Japanese Language Grammar Pattern conecting –i keiyoushi with another word

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Japanese Language Grammar Pattern conecting

–i keiyoushi (-i type adjective) 「-い形容詞」 with another word

Japanese Language Grammar Pattern conecting –i keiyoushi with another word

Currently on this article which is in the grammar section, Japanese language grammar pattern which is going to be discussed is the usage of –i type adjective in a sentence while connecting it with another word using the addition of –kute as a connector. It is a rule in Japanese language grammar to the –i type adjective so that it can be appended with another word for an example another adjective to add more information about the subject, item which is being stated through a full sentence.

Below is the pattern :

Kanji : 。。。 形容詞() くて 。。。
Hiragana : 。。。 けいようし() くて 。。。
Romaji : 。。。 keiyoushi (i) kute 。。。
Meaning : 。。。 -i type adjective kute 。。。

The example using the above pattern can be shown below :

Kanji : その事件が悔しくて悲しいです。
Hiragana : そのじけんがくやしくてかなしいです。
Romaji : Sono jiken ga kuyashikute kanashii desu.
Meaning : That incident (accident) feels regrettable and sorrow.

The above example is using pattern as shown in the above to describe a subject or matter which is pointing in to ‘that incident’. It is described with several adjective where the first one is ‘kuyashii’which is an –i type adjective. The –i type adjective itself can be translated as ‘regrettable, annoyable, frustrating, mortifying’. The latter is also another –i type adjective, ‘kanashii’ which can be translated as ‘sad, sorrow’.

To be able to connect those two adjectives, below is the step which is needed to be done :

1.Erase the ending –i from the –i type adjective which is going to be connected.

2.Add or append the –i type adjective which has the –i ending being erased as done in the first step with particle –kute 「-くて」

3.Append the form which is made in the second step with another word which is meant to be connected. In this example, it is another –i type adjective.

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