaning    : … +after                 +doing an activity +… +doing another activity

Below is an example based on the pattern :

Kanji      : 仕事を終わってからすぐ家へ帰ります。

Hiragana   : しごとをおわってからすぐうちへかえります。

Romaji     : shigoto wo owatte kara sugu uchi e kaerimasu.

Meaning    : After the work is over I quickly rush back home.

We also going to display how to use another vocabulary on the other option’s answers :

磨いて(みがいて)・migaite :

Kanji            : 子供たちは幼稚園で先生に歯を磨いているのがならっています。

Hiragana      :こどもたちはようちえんでせんせいにはをみがいているのがならっています。

Romaji           : Kodomotachi wa youenchi de sensei ni ha wo migaite iru no ga naratte imasu.

Meaning          : Children at the kindergarten is learning to brush (their) teeth from the teacher.

選択する(そうじする)・souji shite :

Kanji      : 毎週みんな家族で一緒に家を掃除します。

Hiragana   : まいしゅうみんなかぞくでいっしょにうちをそうじします。

Romaji     : Maishuu minna kazoku e isshoni uchi wo souji shimasu.

Meaning    : Every week we clean (our house) together with everyone in the family.


Romaji : (Ototoshi) no natsu mo kyonen no natsu mo totemo atsukatte desu.

Meaning : The summer two years ago and also the summer one year ago was very hot.

1.おととい     2.おととし 3.まいねん 4.らいねん

Romaji :

1. ototoi 2. ototoshi 3. mai nen 4. rai nen

Meaning :

1.two days ago 2. two years ago 3. every year 4. next year

Particle も is a particle which is used to describe similar value or characteristics from an aspect and can be translated as : and, as well.


Romaji : Satou-san no tanjyoubi no (pa-ti-) de uta wo utaimashita.

Meaning : (I) sang a song in Satou’s birthday party.

1.レコード 2.アパート 3.パ-ティ- 4.テ-プ

 Answer :

1.reko-do 2. apa-to 3. pa-ti- 4. te-pu

Meaning :

1. record 2. apartment 3. Party 4. tape

The answer is obviously state in the third option since someone will actually sing a song in someone else’s party. So, the answer will be party, not in a recording tools. And it is not common to celebrate in someone’s apartment since there are other suitable answer which is party. The last one, tape is not also a suitable answer either.



Romaji :

Yamada : Shigoto ga takusan attakara, yuube wa nemasendeshita.

Tanaka : Sore wa (taihen) deshita ne.

Meaning :

Yamada : Because there was so many works, I didn’t sleep at all at night.

Tanaka : That was very hard.

1.たいへん     2.もちろん      3。ちょっと 4.ほんとう

Romaji :

taihen 2. mochiron 3. chotto   4. Hontou

Meaning :

very 2. certainly 3. somewhat 4. really

It is also obvious to choose the first option as an answer. Because there are a lot of things to be done it made it hard for Yamada. So the proper respond answer is in the first option.

We will give an example on the usage of option’s answer shown below :

もちろん (mochiron)

Kanji      : この食べ物がもちろん美味しいですよ。

Hiragana   : このたべものがもちろんおいしいですよ。

Romaji     : Kono tabemono ga mochiron oishii desu yo.

Meaning    : This dishes (food) are certainly delicious.


Kanji      : わたしの場合、その鞄がちょっと高いです。

Hiragana   : わたしのばあい、そのかばんがちょっとたかいです。

Romaji     : Watashi no baai, sono kaban ga chotto takai desu.

Meaning    : In my case, that bag is somehow expensive.


Kanji      : この映画が本当に面白いです。

Hiragana   : このえいががほんとうにおもしろいです。

Romaji     : Kono eiga ga hontou ni omoshiroi desu.

Meaning    : This movie is really fun, interesting.


Romaji : Takusan tabeta node, onaka ga (itaku) narimashita.

