Minna no Nihongo 2 Chapter 26 Problem C4

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The article below consists of several questions and several answers. We have to match the answer with the suitable question. The question itself exists in a interrogative sentence. Several answers which are  provided must be chosen to complete the interrogative sentence. Each of the answers are verb which only match with on question as the correct one. It depends on the context so we have to choose it carefully. All of pair question and answer is presented in Minna no Nihongo 2 chapter 26 problem section part 3 on page 8. But first of all, we are going to provide the interrogative sentence pattern and also an example of it below :

Pattern              :

Kanji                   : 。。。+動詞              「連用形」                       +ます                                +か

Hiragana            : 。。。+どうし             「れんようけい」             +ます                                +か

Romaji               : 。。。+doushi           「renyoukei」                 +masu                              +ka

Meaning           : 。。。+verb with …  「renyoukei form」        +masu                              +ka

To create an interrogative sentence using the –masu form, we have to change the verb into a certain verb conjugation which is following the renyoukei form rules. Depends on the verb classification, the verb conjugation of renyoukei also differ from one classification to another.

Example            :

Kanji                     :

A          : 毎週図書館へ行きますね。本を借りますか。

B           : いいえ、そこでただ本を読みます。

A          : どんな本を読みますか。

B           :色々な小説です。

Hiragana            :

A          : まいしゅうとしょかんへいきますね。ほんをかりますか。

B           : いいえ、そこでただほんをよみます。

A          : どんなほんをよみますか。

B           :いろいろなしょうせつです。

Romaji                 :

A          : maishuu toshokan e ikimasu ne。hon wo karimasuka ?。

B           : iie、soko de tada hon wo yomimasu。

A          : donna hon wo yomimasuka。

B           : iro iro na shousetsu desu。

Meaning           :

A          : you go to the library every week, right ?。borrowing books ?。

B           : no、I just read the book there。

A          : what kind of book do you read。

B           : various kinds of novel。

The above example is using 借りる(kariru) and 読む(yomu)

Kanji                      :

借りる   (辞書形)                     = 借り(連用形)                +ます

読む     (辞書形)                     = 読み(連用形)                +ます

Hiragana              :

かりる  (じしょけい)           = かり(れんようけい)            +ます

よむ     (じしょけい)           = よみ(れんようけい)                +ます

Romaji                  :

kariru    (jisho kei)                     = kari   (renyoukei) +masu

yomu    (jisho kei)                     = yomi (renyoukei)   +masu

Meaning              :

to borrow (dictionary form)        = to borrow (renyoukei)        > borrow (polite form)

to read (dictionary form)              = to read (renyoukei)              > read (polite form)

So, in order to be able to use the verb with suffix –masu into a –masu form and later on attach it with partikel -ka as an interrogative particle, we have to change the verb dictionary form into a japanese verb conjugation following the renyoukei rules as shown in the above.

Below are all of the answers of all the questions based on the full questions which can be seen in Minna Nihongo 2 book chapter 26 problem section part 3 page 8 :


Kanji                   : 遅かったですね。何か(ありました)か。

Hiragana            : おそかったですね。なにか(ありました)か。

Romaji               : osokatta desu ne。nanika (arimashita) ka 。

Meaning           : (you were) late. was something happened ?


Kanji                   : いつも 車で 買い物に 行きますね。近くに スーパーは (ありません)か

Hiragana            : いつも くるまで かいものに いきますね。ちかくに すーぱーは (ありません)か

Romaji               : itsumo kuruma de kaimono ni ikimasu ne。chikaku ni su-pa- wa (arimasen) ka

Meaning           : you always go for shopping by car, right ? 。 isn’t there any supermarket near around ?


Kanji                   : ときどき 大阪弁を 使いますね。大阪で(生まれました)か

Hiragana            : ときどき おおさかべんを つかいますね。おおさかで (うまれました)か

Romaji               : toki doki oosaka ben wo tsukaimasu ne. Oosaka de (umaremashita) ka ?

Meaning           : sometime, you are using Osaka dialect, right ?. did you born in Osaka ?


Kanji                   : いつも 帽子を かぶって いますね。帽子が(好きです)か。

Hiragana            : いつも ぼうしを かぶって いますね。ぼうしが (すきです)か。

Romaji               : itsumo boushi wo kabutte imasu ne。 boushi ga (suki desu) ka。

Meaning           : you always wear a hat。 do you love hat ? 。


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