1991 3級
Part I How do you read the underlined part. Please choose one best answer from the choice 1 2 3 4.
1. 自分で旅行を計画するのは楽しいです。
Hiragana : じぶんでりょこうをけいかくするのはたのしいです。
Romaji : jibun de ryokou wo keikaku suru no wa tanoshii desu.
Meaning : It is fun to prepare a trip by yourself.
1.自分 1.じぶん 2.ちっぷん 3.じっぷん 4.ちぶん
Answer : 1
The correct answer is in the first option. The other options since the first letter of kanji is read into a wrong one, they are false answers.
2.旅行 1.りゅうこ 2.りょうこ 3.りょこう 4.りゅこう
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second option. The other options are wrong since the first letter is read in a wrong way.
3.計画 1.けいかく 2.けいが 3.けかく 4.けが
Answer : 3
The correct answer is in the first option. The rests are false answers since the last letter is wrong.
4.楽しい 1.うれしい 2.いそがしい 3.うつくしい 4.たのしい
Answer : 4
The correct answer is in the fourth option. All of the options are adjectives. The first one, ureshii is written as 嬉しい which means happy, the second option, isogashii is written as 忙しい which means busy and the third option, utsukushii is written as 美しい which can be translated as beautiful.
2. その学生は毎日地下鉄で大学に通ります。
Hiragana : そのがくせいはまいにちちかてつでだいがくにとおります。
Romaji : Sono gakusei wa mai nichi chikatetsu de daigaku ni toorimasu.
Meaning : Those students pass through the school by subway.
1.地下鉄 1.じげてつ 2.じかてつ 3.ちげてつ 4.ちかてつ
Answer : 4
The correct answer is in the fourth option. The other answers are false answers because there are letters which is mistakenly written.
2.通って 1.とおって 2.かよって 3.かえって 4.いって
Answer : 1
The correct answer is in the first option. All of the answers are verbs. The second verb, kayotte is written as 通って which can be translated as to commute, to go back and forth. The third option kaette is written as帰って which can be translated as to go back home and the last option, itte is written as 行って which can be translated as to go.
3. 姉がいつも食事の用意をしてくれます。
Hiragana : いもうとがいつもしょくじのよういをしてくれます。
Romaji : Ane ga itsumo shokuji no youi wo shite kuremasu.
Meaning : My older sister always doing the meal preparation (laying out the meal).
1.姉 1.いもうと 2.おとうと 3.あね 4.あに
Answer : 3
The correct answer is in the third option. The first one, imouto is written as 妹 and it means younger sister. The second option, otouto is written as弟 in kanji and is translated as younger brother. The last one, the fourth option is written as 兄 and can be translated as older brother.
2.食事 1.しょくじ 2.しょうじ 3.そくじ 4.そうじ
Answer : 1
The right answer is in the first option. The second, third and fourth option is mistakenly written for giving deceived answers.
3.用意 1.よい 2.ようい 3.よじ 4.ようじ
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second one. The other options are falsely written.
4. 電話代は夜の間と日曜日が安いです。
Hiragana : でんわだいはよるのあいだとにちようびがやすいです。
Romaji : Denwadai wa yoru no aida to nichiyoubi ga yasui desu.
Meaning : Phone cost during the night and Sunday is cheap.
1.電話代 1.でんわちん 2.でんわきん 3.でんわだい 4.でんわりょう
Answer : 3
The correct answer is in the third option. All of the other options are incorrect combination spelling.
2.夜 1.ひる 2.よる 3.あさ 4.ばん
Answer : 2
All of the options are time markers. The correct one is in the second option. The first one hiru is written in kanji as 昼 which means day, noon, daylight. The third option is written in kanji as 朝 which means morning. The last option is written as 晩 in kanji and it is translated as evening.
3.間 1.ち 2.ま 3.かん 4.あいだ
Answer : 4
The proper answer is in the fourth option. The other answers are wrong answers.
4.安い 1.あまい 2.うまい 3.ちかい 4.やすい
Answer : 4
The correct answer is in the fourth option. All of the options are adjectives. The first one is written as 甘い which means sweet, the second option is written as旨い and the third one, chikai is actually written as 近い in kanji.
5. この町の人口は去年より多くなりました。
Hiragana : その まちのじんこうは きょねんより おおくなりました。
Romaji : Sono machi no jinkou wa kyonen yori ooku narimashita.
Meaning : That city’s population was getting bigger compared last year.
1.町 1.むら 2.まち 3.とし 4.へん
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second option. The first one is written as 村 in kanji and it is translated as village. The third option is written as 都市 which can also be translated as city. The last option which is the fourth option is written as辺 in kanji letter and it is translated as area, neighborhood.
2.人口 1.じんこう 2.にんこう 3.にんごう 4.じんごう
Answer : 1
The answer is in the first option. The other options are mistakenly written so they are false answers.
3.去年 1.きょうねん 2.さくねん 3.さっねん 4.きょねん
Answer : 4
The right one is in the fourth option. The other options are wrong. Because they are mistakenly written or falsely written.
6. その店の主人はいつも着物を着ています。
Hiragana : そのみせのじんこうはいつもきものをきています。
Romaji : Sono mise no shujin wa itsumo kimono wo kite imasu.
Meaning : This store’s owner always wearing kimono.
1.みせ 1.てん 2.こや 3.みせ 4.うち
Answer : 3
The right answer is in the third option. The other options are false answers.
2.主人 1.しゅじん 2.しゅうじん 3.しゅにん 4.しゅうにん
Answer : 1
The answer is in the first option. The other options are falsely written answers.
3.着物 1.おきもの 2.きもの 3.はきもの 4.かきもの
Answer : 2
The correct answer is in the second option. The other options are false answers. The first option is written as 置物 in kanji letter and translated as ornament. The third option is written as履物 in kanji letter and it means footwear, clogs. The fourth option is written as書き物 in kanji letter and it can be translated as writing, document.