Meaning : Because (I) ate too much, (my) stomach became hurt.

1.いたく 2.はやく 3.しずかに 4.びょうきに

Answer : 1

Romaji :

1. itaku   2. hayaku   3. shizuka ni 4. byouki ni

Meaning :

1. to become hurt 2. to become fast 3. to become quiet 4. to become sick

The above question has a certain grammar pattern. which is using an adjective to be combined with なる(naru) in order to produce an adverb.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji      : …+形容詞                 +  +く  +なります

Hiragana   : …+けいようし             +  +く  +なります

Romaji     : …+keiyoushi              +i   +ku  +narimasu

Meaning    : …+to become + -i type adjective      +i   +ku

Below is the example of the pattern above :

Kanji      : 部屋で伝記を付けたから部屋が明るくなります。

Hiragana   : へやででんきをつけたからへやがあかるくなります。

Romaji     : Heya de denki wo tsuketakara heya ga akaruku narimasu.

Meaning    : After (I) turned on the light at the room, the room (it) become bright.   For the rest of the option’s answers we will give the following examples :


Kanji      : 時間が間に合わないから早くタクシ-で仕事の面接のために行ってください

Hiragana   : じかんがまにあわないからはやくタクシ-でしごとのめんせつのためにいってください

Romaji     : Jikan ga maniawanai kara hayaku takushi- de shigoto no mensetsu no tame ni itte kudasai.

Meaning    : Because there is not enough time left, please go for the working interview using taxi.


Kanji      : 今図書館にいるので静かにして下さい。

Hiragana   : いまとしょかんにいるのでしずかにしてください。

Romaji     : Ima toshokan ni iru node shizuka ni shite kudasai.

Meaning    : We are at the library right now, please be quiet.


Kanji      : 最近仕事が大変になりますから今日病気になります。

Hiragana   : さいきんしごとがたいへんになりますからきょうびょうきになります。

Romaji     : Saikin shigoto ga taihen ni narimasukara kyou byouki ni narimasu.

Meaning    : Lately the work is becoming really hard so today I am getting sick.


Romaji : Watashi no kazoku wa haha to ani to watashi no sannin desu.

Meaning : My family are the three of us consisting of my mother and my older brother and myself

1.かない  2.かぞく 3.きょうだい  4.りょうしん

Romaji :

1. kanai 2. kazoku 3. kyoudai 4. ryoushin

Meaning :

1. my wife   2. my family   3. my siblings   4. my parents

The true answer is in the second family. The sentence above is a typical question about vocabulary. The approprivate vocabulary to be used in order to describe the composition consists of mom, the subject older brother and the subject him or herself is family.


Romaji : Kono hen wa yoru (kurakute) abunai desu.

Meaning : This area at night is dark and dangerous.

1.くろくて 2.まるくて 3.ひろくて 4.くらくて

Answer : 4

Romaji :

1. Kurokute 2. Marukute 3. Hirokute 4. Kurakute

Meaning :

1. Black 2. Round   3. Wide   4. Dark

To combine and to connect an adjective with another adjective is can be done as the above question using the following pattern :

Kanji : ...+形容詞 「+くて」              +形容詞 ...+けいようし「+くて」

Hiragana :       +けいようし ...+keiyoushi 「i+kute 」

Romaji :       +keiyoushi ...+-i type adjective 「i+kute 」   +-i type adjective

Below is the example of the above pattern :

Kanji      : 彼女が優しく美人です。

Hiragana   : かのじょがやさしくてびじんです。

Romaji     : Kanojyo ga yasashikute bijin desu.

Meaning    : She is a kind-hearted and beautiful person.

The sentence are going to be created as an example using option’s answers as shown below :


Kanji      : 友達の娘は紙が黒くて長いです。

Hiragana   : ともだちのむすめはかみがっくろくてながいです。

Romaji     : Tomodachi no musume wa kami ga kurokute nagai desu.

Meaning    : My friend’s daughter has a black and long hair.


