Japanese Language Proficiency Test Part II Level 4 Year 1995.
Japanese Language Proficiency Test or Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken (日本語能力試験) is one of the means which is used on measuring the ability to speak Japanese Language. Below is the answers which is shown in the 1995’s Japanese Language Proficiency Test Part II Level 4.
1995 4級
問題II ____のところになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。
Part II What should be inserted in the underlined part. Please choose one of the best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4 below.
1.わたしは えが____ありません。
Romaji : Watashi wa e ga (jyouzu dewa) arimasen.
Meaning : I am not good to do painting.
1.じょうずに。2.じょうずだ。 3.じょうずな。 4.じょうずでは。
Answer : 4
The correct answer for this question is the fourth option. To create a negative answer using an adjective which is in the sentence is a –na adjective ( けいようどうし | 形容動詞 ) or keiyoudoushi, below is the pattern :
Kanji : 形容動詞 + では + ありません
Hiragana : けいようどうし + では + ありません
Romaji : keiyoudoushi + dewa + arimasen
Meaning :-na adjective + dewa + arimasen
Example :
Kanji : 静か + では +ありません
Hiragana : しずか + では +ありません
Romaji : shizuka + dewa +arimasen
Meaning : not ( quiet | peaceful )
So, based on the above pattern, the correct answer will be the fourth option, jyouzu dewa arimasen.
2.この りょうりは____ 。
Romaji : Kono ryouri wa (oishikunai desu).
Meaning : This dish doesn’t taste delicious.
1.おいしくなくです。 2.おいしいないです。 3.おいしくないです。 4.おいしいなくです。
Answer : 3
The right answer is in the third option. To create a negative answer using an adjective which is an –i adjective in this sentence ( けいようし | 形容詞 ) or keiyoushi, below is the pattern :
Kanji : 形容詞 + い + くない
Hiragana : けいようし + い + くない
Romaji : keiyoushi + i + kunai
Meaning : -i adjective + i + kunai
Example :
Kanji : 冷た + い + くない
Hiragana : つめた + い + くない
Romaji : tsumeta + i + kunai
Meaning : not ( cold | cold-hearted )
So, based on the above pattern, the correct answer will be the third option, oishikunai desu.
3.ごご としょかんへ ほんを____ に 行きます。
Romaji : Gogo toshokan e hon wo (kaeshi) ni ikimasu.
Meaning : I am going to return the book to the library at the evening.
1.かえす 2.かえし 3.かえさ 4.かえして
Answer : 2
The best answer according to the context of the sentence is the second option. It is defining about going to obtain something or to do some purpose. In the above context, the speaker is going to the library to return the book. Below is the pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 ( ます 計 ) +ます+に+いく
Hirangana : どうし ( ます けい ) +ます+に+いく
Romaji : Doushi ( -masu kei ) +masu+ni+iku
Meaning : Verb ( -masu form | -masu stem ) +masu+ni+iku
Example :
ryoukou shi ni iku (to go on vacation, to go travelling)
Kanji : 去年日本良好しに行きました。
Hiragana : きょねん日本へりょうこうしにいきました。
Romaji : Kyonen nihon e ryoukou ni ikimashita.
Meaning : Last year I went to Japan for travelling (on a vacation)
4.これは きょねん きょうとで____しゃしんです。
Romaji : Kore wa kyonen kyouto de (totta) shashin desu.
Meaning : This is the picture which is taken at Kyouto last year.
1.とる 2.とって 3.とった 4.とりた
Answer : 3
The answer is in the third option. We are trying to find the right option where a verb modifying a noun. Not only that, based on the time frame which is happened in the past, the verb itself has to be in the past form which is there in the third option.
Romaji : Heya wo (kirei ni) souji shimashita.
Meaning : I cleaned this room neatly.
1.きれいだ 2.きれいく 3.きれいな 4.きれいに
Answer : 4
The question’s answer is in the fourth option. It is a questions which is answered by using a pattern of an adjective modifying verb. It is literally what we called adverb in grammar. Since the adjective which is modifying the verb is a –na adjective or keiyoudoushi (形容動詞), below is the right pattern to modify the verb :
Kanji : 形容動詞 + に + 動詞
Hiragana : けいようどうし + に + どうし
Romaji : keiyoudoushi + ni + doushi
Meaning : -na adjective + ni + verb
Example :
Kanji : あの方はご家族にいつも親切にします。
Hiragana : あの方はいつもご家族にいつもしんせつにします。
Romaji : Ano hito wa gokazoku ni itsumo shinsetsu ni shimasu.
Meaning : That person is always behave nicely to (his / her) family.
behave as a verb from ‘shimasu’ in the above sentence’s context is modified with the adjective ‘nice’. The adjective has become and an adverb ‘nicely’to explain or to inform how the person behave.
