Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 18 Section C Part 5 Page 152

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This article is an article with the content of discussing problems exist in Minna no Nihongo. The problem is in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 18 Section C Part 5 in page 152. Most of the problems has a focus on one specific grammar pattern. That grammar pattern is to show or to express the ability or qualification to do something. The following is the pattern of the grammar :

Pattern :

Kanji : + 動詞「辞書形」 + ことができる
Hiragana: + どうし「じしょけい」 + ことができる
Romaji: + Doushi [jisho kei] + koto ga dekiru
Meaning: + Dictionary Verb Form + be able to do the thing described in the verb

Example :

Kanji : 弟は + 泳ぐ形 + ことができる
Hiragana: おとうとは + およぐ + ことができる
Romaji: otouto wa + oyogu + koto ga dekiru
Meaning: My younger brother can swim

Another grammar pattern is to use verb as noun. By following a verb with ‘koto’, it will act as a noun. The following is a grammar pattern :

Kanji : + 動詞「辞書形」 + ことです
Hiragana: + どうし「じしょけい」 + ことです
Romaji: + Doushi [jisho kei] + koto desu
Meaning: + Dictionary Verb Form + thing which is described in the verb


Example :

Kanji : 山を + のぼる + ことが好きです
Hiragana: やまを + のぼる + ことがすきできる
Romaji: Yama wo + noboru + koto ga suki desu
Meaning: I love climbing mountain

So, the verb will act as a gerund. It will becoming a noun in the sentence after following the verb with ‘koto’ as in the above grammar pattern.


Answer Sheet Chapter 18 Section C Part 5 Page 152

The problems is containing all combination of grammar pattern in chapter 18. The following is all of the answers of the problem exist in that part.


1. Answer

Kanji :

わたしは 自転車に (のる)ことが できません。

Hiragana :

わたしは じてんしゃに (のる) ことが できません。

Romaji :

Watashi wa jitensha ni (noru) koto ga dekimasen.

Meaning :

I cannot ride a bicycle.


2. Answer

Kanji  :

電話で 飛行機の チケットを(予約する)ことが できます。

Hiragana :

でんわで ひこうきの チケットを (よやくする)ことが できます。

Romaji :

Denwa de hikouki no chiketto wo (yoyaku suru) koto ga dekimasu.

Meaning :

I can order a plane ticket by phone.

3. Answer

Kanji :

趣味は 絵を(かく)ことです。

Hiragana :

しゅみは えを(かく)ことです。

Romaji :

Shumi wa e wo (kaku) koto desu.

Meaning :

My hobby is to draw a picture (drawing).

4. Answer

Kanji :

どこで お金を(換える)ことができますか。

Hiragana :

どこで おかねを(かえる)ことができますか。

Romaji :

Doko de okane wo (kaeru) koto ga dekimasuka.

Meaning :

Where can you exchange money ?

So, the above is the answer for solving the problem exist in  in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 18 Section C Part 5 in page 152.

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