This article is an article describing on how to use もう. The term もう is used to express activities or events which has been done whenever it is followed by a verb in a past form. It can be translated as ‘already’ in the following context of question in Minna no Nihongo book chapter 7 practice B part seven. So, we have to create a question based on the example problem which is also given in the book. We will give a pattern and an example on the usage of もう in an interrogative sentence to ask whether an activity has been done or has not been done :
Pattern :
Kanji : 主語 +は +もう +動詞
Hiragana : しゅご +は +もう +どうし
Romaji : shugo +wa +mou +doushi
Meaning : subject +wa +already +verb
Example :
Kanji :
。。。いいえ、まだ 食べません。
Hiragana :
。。。いいえ、まだ たべません。
。。。いいえ、まだ です。
Romaji :
Aka-chan wa mou tabemashitaka ?
… Hai, mou tabemashita.
… Iie, mada tabemasen.
… Iie, mada desu.
Meaning :
Has the baby already ate ?
… Yes (the baby has) already ate.
… No, (the baby) hasn’t eat yet.
… No, (the baby) hasn’t.
Based on the above examples, we will use it accordingly to answer the questions. We can see the full questions and problems in Minna Nihongo book chapter 7 practice B part 7 on page 60 :
1. Answer
Kanji :
もうレポートを 送りましたか。
Hiragana :
もうレポートを おくりますしか。
Romaji :
Mou repo-to wo okurimashitaka ?.
… Iie, mada desu.
Meaning :
Have you sent the report ?.
…No, (I) haven’t.
2. Answer
Kanji :
もう 京都へ 行きましたか。
。。。はい、もう 行きました。
Hiragana :
もう きょとへ いきましたか。
。。。はい、もう いきました。
Romaji :
Mou Kyoto e ikimashitaka ?
… Hai, mou ikimashita.
Meaning :
Have you went to Kyoto ?
… Yes I have went (to Kyoto).
3. Answer
Kanji :
ミラーさんは もう 帰りましたか。
Hiragana :
ミラーさんは もう かえりましたか。
Romaji :
Mira-san wa mou kaerimashita ?.
… Iie, mada desu.
Meaning :
Have Mira came back home?.
… No, (She) hasn’t (come back home).
4. Answer
Kanji :
テレサちゃんは もう 寝ましたか。
。。。はい、もう 寝ました。
Hiragana :
テレサちゃんは もう ねましたか。
。。。はい、もう ねました。
Romaji :
Teresa-chan wa mou nemashitaka ?.
… Hai, mou nemashita.
Meaning :
Has Teresa slept ?.
… Yes, (she) has slept.
Typo? It should be “Mira-san wa mou kaerimashita?” instead of “Mou Mira-san wa kaerimashita ?”
Sorry, It’s my mistake. I’ll have it repaired. Thanks for the correction. Please feel free to comment and correct the other posts. Cheers !