So, the correct answer is the fourth option. The speaker is cleaning he / her room (verb) and he or she cleaning it neatly (adverb).
6.ともだちの うちへ____まえに でんわを かけました。
Romaji : Tomodachi no uchi e (iku) mae ni denwa wo kakemashita.
Meaning : I picked up a phone before I go to my friend’s house.
1.行く 2.行き 3.行って 4.行った
Answer : 1
The answer for the above question is provided in the first option. To use a grammar pattern of mae ni (まえに), we have to use it as the following pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 (辞書 計) + まえ + に
Hiragana : どうし (辞書 けい) + まえ + に
Romaji : doushi (jisho kei) + mae + ni
Meaning : verb (dictionary form) + mae + ni
It is used in a sentence to inform something which do or done before another activity start. The above sentence states that before he went to his or her friend’s house, he called his or her friend first.
7.この 子は てを____ごはんを たべました。
Romaji : Kono ko wa te wo(arawanaide) gohan wo tabemashita.
Meaning : This child ate meal without washing (his/her) hands.
1.あらわなかった 2.あらわない 3.あらわなく 4.あらわないで
Answer : 4
The right answer is in the fourth option. Based on the sentence’s context, we have to use a grammar pattern (-naide) -ないで which means without. Below is the form’s pattern :
Kanji : 動詞(-ない形)+ で
Hiragana : どうし (-ないけい) + で
Romaji : doushi (-nai kei) + de
Meaning : verb (-nai form) + de
For an example :
Kanji : あの人が食事を払わないでレストランを去ります。
Hiragana : あのひとが食事を払わないでレストランをさります。
Romaji : Ano hito ga shokujou wo harawanaide resutoran wo sarimasu.
Meaning : That person leaving restaurant without paying his meal.
The example above has the same pattern with the question. The above sentence in the question is also denoting that the children in the question ate without even washing his or her hand.
Romaji : Namae wa (ooki ni) kakimashou.
Meaning: Let’s largely write the name.
1.大きい 2.大きく 3.大きいに 4.大きくに
Answer : 3
The right answer is the third option. In this option we have to choose the right answer which is modifying verb with an adjective. The adjective in the above sentence is an –i adjective. Below is the following pattern :
Kanji : 形容詞 + い + く + 動詞
Hiragana : けいようし + い + く + どうし
Romaji : keiyoushi + i + ku + doushi
Meaning : -i adjective + i + ku + verb
For example :
Kanji : 学校が遅くになりますから朝御飯を早く食べなさい
Hiragana : がっこうがおそくになりますからあさごはんをはやくたべなさい。
Romaji : Gakkou ga osoku ni narimasu kara asa gohan wo hayaku tabenasai.
Meaning : Because (you) have already late for school eat your breakfast hurry.
9.ちちは しんぶんを_____とき、いつも めがねを かけます。
Romaji : Chichi wa shinbun wo (yomu) toki, itsumo megane wo kakemasu.
Meaning : When my father read newspaper, he always wear his eyeglasses.
1.よむ 2.よみ 3.よんで 4.よんだり
Answer : 1
The above question’s answer is the first option. The first option is a verb in a normal form which is exactly the right form followed by grammar pattern “toki”. When we want to describe the time of an activity or something happen or already happened we can use “toki”. Below is the pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 (普通形) + とき
Hiragana : どうし (ふつうけい) + とき
Romaji : doushi (futsuu kei) + toki
Meaning : verb (normal form) + toki
Example :
Kanji : 今朝電車にいったとき、 すりが警察に抑えられました。
Hiragana : けさでんしゃにいったとき、すりがけいさつにおさえられました。
Romaji : kesa densha ni itta toki, suri ga keisatsu ni osaeraremashita.
Meaning : when (I) was at the train this morning, a pickpocket got caught by the police officer.
Toki is a word which is used in the above grammar pattern and literally means when. It is used to describe time of an activity or something which is happen or happened.
10. ここは_____いい こうえんですね。
Romaji : Koko wa (shizuka de) ii kouen desu ne.
Meaning : It is a quiet and beautiful park here.
1.しずかに 2.しずかの 3.しずかで 4.しずかと
Answer : 3
In the third option the answer for the question is the perfect one for the pattern. It is a sentence for describing adjectives of a noun. Below is the pattern :
Kanji : 形容動詞 +で+形容詞 ・ 形容動詞 + 名詞
Hiragana : けいようどうし+で+けいようし・けいようどうし+ めいし
Romaji : keiyoudoushi +で+keiyoushi / keiyoudoushi+ meishi
Meaning : -na adjective +で+-i adjective/-na adjective+ noun
When we describe the characteristic of a noun using an adjective, we can use one or two adjectives which defines the characteristics. Since there are two types of adjectives, -i adjective and –na adjective, there are also different form or way to combine two adjectives which is used to describe the noun.
