Particle to in Japanese Language

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In Japanese language there are terms which is called joshi( 助詞 ). It is a grammatical term for particle. There are a lot of particle in Japanese language. One of those particle is to(と)which is used commonly in sentences which is made in Japanese language. There are several functions which can be performed by using this particle in sentences.

  1. To join two or more nouns.

By using particle to (と), we can join or connect two or more nouns in a sentence. Below is the pattern on the usage :

Kanji: 。。。 + 名詞 + と + 名詞 + 。。。

Hiragana: 。。。 + めいし+ と + めいし+ 。。。

Romaji: 。。。 + meishi+ to + meishi+ 。。。

Meaning: 。。。 + noun+ と + noun+ 。。。

Below is examples which is taken from Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Nouryouku Shiken) level 4 from 1991 – 1995. The samples below fit with the function which is performed by this particle in point 1.

1.ここに なまえ_____でんわ ばんごう を かいて ください。

1.で 2.を 3.と 4.も

Answer : 3

Romaji : Koko ni namae (to) denwa bangou wo kaite kudasai.

Meaning : Please write (your) name and phone number in here.

This question also displays the usage of particle とto group or join two nouns. Those nouns are name and phone number.

Taken from :

Kanji: 日本語能力試験4級1993年 読解・文法 No.7

Hiragana       : にほんごのうりょうくしけん1993ねん どっかい・ぶんぽう No.7

Romaji       : Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken 4-kyuu 1993-nen DokkaiBunpou No.7

Meaning       : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Year 1993 (Reading Comprehension Grammar) No. 7


  1. It indicates an activity which is done together with another person. By using this particle it will be expressing something which can be translated as “together with”.

Below is examples which is taken from Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Nouryouku Shiken) level 4 from 1991 – 1995. Those samples below fit with the function of the particle described in point 2.

1.わたしは ともだち____テニスを します。

1.と 2.を 3.は 4.で

Answer : 1

Romaji : Watashi wa tomodachi (to) tenisu wo shimasu.

Meaning : I am playing tennis with my friend.

The particle is used to indicate an action which is done together with another person. The subject which is I in this sentence playing tennis with my friend.

Taken from :

Kanji         : 日本語能力試験4級199年 読解・文法 No. 13

Hirgana       : にほんごのうりょうくしけん1991ねん どっかい・ぶんぽう No. 13

Romaji       : Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken 4-kyuu 1991-nen DokkaiBunpou No.13

Meaning       : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Year 1991 (Reading Comprehension Grammar) No. 13


2.わたしは きのう おとうと____ テニスを しました。

1.と 2.や 3.を 4.か

Answer : 1

Hiragana : Watashi wa kinou otouto (to) tenisu wo shimashita.

Meaning : Yesterday I played tennis together with my little brother.

The suitable answer is the first option. The particle と, in this sentence is a particle describing that the subject (watashi or me) in the sentence is doing the activity together with the one which is stated before the particle itself, in this context is otouto or the subject’s little brother.

Taken from :

Kanji        :日本語能力試験4級1992年 語彙・文字 No.3

Hiragana     :にほんごのうりょくしけん4きゅう1992ねん どっかい・ぶんぽう No.3

Romaji       : Nihongo nouryoku shiken 4-kyuu 1992 nen dokkai・

bunpou No.3

Meaning      : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Year 1992 (Reading Comprehension ・ Grammar) No.3


3.「あしたも ひとりで 来ますか。」「いいえ、あしたは ともだち___来ます。

1.と 2.は 3.へ 4.が

Answer       : 1

Hiragana   : 「あしたも ひとりで きますか。」「いいえ、あしたは ともだち(と)きます。

Romaji       : [Ashita mo hitori de kimasuka.] [iie, ashita wa tomodachi (to) kimasu].

Meaning      : (Are you) going to come tomorrow by yourself?. No, I am going to come with my friend.

The particle which is used as an answer in giving an information about the condition of the person doing the activity. The person come with his friend.

Taken from   :

Kanji       : 日本語能力試験4級1993年 読解・文法 No.5

Hirgana      : にほんごのうりょうくしけん1993ねん どっかい・ぶんぽう No.5

Romaji       : Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken 1993-nen DokkaiBunpou No.5

Meaning      : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Year 1993 Reading (Comprehension Grammar) Level 4 No. 5

4.わたしは ときどき ちち___ テニスを します。

1.で。2.と。 3.に。 4.か。

Answer : 2

Romaji : Watashi wa tokidoki chichi (to) tenisu wo shimasu.

Meaning : I myself seldom play tennis with my father.

This question used particle と(to), the particle in this sentence means together, with. This particle follows nouns which is ちち(chichi).

Another example is :

Kanji        : 両親とそのことを相談してください。

Hiragana     : りょうしんとそのことをそうだんしてください。

Romaji      : Ryoushin to sono koto wo soudan shite kudasai.

Meaning      : Please discuss this matter together with your

Taken from :

Kanji        : 日本語能力試験4級1994年 語彙・文字 No.1

Hiragana     : にほんごのうりょくしけん4きゅう1994ねん    どっかいぶんぽう No.1

Romaji       : Nihongo nouryoku shiken 4 kyuu 1994 nen dokkai bunpou

Meaning      : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Year 1994 Reading ComprehensionGrammar No.1

5.「ひとりで 行きますか。」「いいえ、はは____行きます」。

1. に 2.と 3.へ 4.を

Answer : 2

Romaji : [Hitori de ikimashitaka.] [Iie, haha (to) ikimasu].

Meaning : [Did go alone ?] [No, I go with my other]

The above sentence is using a particle which indicates an action which is done with other people. The subject is the one who answered the question which explains that the subject is going with her mother.

Taken from :

Kanji       : 日本語能力試験4級1995年 語彙・文字 No.3

Hiragana     : にほんごのうりょくしけん4きゅう1995ねん どっかいぶんぽうNo.3

Romaji      : Nihongo nouryoku shiken 4 kyuu 1995 nen dokkai Bunpou No.3

Meaning            : Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 4 Year 1995 Reading ComprehensionGrammar No.3



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