Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 7 Practice C Part 7 Page 63

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The article will discuss on the question displayed in Minna no Nihongo I book chapter 7 practice C part 7 in page 63. In this article, we will learn on how to specify whether a statement in the problem which is given is true or false. Since this is a true or false problem without any option’s answer we have to be careful to answer it. Although there are only two options involved either the statement in the question is true or false, taking the consideration of choosing either true or false needs a certain process by deducting the supporting information from the passage.

We will not present the full passage in this article since it can be found in Minna no Nihongo I book chapter 7 practice C part 7 in page 63. But the passage itself describes Mira-san involving her life activities. In the end of the passage, there are four question in a form of statement which is given. We have to answer whether the statement is true or false based on the passage.

So, we will present all of the answer of the question sentences in Minna no Nihongo I book chapter 7 practice C part 7 in page 63 :


1.Question Statement :


今日 は 土曜日です。


Hiragana            :

きょう は どようびです。


Romaji               :

Kyou wa doyoubi desu.

Meaning           :

Today is Saturday


Answer : True


Reason :

The answer is true since in the second paragraph, first sentence it is stated as follows :


Hiragana            : あしたは にちようびです。


Romaji               : ashita wa nichiyoubi desu.


Meaning           : tomorrow is Sunday.


So, because tomorrow is Sunday, the statement which is defined in the question is correct : Today is Saturday.


2.Question Statement


Kanji                   :

ミラ-さんは けさ 太郎君と 図書館へ 行きました。


Hiragana            :

ミラ-さんは けさ たろうくんと としょかんへ いきました。


Romaji               :

Mira-san wa kesa Tarou-kun to toshokan e ikimashita.


Meaning           :

Mira this morning went to the library together with Tarou.


Answer : False


Reason :

The answer is false since we can conclude it by reading the first and the second sentence in the first paragraph as follows :


The first sentence         :

Kanji                   : けさ 図書館へ 行きました

Hiragana            : けさ としょかんへ いきました

Romaji               : Kesa toshokan e ikimashita

Meaning           : This morning (I) went to the library


The second sentence  :

Kanji                   : 図書館で 太郎君に 会いました。

Hiragana            : としょかんで たろうくん に あいました。

Romaji               : Toshokan de Tarou-kun ni aimashita.

Meaning           : (I) met Tarou at the library.


The first sentence states that the subject which is Mira went to the library this morning alone by herself. The second statement states that she met Tarou at the library. So, it can be concluded that Mira just met Tarou at the library without even stated both of them went together to the library, so the answer is false.


The only thing that they both done together are watching videos as stated in the third sentence as follows :


Kanji                   : 太郎君と いっしょに ビデオを 見ました。


Hiragana            : たろうくんと いっしょに ビデオを みました。


Romaji               : Tarou-kun to isshoni bideo wo mimashita.


Meaning           : (I) watched video together with Tarou.


3.Question Statement


Kanji                   :

ミラーさんは 図書館で 旅行の 本を 読みました。


Hiragana            :

ミラーさんは としょかんで りょこうの ほんを よみました。


Romaji               :

Mira-san wa toshokan de ryokou no hon wo yomimashita.


Meaning           :

Mira read a book about travel/trip at the library.


Answer              : False


Reason :


It is stated in the last sentence in the first paragraph which is the fourth one that Mira didn’t read a book about trip or travel at the library, she just borrowed it. The sentence is stated as follows :


Kanji                   : わたしは 旅行の 本を 借りました。

Hiragana            : わたしは りょこうの ほんを かりました。

Romaji               : Watashi wa ryokou no hon wo karimashita.

Meaning           : I borrowed a book about travel/trip.


4.Question Statement


Kanji                   :

ミラ-さんは ことしも お母さんに 花を あげます。


Hiragana            :

ミラ-さんは ことしも おかあさんに はなを あげます。


Romaji               :

Mira-san wa kotoshi mo okaasan ni hana wo agemasu.


Meaning           :

Mira this year also give flower to (her) mom.


Answer : False


Reason :


It is correct that Mira gave flower to her mother last year which is stated in the second paragraph. The sentence before the last sentence in the second paragraph stated as follows :


Kanji                   : 去年は 母に 花を あげました。

Hiragana            : きょねんは ははに はなを あげました。

Romaji               : Kyonen wa haha ni hana wo agemashita.

Meaning           : Last year, (I) gave flower to mom.


But since the question statement is stating that Mira also bought flower for her mother this year based on the information is given in at the last sentence in the passage the answer become false. Below is the last sentence in the second paragraph :


Kanji                   :ことしは 日本の 花の 本を あげます。

Hiragana            :ことしは にほんの はなの ほんを あげます。

Romaji               : Kotoshi wa nihon no hana wo hon wo agemasu.

Meaning           : This year (I) give a book about Japanese flower to mom.



So, it is false that Mira as the subject give her mom a flower again this year.


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