Japanese Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Answer Sheet Chapter 2 Practice B Section 2 Page 15

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In this article, we present another way to ask for a noun. To ask for a noun in a sentence, we can use a pronoun such as ‘are’. It is a pronoun which can be translated as ‘that’. In this article, the usage of ‘are’ which is asking for a certain noun in a simple question. The answer will be the name of the noun which is pointed or asked. Below is the pattern :


A       : あれは 何ですか。

B       : 切符です。


A       : あれは なんですか。

B       : きっぷです。


A       : Are wa nan desuka ?

B       : Kippu desu.


A       : What is that  ?

B       : (That is) a ticket.

There are certain rules using ‘are’ in a sentence. The noun which is being pointed or asked must be in the area or location far away from both the speaker and the listener whom are discussing about the noun.

In Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter 2, there are some exercises that can be used to practice on making a question on asking a certain noun. Below are the answer which is made from the question in practice B section 2 page 15.


1. Kanji           : 椅子です。

Hiragana      : いすです。

Romaji                  :  Isu desu.

Meaning      :  (That is) a chair.


2. Kanji           : 机です。

Hiragana      : つくえです。

Romaji                  :  Tsukue desu.

Meaning      :  (That is) a desk.


3. Kanji           : 電話です。

Hiragana      : でんわです。

Romaji                  :  Denwa desu.

Meaning      :  (That is) a telephone.


4. Katakana     :  テレビです。

Romaji                  :  Terebi desu.

Meaning      :  (That is) a television.

The above is all of the answers based on the questions which is provided in the original Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. Please refer to book to see the complete question on chapter 2, practice B section 2.

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