For an example :
Kanji : 先生の奥さんはきれいで親切な人です。
Hiragana : せんせいのおくさんはきれいでしんせつなひとです。
Romaji : sensei no okusan wa kirei de shinsetsu na hito desu.
Menaing : my teacher’s wife is a a beautiful and kind person.
11. これは わたしの かさですよ。わたしの なまえが____ あります。
Romaji : Kore wa watashi no kasa desu yo. Watashi no namae ga (kaite) arimasu.
Meaning : This is my umbrella. My name was written on it.
1.かきて 2.かきた 3.かいて 4.かいた
Answer : 3
The perfect answer is the third option. It is defining something which has already been done by using –te aru pattern and the verb which is converted to the pattern must be a transitive verb. Below is the pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 (-て 形)「transitive」 + ある
Hiragana : どうし(-てけい)「transitive」 + ある
Romaji : doushi ( -te kei) 「transitive」 + aru
Meaning : verb ( -te form) 「transitive」 + aru
12. えいがが____あとで きっさてんへ 行きました。
Romaji : Eiga ga (owatta) atode kissaten e ikimashita.
Meaning : After the movie was over, I went to the coffee shop.
1.おわる 2.おわるの 3.おわったの 4.おわった
Answer : 4
The answer is in the fourth option. It is a pattern of –ta atode which describe an activity or something that happened later. So we can use grammar form –ta atode to inform an activity or something which is happened after. Below is the pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 (-た 形)+ あとで
Hiragana : どうし(―たけい)+ あとで
Romaji : doushi ( -ta kei) + atode
Meaning : verb ( -ta form)+ atode
For an example :
Kanji : 晩御飯を食べたあとで、すぐ寝ます
Hiragana : ばんごはんをたべたあとで、すぐねます
Romaji : Ban gohan wo tabeta atode, sugu nemasu.
Meaning : After ate dinner, (I) straight to bed.
So, to describe the action which is done later after ate dinner, we use –ta atode pattern to explain that the speaker directly go to bed after dinner.
13. 「みせは あきましたか。」「いいえ、まだ____います。
Romaji : Mise wa akimashitaka. Iie, mada ( ) imasu.
Meaning : Has the sop opened ?. No, It is still closed.
1.しまる 2.しまり 3.しまって 4.しまった
Answer : 3
The answer for the above question is in the third option. To express a continuing event or action or a condition which is exist we can use –te iru grammar pattern. This pattern explains the condition of the shop which is currently closed.
14. かばんに じしょを いれました。とても____なりました。
Romaji : Kaban ni jisho wo iremashita. Totemo (omoku ni) narimashita.
Meaning : I inserted a dictionary inside the bag. It was becoming very heavy.
1.おもい 2.おもく 3.おもいに 4.おもくに
Answer : 4
The above questions’s answer is in the fourth option. The answer use a verb which express change. The verb is ‘naru’ and the change itself can be represented in an adjective. In this question’s context is an –i adjective. So, in order to express a change of state below is the pattern :
Kanji : 形容詞 + い + く + に + なる
Hiragana : けいようし + い + く + に + なる
Romaji : keiyoushi + i + ku + ni + naru
Meaning : -i adjective + i + ku + ni + naru
For an example :
Kanji : 彼がいつも多く食べるから太くになる
Hiragana : かれがいつもおおくたべるからふとくになる
Romaji : kare ga itsumo ooku taberu kara futoku ni naru.
Meaning : Because he always eat a lot, (he) become fat.
There is a change to the person which is told in the above example. Since he eat a lot, he become fat. It is actually the same situation happened in the question. The bag become heavier since the speaker insert a dictionary in his or her bag.
15. 「しゅくだいを しましたか。」「いいえ、きのう がっこうに 本を ___から できませんでした。」
Romaji : Shukudai wo shimashitaka ? Iie, kinou gakkou ni hon wo (wasureta) kara dekimasendeshita.
Meaning : Have you done (your) homework ? No, Because yesterday I forgot my book at school, I couldn’t do it.
1.わすれ 2.わすれる 3.わすれて 4.わすれた
Answer : 4
The right answer for the last question is in the fourth option. The above question concerns about using kara (から) for the grammar pattern. It is used to explain a reason which is given for the result which is happened later. Since the speaker left his or her book at school, he or she cannot done his or her homework. Below is the grammar pattern :
Kanji : 動詞 (普通形) + から
Hiragana : どうし(ふつうけい) + から
Romaji : doushi (futsuu kei) + kara
Meaning : verb (plain form) + kara
Below is another example of the grammar pattern :
Kanji : 雨が降っていますから、仕事へ傘を持っていきます。
Hiragana : あめがふっていますから、しごとへかさをもっていきます。
Romaji : ame ga futte imasu kara, shigoto e kasa wo motte ikimasu.
Meaning : because the rain has fall, (I) go to the office bringing an umbrella.