Japanese Language Conjunction Sorekara

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In Japanese language, we know that there are certain words which is used as a conjunction. It is called as setsuzokushi (接続詞  ・せつぞくし) in Japanese language.

The conjunction itself can be divided into two kinds of conjunction based on its position in a sentence, those are  :

  1. Located in the beginning of a sentence.
  2. Located inside the sentence in between words which is building the sentence.

One of those conjunction which is located in the beginning of a sentence is sorekara. As a conjuction will generally do, it is used to connect two or more phrases or sentences. It can be translated as and, and then, from then on, after that, besides, in addition or further on. Below is the general pattern :

Kanji                            : 文1                             +        それから      +     文2

Hiragana                     : ぶん1                        +        それから      +        ぶん2

Romaji                         : bun 1                         +        sorekara         +        bun 2

Meaning                      : first sentence         +        sorekara       +        second sentence

Sorekara itself based on its function can generally be divided into two kind of purpose :

  1. To explain a logical order of an activity or series of events which is been done or a habitual action by subject. It is actually an action or event which is followed by another action or event. Some people called sorekara in this type of manner as  a consecutive conjunction. It is can be translated as and, and then, from then on or after that.

First Example  

Kanji                : 昨日の朝御飯がパンを食べた. それから牛乳を飲みました。

Hiragana         : きのうのあさごはんがパンをたべた. それからぎゅうにゅうをのみました。

Romaji             : Kinou no asa gohan ga pan wo tabeta. Sorekara gyuunyuu wo nomimashita.

Meaning          : Yesterday’s breakfast I ate bread. After that I drank milk.


Second Example

Kanji                : 毎日うちの家政婦が選択をして.それから乾燥機でその洗濯物を乾かしたあとで 洗濯物にアイロンをかけました。

Hiragana         : まいにちうちのかせいふがせんたくをして.それからかんそうきでそのせんたくものをかわかしたあとでせんたくものにアイロンをかけました。

Romaji             : Mai nichi uchi no kaseifu ga sentaku wo shite. Sorekara kansouki de sono sentaku mono wo kawakashita atode sentakumono ni airon wo kakemashita.

Meaning          : Everyday our maid (helper) does the laundry. And then after dried those laundry with a drying machine, she irons those laundry.


Below we are going to present another sample using sorekara combining more than two sentences in a form of paragraph.

Third Example

Kanji :

日曜日休みですからだいたいうちに出ます。コンビニで朝御飯を食べます。それから公園で散歩します。それからレストランで昼御飯を食事します。それから本屋で雑誌や新規を読みます。それから映画館で映画を見ます。 それから喫茶店でコーヒーを飲みます。

Hiragana :


Romaji :

Nichiyoubi yasumi desu kara daitai uchi ni demasu. Konbini de asa gohan wo tabemasu. Sorekara kouen de sanpo shimasu. Sorekara resutoran de hiru gohan wo shokuji shimasu. Sorekara honya de zasshi ya shinki wo yomimasu. Sorekara eigakan de eiga wo mimasu. Sorekara kissaten de ko-hi- wo nomimasu.

Meaning :

Because Sunday is holiday (I) generally get out of home. I take a breakfast in the convenient store. After that I take a walk in the park. And then I take a lunch in the restaurant. After that I read magazine, novel in the book store. And then I watch movie in the cinema. After that I have a coffee at the café.

  1. To give an additional information.

Sorekara can also be used to give an additional information to the previous sentence. It is normally translated as and, besides, in addition, further on

Fourth example

Kanji                : あの人は車を運転することができます。それからバイクを乗ることもできます。

Hiragana         : あのひとはくるまをうんてんすることができます。それからバイクをのることもできます。

Romaji             :  Ano hito wa kuruma wo unten suru koto ga dekimasu. Sorekara baiku wo noru koto mo dekimasu.

Meaning          :   That person can drive a car. Besides (that person) can also ride a bike.


Fifth example

Kanji                : 彼女はきれいです。それから親切です。

Hiragana         : かのじょはきれいです。それからしんせつです。

Romaji             : Kanojyo wa kirei desu. Sorekara shinsetsu desu.

Meaning          : That woman is beautiful. In addition (she is) kind.


Sixth example

Kanji                : 社長は日本語を勉強します。それから英語も勉強します。

Hiragana         : しゃちょうはにほんごをべんきょうします。それからえいごをべんきょうします。

Romaji             : Shachou wa nihongo wo benkyou shimasu. Sorekara eigo wo benkyou shimasu.

Meaning          : President director learn Japanese language. Further on (he/she) also learn English language.

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