Japanese Language Lesson Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 6
Answering several questions given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 especially in the Additional Section Part 6 in page 94 actually need several focus and attention. It is because the problems given in that part are actually just filling the blanks which can be found in sentence. Just choose the correct particle to be used to fill the blanks in the problems given in form of sentence.
In the following are the answers given to answer the questions exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 6 at page 94 :
Kanji :
1週間(に)3回(ぐらい)彼女に 電話をかけます。
Hiragana :
1しゅうかん(に)3かい(ぐらい)かのじょに でんわをかけます。
Romaji :
1 shuukan (ni) 3 kai (gurai) kanojyo ni denwa wo kakemasu。
Meaning :
I call her for about three times in a week。
The correct answer is using particle ‘ni’ 「に」to fill the first blank because it is actually the suitable particle to indicate a time period which is 1 week in the above context.
The next blank is filled with ‘gurai’ 「ぐらい」which the suitable word to describe an amount of, to a certain extent. It is a proper word to state following a number of occurrence.
Kanji :
この 荷物は アメリカまで 船便(で)いくらですか。
Hiragana :
この にもつは アメリカまで ふなびん(で)いくらですか。
Romaji :
kono nimotsu wa Amerika made funabin (de) ikura desuka。
Meaning :
How much does it cost for this package to America via sea mail ?。
The correct answer in the above problem is filling the blank with particle ‘de’ 「で」which is stating a method or a way for doing something. It is describing ‘sea mail’ or funabin’ as a method to send the package.
3. Answer
Kanji :
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Nihon (ni) 2 nen (x) imasu。
Meaning :
(I) am in Japanese for 2 years。
The correct answer is only filling the first blank by particle ‘ni’ 「に」to indicate the exact place or location.
4. Answer
Kanji :
。。。はい。 600円です。
Hiragana :
。。。はい。 600えんです。
Romaji :
ringo (wo)itsutsu kudasai。
。。。hai。 600en desu。
Meaning :
five apples please。
。。。yes。 it’s 600 yen。
The correct answer for the above question is just filling only the first blank with particle wo 「を」. It is the correct answer as a particle which is actually modified the object which is in this context is the apple.
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 11 Additional Section Part 6 on page 94.