Japanese Language Grammar Pattern Modify Noun using Verb as Noun Modifier

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Japanese Language Grammar Pattern Modify Noun using Verb as Noun Modifier

Japanese Language Grammar Pattern Modify Noun using Verb as Noun Modifier

In this article, the Japanese language grammar which is going to be discussed as a focus is noun modifier. The modifier used to modify the noun is in form of a verb.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji : 。。。 動詞 名詞 。。。
Hiragana : 。。。 どうし めいし 。。。
Romaji : 。。。 doushi meishi 。。。
Meaning : 。。。 verb noun 。。。

The pattern above can be shown in the following example of a noun clause which is actually made from the combination of verb as a describer or modifier and noun acts as the one which is being described or modified :

Verb Noun
Kanji : 作る 料理
Hiragana : つくる りょうり
Romaji : tsukuru ryouri
Meaning : creating dishes (creating cooks)

If it is used in an example, below is the description in detail :

First sentence which is going to act as a main clause :

Kanji : わたしはこの料理がだいすきです。
Hiragana : わたしはこのりょうりがだいすきです。
Romaji : watashi wa kono ryouri ga daisuki desu.
Meaning : i like this cooking (dishes).

Second sentence which is going to act as noun clause :

Kanji : 妻がりょうりをつくります。
Hiragana : つまがりょうりをつくります。
Romaji : tsuma ga ryouri wo tsukurimasu.
Meaning : my wife makes dishes (cooking).

The final combination using the above noun clause :

Kanji : わたしは妻の作る料理が大好きです。
Hiragana : わたしはつまのつくるりょうりがだいすきです。
Romaji : watashi wa tsuma no tsukuru ryouri ga daisuki desu.
Meaning : I love the dishes creates by my wife.

In the above example, the subject love every dishes or cooking which is made by his wife. The noun clause is ‘tsukuru ryouri’ where ‘ryouri’ is a noun and it is described furthermore using a verb ‘tsukuru’. Not just point at a specific dishes or cooking, but it is the dishes which is created. And in the above example, it is the one which is created by the subject’s wife.

Another example in a noun clause :

Verb Noun
Kanji : 借りる 小説
Hiragana : かりる しょうせつ
Romaji : kariru shousetsu
Meaning : borrowed novel

First sentence which is going to act as a main clause :

Kanji : この小説が面白いです。
Hiragana : このしょうせつがおもしろいです。
Romaji : kono shousetsu ga omoshiroi desu.
Meaning : this novel is interesting.

Second sentence which is going to act as noun clause :

Kanji : 先週わたしは図書館で小説を借りました。
Hiragana : せんしゅうわたしはとしょかんでしょうせつをかりました。
Romaji : senshuu watashi wa toshokan de shousetsu wo karimashita.
Meaning : I borrowed a novel at the library last week.

The final combination using the above specified noun clause :

Kanji : 書館で先週に借りた小説が面白いです。
Hiragana : としょかんでせんしゅうにかりたしょうせつがおもしろいです。
Romaji : toshokan de senshuu ni karita shousetsu ga omoshiroi desu.
Meaning : the novel which is borrowed at the library last week is interesting.

In the above example, the noun clause is ‘karita shousetsu’ which means the borrowed novel. It is derived from a sentence and modified to be combined with the sentence acts as the main clause.



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