Japanese Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Answer Sheet Chapter 1 Practice B Part 4 Page 7

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Shin Nihongo no Kiso I Chapter 1 Part 4 Page 7

This article is a combination of presenting about how to make a positive and negative answer based on the question which is given. It is slightly different with the previous article. In this article we are also asking for an agreement for the question that has the same answer with the other question or the other facts which is already known. Based on the following pattern, we can make a formal positive and negative answer based on the given question :

Positive Answer :

はい    +。。。+も+です。

We are using も which is literally means also. We can translate it into Yes, it is also … The replier gives an agreeable answer based on the other fact which has also the same context.

Negative Answer : いいえ +。。。+では ありません。

For an example we will be given the following questions below : Kanji              : ここから駅までも遠いですか Hiragana        : ここからえきまでもとおいですか。 Romaji           : Koko kara eki made tooi desuka. Meaning         : Is it far from here to the train station ? The first one is the positive answer shown as below : Kanji              : はい、ここから駅までも遠いです。 Hiragana         : はい、ここからえきまでもとおいです。 Romaji           : Hai, koko kara eki made mo tooi desu.

Meaning         : Yes, it is far also from here to the train station.

The answer has も or also which is given above. Because for some reasons, the speaker has already knew or has already asked that there are also a place which is far to reach beside the train station.

The second one is the negative answer shown as below : Kanji              : いいえ、ここから駅まで遠いではありません。 Hiragana         : いいえ、ここからえきまでとおいではありません。 Romaji           : Iie, koko kara eki made tooi dewa arimasen.

Meaning         : No, it is not far from here to the train station.

In Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book, below are the exercise on making positive or negative answer based on the question which is provided in the problem. The problem itself is also provided with answers as shown in page 7 on the book.

1. Kanji              : はい、ラオさんも研修生です。

Hiragana         : はい、ラオさんもけんしゅうせいです。

Romaji           : Hai, Rao-san mo kenshuusei desu.

Meaning         : Yes, Rao-san is also a trainee.

2. Kanji              : いいえ、わたしは日本人ではありません。

Hiragana         : いいえ、わたしはにほんじんではありません。

Romaji           : Iie, watashi wa nihonjin dewa arimasen.

Meaning         : No, I am not a Japanese.

3. Kanji              : はい、鈴木さんも先生です。

Hiragana         : はい、すずきさんもせんせいです。

4. Romaji           : Hai, Suzuki-san mo sensei desu.

Meaning         : Yes, Suzuki-san is also a teacher.

4. Kanji               : いいえ、ラオさんは名古屋自動車の研修生ではありません。

Hiragana          : いいえ、ラオさんはなごやじどうしゃのけんしゅうせいではありません。

Romaji            : Iie, Rao-san wa Nagoya Jidousha no kenshuusei dewa arimasen.

Meaning           : No, Rao-san is not a Nagoya Jidousha’s trainee.

For the questions which is answered with positive or negative, the option is being given on Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. All of the answers is made based on the above pattern. To see the complete problems please buy the original Shin Nihongo no Kiso I book. We will discuss another topic the next article.

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