Japanese Language Test Answer 1993 4kyuu Moji Goi Part 2

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 問題 II ___のとこになにをいれますか。1234からいちばんいいものをひとつえらびなさい。

1.   わたしは あまり_____ありませんでした。

1.じょうぶでは 2.じょうぶな 3.じょうぶには 4.じょうぶだ

Answer :

Romaji : Watashi wa amari (jyouzu dewa) arimasendeshita.

Meaning : I wasnt too clever.

In this question, the pattern あまりmust be followed with a negative form. To make an adjective into a negative form, this is the right pattern. First of all, we have to identify the adjective type. The adjective じょうぶis a keiyoudoushi 形容動詞(けいようどうし)or –na adjective.



Polite Form       : 形容動詞     + では + ありません

Ordinary Form  : 形容動詞       + じゃ + ありません

                   形容動詞       + じゃ + ない

                          keiyoudoushi  +  jya       nai

                          -na adjective  +  jya    +  nai


In the sentence :

Polite form       : じょうぶ  +では+ありません

Ordinary form  : じょうぶ  +じゃ+ありません

                : じょうぶ  +じゃ+ない

                                    jyouzu   +jya + nai


2.  わたしの へやは_____ないです。

1.ひろいく 2.ひろいでは 3.ひろく 4.ひろい

Answer :

Romaji : Watashi no heya wa (hiroku) nai desu.

Meaning : My room is not too spacious.


In order to negate an adjective we have to look at the adjective type first. The adjective in the sentence is a keiyoushi 形容詞 (けいようし) or an –i adjective. The adjective in the sentence is ひろいwhich means spacious.


Format :      形容詞     +  + く

けいようし   +  + く

keiyoushi     i  +  ku

-i adjective +  i     +  ku


In the sentence : ひろ +  + く

                           hiro +  i     +  ku


3.   あの 子は うたは_____うたいます。

1.じょうず 2.じょうずな 3.じょうずに 4.じょうずで

Answer :

Romaji : Ano ko wa uta wa (jyouzu ni) utaimasu.

Meaning : That kid sing the song skillfully.


The adjective can modify the verb to make it as an adverb. The above question is a keiyoudoushi 形容動詞(けいようどうし)or a –na adjective. Based on the adjective type, we actually have to use the following pattern :


Pattern: 形容動詞      + に  + 動詞

        けいようどうし  + に + どうし

             keiyoudoushi  +  ni   +  doushi

             -na adjective  +  ni   +  verb


In the sentence: じょうずうたいます



The sentence contains a verb which is modified by a –na adjective. The –na adjective is じょうず(jyouzu) which means clever, smart, skillful.It can be found that the subject is doing activity which is described in the verb in a manner which is described in the adjective. The subject which is the kid sing the song skillfully. The verb is singing and the way of the kid sing is skillfully. The adjective skillful modify the verb and inform the way of the kid sings.


4.  字を もう すこし_____かきましょう。

1.大きい 2.大きく3.大きいに 4.大きくに

Answer : 2

Romaji : Ji wa mou sukoshi (ookiku) kakimashou.

Meaning : Let’s write the letter a little larger.

This is also a question that defines how to modify a verb by using an adjective. The adjective is大きい(おおき), which means large, big. After recognizing the adjective type which is 形容詞(けいようし)or an –i adjective, the answer can be derived by looking on the following pattern below :


Pattern: 形容詞      + に + 動詞

        けいようし   + に + どうし

             keiyoushi    +  ni   +  doushi

             -i adjective +  ni      verb


In the sentence : おおき +  + く  + かきましょう。

                           ooki        +  ku  kakimashou.


5.  わたしは もっと____たいです。

1. はなし 2.はなす 3.はなした 4.はなします

Answer : 1

Romaji : Watashi wa motto (hanashi) tai desu.

Meaning : I want to talk more.


This is an example of how to create a sentence in expressing that we want to do. Those expression must be following this pattern below :



Pattern: 動詞   + ます  + たい

        どうし  + ます   + たい

        doushi +  masu + tai

             verb    +  masu + tai


In the sentence: はなし  + ます   + たい = はなしたい

                 hanashi+  masu + tai   =  Hanashitai


6.  ここで____ください。

1.あそばない 2.あそばなく 3.あそばなくて 4.あそばないで

Answer : 4

Romaji : Koko de asobanaide kudasai.

Meaning : Please don’t play here.


In this sentence, we learn on expressing how to politely ask someone to do or not to do something. Since in this context we are asking someone not to play in the place specified, the verb あそぶ(asobuwhich means to play has to be converted in the negative form based on following format :

Negative form :  動詞  + ないで   + ください

                  どうし  + ないで    + ください

 verb  +  naide    kudasai

       In the sentence :あそぶ +ないで +ください:あそばないでください

                                 asobu naide kudasaiasobanaide kudasai


7.  わたしは きのう____まえに、てがみを かきました。

1. ねる 2.ねた 3.ねるの 4.ねたの

Answer :

Romaji : Watashi wa kinou (neru) mae ni, tegami wo kakimashita.

Meaning : Yesterday, before I go to bed, (I) wrote a letter.


