Japanese Language Proficiency Test Answer Sheet 1995 4kyuu Dokkai Bunpou Part 3

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Japanese Language Proficiency Test Part III Level 4 Year 1995.

Japanese Language Proficiency Test or Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken (日本語能力試験) is one of the means which is used on measuring the ability to speak Japanese Language. Below is the questions which is shown in the 1995’s Japanese Language Proficiency Test Part III Level 4.


1995 4級



問題III ____のところになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。

Part III What should be inserted in the underlined part. Please choose one of the best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4 below.

1. ____えいがが すきですか。

Romaji : (Dono) eiga ga suki desuka ?

Meaning : What kind of movie do you like ?

1.どれ。 2.どこ。 3.どんな。 4.どちら。

Answer : 3

The right answer for this question is the third option. The above question is a question which is imposing how to choose the proper answer of interrogative pronoun. All of the answer above is an interrogative pronoun. But the right answer is in the third option. It is an interrogative pronoun to ask characteristics of a noun whether it is a physical or abstract. Below is another example on using the interrogative pronoun ‘donna’ :

Kanji         : 諸らいに奥さんとしてどんな女性がほしいですか

Hiragana   : しょらいにおくさんとしてどんなじょせいがほしいですか

Romaji      : Shorai ni okusan toshite donna jyosei ga hoshii desuka

Meaning    : What kind of woman do you wish as (your) wife In future ?

All of the other options are also interrogative pronoun and they all have different meanings and also purposes.

The first option, どれ is used as an interrogative pronoun to ask on a certain noun which can be translated as which one. Below is the example :

Kanji         : 今までに一番好きな日本映画を見たことがどれですか

Hiragana   : いままでにいちばんすきなにほんえいをみたことがどれですか

Romaji      : Ima made ni ichiban suki na nihon eiga wo mita koto ga dore desuka

Meaning    : Until nowadays, which one is your most favorite Japanese movie which you have been watched ?

From the above example, どれ is used to ask from several movies which is a noun to be picked by the subject.

The second option, どこ is also an interrogative pronoun which is used to ask a noun specifically a location or a place. For an example :

Kanji         : 一番近い警察署はどこですか教えてくださいませんか

Hiragana   : いちばんちかいけいさつしょはどこですかおしえてくださいませんか

Romaji      : Ichiban chikai keisatsusho wa doko desuka ? oshiete kudasaimasenka ?

Meaning    : Where is the nearest police station ? Could you tell me ?

The interrogative pronoun “どこ is used to ask a certain place or location which is on the above example is the police station.

The fourth option, どちら is another interrogative pronoun which is usually used in a formal and polite situation. It can be used to ask on a certain location, place or even ask a person.

Below is the example on asking a person :

Kanji         : 山田社長はどちらですか

Hiragana   : やまだしゃちょうはどちらですか

Romaji      : Yamada shachou wa dochira desuka

Meaning    : Which one is President Yamada ?.

And the following is an example of using どちら to

2.きょうは うちに いて、____あいませんでした 。

Romaji : (Dono) eiga ga suki desuka ?

Meaning : What kind of movie do you like ?

1.だれに。 2.だれと。 3.だれとか。 4.だれにも。

Answer : 4

The right answer is in the fourth option. Particle も is used to describe total negation concerning question which is accompanied by a negative verb, that verb in this sentence’s context is in past form which is ‘aimasendeshita’. Below is another example:

Kanji         : それが秘密ですからだれにも教えない

Hiragana   : それがひみつですからだれにもおしえない

Romaji      : Sore ga himitsu desu kara dare ni mo oshienai

Meaning    : Because that thing is a secret, (I) wouldn’t tell anyone.

The first option, だれに is a grammar pattern which is used as an interrogative pronoun to ask a direct object which is being the target of action (verb) done by the subject. Below is the example of the usage in a sentence :

Kanji         : だれにこの手紙を送りますか

Hiragana   : だれにこのてがみをおくりますか

Romaji      : Dare ni kono tegami wo okurimasuka ?

Meaning    : To whom I will send this letter ?

3.____ 人が 田中さんですか。

Romaji  : (Dono) hito ga Tanaka-san desuka

Meaning : Which one is Tanaka-san ?

1.      どれ 2.どの 3.だれ 4.どう

Answer : 2

The above question is an example of another interrogative pronoun, どの. This interrogative pronoun has a same function with どれ that can be translated as which one. But the difference is どの has to be followed with a noun which is being asked. Below is the pattern:

Kanji         : どの + 名詞

Hiragana   : どの + めいし

Romaji      : dono +  meishi

Meaning    : dono +  noun

For an example :

Kanji     : 妹のためにどの鞄が買いつもりですか

Hiragana  : いもうとのためにどのかばんがかいつもりですか

Romaji    : Imouto no tame ni dono kaban ga kaitsumori desuka.

Meaning   : Which bag do you intent to buy for your younger sister ?

