This topic of this article is still focusing on the usage of particle no (の) to display possessive pronoun function. But in this article, we will develop it into a different pattern by displaying a pair of question answer which is asked to identify the owner of the item. In the question itself is already being given several answer whom might be the owner of the item which is being asked. The person who answer the question just need to choose between the answer which is being given in the question. The answer will be emphasize the owner of the item which is informed by using particle no (の) without need to say what the item is.
We will demonstrate a sample which is suitable to the problem in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter 2 practice B part 7 on page 16. The following example is about giving question which is asking who is the owner of an item by providing several answer options. The answer will be the owner of the item followed by particle no (の). Besides particle no (の), we will also going to be showed by several demonstrative pronoun kono, sono and ano that point the item which is being asked whom the owner is. As we already knew, demonstrative kono, sono and ano is used depends on the location of the item relative to the speaker and the listener which are discussing the item itself. Below is the pattern :
Kanji :「この・その・あの 」+名詞 +は+Aさんのですか、Bさんのですか
Hiragana :「この・その・あの 」+めいし+は+Aさんのですか、Bさんのですか
Romaji :「kono | sono |ano 」+meishi+wa+A-san no desuka, B-san no desu ka
Meaning : Whose + item (noun) + is 「this | this | that」 ?
The example of the pattern is shown below :
Kanji :
A : この車は秋山さんのですか松下さんのですか B : 秋山さんのです。
Hiragana :
A : このくるまはあきやまさんのですかまつしたさんのですか B : あきやまさんのです。
Romaji :
A :Kono kuruma wa Akiyama-san no desuka, Matsushita-san no desuka ? B :Akiyama-san no desu.
Meaning :
A : Whose car is this Akiyama’s or Matsushita’s ? B : It is Akiyama’s.
The above example is asking whose the owner of the item car by giving two answer option’s. The answer will possible one of the option which is being given in the question. But it is also possible that the person whom answer the question is giving an answer which is not presented in the option’s answer. By using the above sample, we will use it to answer the question which is presented in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter 2. We will be displaying only the answer based on the problems. Please look at the book for the complete question.
1. Answer
Hiragana : リーさんのです。 Romaji : Ri-san no desu. Meaning : It is Lee’s.
2. Answer
Hiragana : マリオさんのです。 Romaji : Mario-san no desu. Meaning : It is Mario’s.
3. Answer
Kanji : 木村さんのです。 Hiragana : きむらさんのです。 Romaji : Kimura-san no desu. Meaning : It is Kimura’s.
4. Answer
Hiragana : ナロンさんのです。 Romaji : Naron-san no desu. Meaning : It is Narong’s.
To see all the questions, please refer to the original Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book on chapter 2, practice B section 7.