In this sentence, we learn on expressing an action which is done before doing another activity. This is done by usingまえに (mae ni) which means before in this context of sentence. It has to be made by following this pattern belown :


Format :  動詞(辞書形)              + まえに 

          どうし(じしょけい)         + まえに

verb (Dictionary Form+ まえに

       In the sentence :ねる + まえに

                                 neru+  mae ni


8.  きのう 本を ____ に 行きました。

1.かって 2.かう 3.かわ 4.かい

Answer : 4

Romaji : Kinou hon wo (kai) ni ikimashita.

Meaning : Yesterday I went to buy book.

This is an example of question which is indicating the usage of expressing someone going to someplace in order to do something. The subject went to buy a book yesterday. We use にいく to be used on by the following pattern :


Pattern :動詞  + ます   + に + いく

         どうし + ます   + に + いく

             doushi+ masu + ni + iku

             verb   + masu +  ni + iku


In the sentence : かい+に+いきました。

   kai niikimashita. 


9. わたしは おんがくを____ながら べんきょうします。

1.きく 2.きき 3.きいた 4.きいて

Answer : 2

Romaji : Watashi wa ongaku wo (kiki) nagara benkyou shimasu.

Meaning : I am studying while listening to the music.


To express an activity which is done while doing another activity can be defined by using –ながら. The pattern is shown below :


Pattern :  動詞 1  + ます  + ながら  +動詞2 

   どうし 1 + ます  + ながら  +どうし2

               doushi1 + masu  +  nagara  doushi 2

               verb1    + masu  nagara     verb 2


In this sentence : きき+ ます  +ながら

                           kiki+  masu nagara

10.あした 山田さんが____人は だれですか。

1.あって 2.あいます 3.あった 4. あう

Answer : 4

Romaji : Ashita Yamada-san ga au hito wa dare desuka.

Meaning : Who is the person whom Yamada going to meet tomorrow?.

The subject of the noun modifier clause is followed by particle . The verb which is modifying the noun is in ordinary or plain form (普通系・ふつけい). The perfect answer is the fourth option since the time marker is あした(tomorrow). The third option is not suitable since it is in the past form. And the pattern is shown below :


Format : Subject が+Verb Noun.

In the sentence :Yamada-san が+あう .

                 Meaning : The person whom Yamada meet

11.「いま すぐ ビールを のみますか。」「いいえ、おふろに___から のみます。」

1.はいる 2.はいり 3.はいります 4. はいって

Answer : 4

Romaji : Ima sugu biiru wo nomimasuka ? Iie, ofuro ni haitte kara nomimasu.

Meaning : (are you going to) drink beer now ? No, (I am going to) drink it after taking a bath.


To inform an activity which is actually done after another activity was taken can be define by using から.It means after taking a bath the subject will take a drink.


12.かべに ポスターが はって_____。

1. います 2.なります 3.あります 4.します

Answer : 1

Romaji : Kabe ni posutaa ga hatte imasu.

Meaning : The poster hang in the wall.

This sentence is actually part of a lesson on trying to identify the usage of tadoushi (transitive verb) or jidoushi (intransitive verb). The question has a particle which indicate the usage of jidoushi or an intransitive verb. An intransitive verb is a verb that doesn’t even an object. The verb はるis used in the ていますform which means to define the state which results as a consequence of the action expressed by the verb which is describing a poster is hanged.


13.この えは わたしが きのう こうえんで_____えです。

1.かく 2.かかない 3.かいた 4.かいて

Answer : 3

Romaji : Kono e wa watashi ga kinou kouen de kaita e desu.

Meaning : This painting was my painting drew at the park yesterday.

This sentence also represents the usage of noun modifier clause. The subject has to be followed by particlein order to inform something which is in the additional clause. The perfect answer is the third option since there are past time marker きのう (yesterday). So the verb has to be in the past form not in the present-future form like in the fourth option.

Format          : Subject が+Verb Noun.

In the sentence : Watashi が+かいた .

         Meaning         : The painting which I draw.

14.こどもは ゆうべ ばんごはんを_____ねました。

1. たべなくて 2.たべないで 3.たべない 4.たべなく

Answer : 1

Romaji : Kodomo wa yuube ban gohan wo tabenakute nemashita.

Meaning : Last night the children slept without having their dinner.


To combine a verb with another verb we can use –te form in order to create the full sentence. The first verb is たべるand the second one is ねる. To negate a verb we have to make it in -nai form(–ない. To connect a negative verb with another verb, we need ‘くて‘ (kute) as additional part to the verb.The meaning is without ate dinner the children went to bed.


Form : 動詞1  + くて + 動詞2

      どうし1+ くて + どうし2

      doushinai +  kute  +  doushi2

          verb1   nai +  kute  +  verb2


In this sentence : たべ+な+くて+ねました:たべなくてねました


15.しんぶんは あまり_____

1.よみます 2よみません 3.よんで ください 4.よみましょう

Answer : 2

Romaji : Shinbun wa amari yomimasen.

Meaning : I rarely read newspaper.


To inform an activity which done not too very often, we can use あまりin the sentence which is followed by a negative verb as following pattern :


Pattern :           あまり+動詞


amari doushi

amari verb

In the sentence : あまり +よみません

                           amari + yomimasen

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