Kanji      : 赤ちゃんは顔が丸くてかわいいです。

Hiragana   : あかちゃんはかおがまるくてかわいいです。

Romaji     : aka-chan wa kao ga marukute kawaii desu.

Meaning    : The baby has a round and adorable face.


Kanji  : お姉さんの部屋は広くてきれいです。

Hiragana : おねえさんのへやはひろくきれいです。

Romaji : Oneesan no heya wa hirokute kirei desu.

Meaning : My older sister’s room is spacious and neat (tidy).


Romaji : Oji wa shinbun wo yomu toki, megane wo (kakemasu).

Meaning : My uncle wear a glasses when he read a newspaper.

1.きます 2.かけます 3.はきます 4.かぶります

Answer : 2

Romaji :

1. Kimasu 2. Kakemasu 3. Hakimasu   4. Kaburimasu

Answer :

1. To come 2. To wear on (glasses) 3. To put on (wear on lower-body clothing), to put on (wear on) footwear 4. To put on head (wear on), to put a hat.

The correct answer is in the second option. It is basically a question concerning vocabulary.


Romaji : Kanji wa hajime yasashii desuga, ( dandan   ) muzukashiku narimasu.

Meaning : Kanji for the first time is easy but gradually became difficult.

1.よく    2.まだ    3.だんだん      4.ちょうど

Answer : 3

Romaji :

1. Yoku 2. Mada 3. Dandan 4. Choudo

Meaning :

1. Frequently, Often 2. Not yet 3. Gradually   4. Just exactly

The above question concerning the right vocabulary to be used on the grammar pattern relates with adverb + narimasu. We can create an adverb by converting an –i type adjective to a different form. It can be done my omitting the last –i letter and append it with ku. The converted adjective will be followed with ‘naru’ to become and adverb. The pattern is shown below :

Kanji            : ...+形容詞  「+く」        +なります。

Hiragana   : ...+けいようし「+く」      +なります。

Romaji     : ...+keiyoushi   [i + ku ]     +narimasu.

Meaning    : ...+to becoming               +-i type adjective

Below is the example :

Kanji            : 人生にはだれかがいろいろな重く問題点を解いて その誰かがだんだん強くなります

Hiragana         : じんせいにはだれかがいろいろなおもくもんだいてんを といてそのだれかがだんだんつよくなります。

Romaji           : jinsei ni wa dareka ga iro iro na omoku mondaiten wo toite sono dareka ga dandan tsuyoku narimasu.

Meaning    : In life, someone who solve lots of various heavy problematic issues, he or she will gradually become stronger.

The correct word is in the third option. ‘Dandan’ means gradually, slowly. It is a suitable word to describe a process which is need a time when we are trying to describe the change process which is informed in the adverb (-i type adjective + i + ku + narimasu). We will give another example using the option’s answers as follows :

よく(yoku) :

Kanji    : 幼稚園に行ったときに母はよくわたしにお弁当を作ってくれます。

Hiragana : ようちえんにいったときはははよくわたしにおべんとうをつくってくれます。

Romaji : Youenchi ni itta toki haha wa yoku watashi ni obentou wo tsukutte kuremasu.

Meaning : When I was at the kindergarten, mom often make a lunch box for me.

まだ (mada)

Kanji    : 月末にレポートを提出しなければいけないは今までにもまだ終わりません。

Hiragana : げつまつにレポートをていしゅつしなければいけないはいままでにもまだおわりません。

Romaji   : getsumatsu ni repo-to wo teishutsu shinakereba ikenai wa ima made ni mo mada owarimasen.

Meaning   : Until now the report which has to be submitted in the end of the month not yet to be finished.

ちょうど (choudo)

Kanji      : ちょうど仕事へ行きます。

Hiragana   : ちょうどしごとへいきます。

Romaji     : Choudo shigoto e ikimasu.

Meaning    : I am just right about to go to work.

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