Minna no Nihongo Answer Chapter 8 B6

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In this article, we are going to learn to modify noun with an adjective. The adjective itself will act as modifier which is describing one aspect or character which is owned by the noun among them. In Japanese language, since we have two kinds of adjective we will also have two grammar patterns accordingly. The discussion on this subject is chosen based on the questions that we can refer it in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 8 section B part 6 in page 68. The explanation will be given in form of examples as follows :

The -i type adjective ( 形容詞・けいようし・keiyoushi )

It is a type of adjective which all adjectives classified in this type is generally ends with letter –i or ( い ). Basically, we just have to follow the adjective with the noun which is going to be modified or is going to be described.

Pattern                 :

Kanji                      : 形容詞+名詞+。。。

Hiragana              : けいようし+めいし+。。。

Romaji                  : keiyoushi +meishi+。。。

Meaning              : -i type adjective +noun+。。。


Example               :

Kanji                      : 病気なのに苦い薬を飲みません。

Hiragana              : びょうきなのににがいくすりをのみません。

Romaji                  : byouki na no ni nigai kusuri wo nomimasen.

Meaning              : despite the fact that (he/she) is sick, (he/she) doesn’t drink bitter medicine.


The –i adjective which is used in the above sentence is ‘nigai’ (苦い・にがい・nigai).

The -na type adjective (形容動詞・けいようどうし・keiyoudoushi)

It is another form of adjective which almost all of the adjectives not ends with the letter –i ( い ) except several adjective like kirei (きれい)which is also classified as –na type adjective although it ends with letter –i ( い ). To use this kind of adjective when we want to modify a noun in order to explain or to describe certain character or aspect of the noun, we just have to add –na (―な)before the –na type adjective and follow it with a noun.

Pattern                 :

Kanji                      : 形容動詞+名詞+。。。

Hiragana              : けいようどうし+めいし+。。。

Romaji                  : keiyoudoushi +meishi+。。。

Meaning              : -na type adjective +noun+。。。


Example               :

Kanji                      :あの二人の秘密な話が知っていますか。

Hiragana              : あのふたりのひみつなはなしがしっていますか。

Romaji                  : ano futari no himitsu na hanashi ga shitte imasuka ?.

Meaning              : do you know those two’s secret conversation ?.


The –i adjective which is used in the above sentence is ‘himitsu’ 秘密・ひみつ・himitsu).


Below are all of the answers of all the questions based on the above pattern by paying attention to the images or pictures presented in the questions. The full questions can be seen in Minna Nihongo book chapter 8 practice B part 5 page 68 :


Kanji                   :

七人の 侍は どんな 映画ですか。

。。。おもしろい 映画です。

Hiragana            :

しちにんの さむらいは どんな えいがですか。

。。。おもしろい えいがです。

Romaji               :

Shichi nin no samurai wa donna eiga desuka.

。。。 omoshiroi eiga desu.

Meaning           :

What kind of movie is ‘shichi nin no samurai’.

。。。 It is an interesting movie.


Kanji                   :

サントスさんは どんな 人ですか。

。。。親切な 人です。

Hiragana            :

サントスさんは どんな ひとですか。

。。。しんせつな ひとです。

Romaji               :

Santosu-san wa donna hito desuka.

。。。shinsetsu na hito desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of person is Santos ?.

。。。(He is) a kind person。


Kanji                   :

IMC は どんな 会社ですか。


Hiragana            :

IMCは どんな かいしゃですか.


Romaji               :

IMC wa donna kaisha desuka.

。。。atarashii kaisha desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of company is IMC ? .

。。。It is a new company。



Kanji                   :

スイスは どんな 国ですか。

。。。きれいな 国です。

Hiragana            :

スイスは どんな くにですか。

。。。きれいな くにです。

Romaji               :

Suisu wa donna kuni desuka.

。。。kirei na kuni desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of country is Swiss ?.

。。。kirei na kuni desu。

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