The other interrogative pronoun which is stated in the option has a different usage and function on the sentences. We will discuss it one by one.

The first one, どれ, which has the same function as どの but different pattern and usage. Aside from the same usage and function which is used to ask a noun, we don’t have to follow どれ with the noun which is being asked. Because all of the person which is involved in the conversation have already knew the noun which is being discussed. Below is the example on the sentence which is modified from the above sentence :

Kanji     : 妹のためにどれが 買いつもりですか

Hiragana  : いもうとのためにどれがかいつもりですか

Romaji    : Imouto no tame ni dore ga kaitsumori desuka.

Meaning   : Which one do you intent to buy for your younger sister ?

The difference between those two sentence is どの has to be followed with the noun which is (bag) かばんand on the other hand どれ doesn’t need to be followed with the noun.

The third option, だれ is used as an interrogative pronoun to ask for a person which is used in a less-formal or non-formal situation . Below is the example :

Kanji     : 教室に新しいがくせいがだれですか

Hiragana  : きょうしつにあたらしいがくせいがだれですか

Romaji    : Kyoushitsu ni atarashii gakusei ga dare desuka ?.

Meaning   : Who is the new student in the class ?

The last is a grammar pattern which is stated in the fourth option, どう actually can be translated as how, what if. Below is the example :

Kanji         : 今夜晩御飯のために魚を食べるのはどうですか

Hiragana  : こんやばんごはんのためにさかなをたべるのはどうですか

Romaji      : Konya bangohan no tame ni sakana wo taberu no wa dou desuka ?

Meaning   : How about eat a fish for dinner tonight ?

4.「おかしは たくさん ありますか。」「ふたつしか____。」

Romaji : Okashi wa takusan arimasuka. Futatsu shika arimasen.

Meaning : Are there many cookies ?. Only two left.

1. ありません 2.あります 3.ありました 4.あるでしょう

Answer : 1

To express a quantity which is translated as nothing more that, merely, only we can use しか. It is used with a negative verbs. The sentence above expresses that there are only two pieces of cookies left. Below is the pattern :

。。。+ しか +  ~ません(-)negative sentence

Another example :

Kanji     : 本棚にスパーツ雑誌しかありません。

Hiragana  : ほんだなにスポーツざっししかありません。

Romaji    : Hondana ni supo-tsu zasshi shika arimasen.

Meaning   : There are only sports magazines in the bookshelf.


Romaji : (Kippu wo 2 mai) kaimashita.

Meaning : (I) bought 2 pieces of ticket.

1. きっぷを2まいを 2.きっぷを 2まい 3.きっぷが 2まいを 4.きっぷが 2まい

Answer : 2

The above question uses josuushi (助数詞・じょすうし). It is a numeric counter which is added to a numeric as a suffixes. There are several numeric counters depends on the noun which is being counted or being informed in the sentence it also defines the type of the suffixes. For the above example the numeric counter is a suffixes which is spelled as mai (枚・まい)。It is a numeric counter for a flat-object like sheets of papers, ticket, stamps.

To add a josuushi or numeral counter and the number of the noun in a sentence below is the pattern :

Kanji     : 目的語(名詞)      +を +番      +助数詞           +動詞

Hiragana  : もくてきご(めいし)+を +ばん   +じょすうし         +どうし

Romaji    : mokutekigo (meishi) +wo +ban    +jyosuushi          +doushi

Meaning   : object (noun)          +wo+number+num. counter      +verb

In the above question, we can define the pattern above and create an example based on the pattern :

Kanji     : 先月一種間に新奇を五冊読んでしまいました。

Hiragana  : せんげついっしゅかんにしんきをごさつよんでしまいました。

Romaji    : Sengetsu isshuukan ni shinki wo gosatsu yonde shimaimashita.

Meaning   : Last month, in a week I managed to read five novels.


Romaji : Tesuto wa (dou) deshitaka ? Yasasshikatta desu.

Meaning : How was the test ? It was easy.

1. なに 2.どれ 3.どう 4.だれ

Answer : 3

The interrogative pronoun どう is used in the above question as an answer to ask about the characteristics of a noun. In the question above, どう is used to ask the characteristics of the test which is been held. The grammar pattern, どう itself can be translated as how. Based on the answer, we already knew that it was easy. Below is another example :


A  : その教室の転校生はどうですか。

B  : 彼は早くに難しい問題を解いたので天才です。


A  : そのきょうしつのてんこうせいはどうですか

B  : かれははやくにむずかしいもんだいをといたのでてんさいです。


A  : Sono kyoushitsu no tenkousei wa doudesuka ?

B  : Kare wa hayaku ni muzukashii mondai wo toita node tensai desu.


A  : How is the transferred student in that class ?

B  : Since he quickly solved a difficult problem, he is a genius.

The speaker asked how is the transferred student ?. Based on the condition happened, the one who answered the question said that he is a genius.

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