Japanese Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Answer Sheet Chapter 1 Practice B Part 5 Page 8

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The following topic is written based on the problem which is given in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I chapter 1 page 8. By looking on the picture which is provided in the problems, we have to answer it. So, this article is informing how to answer a question based on the picture and giving the answer of yes or no relating also based on the question itself. Aside from giving a yes or no answer, we are also giving the correct answer if the information which is stated in the question is wrong. As we manage to learn from the previous article, in order tomake a formal positive and negative answer based on the given question below are the following pattern :

Positive Answer :

はい    +。。。+です。

Negative Answer :

いいえ + 。

In the negative answer above, we don’t end the answer with (では ありません)dewa arimasen. In this article, we try to provide the correct answer following (いいえ)‘iie’.

For an example we will be given the following questions below :

Kanji                : この子供のための薬は苦いですか

Hiragana         : このこどものためのくすりはにがいですか。

Romaji            : Kono kodomo no tame no kusuri wa nigai desuka.

Meaning          : Is this medicine for the children taste bitter ?

The first one is the positive answer shown as below :

Kanji                 : はい、苦いです。

Hiragana          : はい、にがいです。

Romaji              : Hai, nigai desu.

Meaning           : Yes, it is bitter.

The second one is the negative answer shown as below :

Kanji                 : いいえ、甘いです。

Hiragana         : いいえ、あまいです。

Romaji             : Iie, amai desu.

Meaning          : No, it taste sweet.

The negative answer above doesn’t end with (では ありません) dewa arimasen which is shown in the previous article. In this article, we learned that we can give a negative answer and is also followed by the right answer which in this case is the medicine taste sweet.

Below are the answers in Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book about an exercise on making positive or negative answer based on the question which is provided in the problem. The problem itself is also provided with answers as shown in page 8 on the book.

1. Kanji              : いいえ、タイ人です。

Hiragana         : いいえ、タイじんです。

Romaji           : Iie, Tai-jin desu.

Meaning         : No, (He is) Thai.

2. Kanji              : いいえ、インドネシア人です。

Hiragana         : いいえ、インドネシアじんです。

Romaji           : Iie, Indonesia-jin desu.

Meaning         : No, (He is) an Indonesian.

3. Kanji              : いいえ、大阪機械の研修生です。

Hiragana         : はい、おおさかきかいのけんしゅうせいです。

Romaji           : Iie, Oosaka kikai no kenshuusei desu.

Meaning         : No, (He is) an Oosaka machine’s trainee.

4. Kanji               : いいえ、横浜電気の研修生です。

Hiragana          : いいえ、よこはまでんきのけんしゅうせいです。

Romaji            : Iie, Yokohama denki no kenshuusei desu.

Meaning           : No, (She is) a Yokohama electric’s trainee.

All of the pictures and questions which is used for a reference on answering the problems is on Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book chapter I part 5 practice B page 8. All of the answers is made based on the above pattern. Tosee the complete problems please buy  the original Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. Until the next article to be discussed.

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