This article consists several type of question asking various kind of things. Because there are various kind of things which is being asked there will be various kind of interrogative pronoun is used accordingly. In order to answer the question and create a suitable question in Minna no Nihongo book chapter 7 practice B part six we have to look up to the answer which is being given so it will match the question appropriately. As the previous articles given before concerning all type of various interrogative pronoun we have to use it accordingly with the following example :
Example :
An interrogative noun which is used to ask for an item, thing or something. It is translated as ‘what’. In the context of the question provided in the problem it is used to ask something which is received when it is combined with もらう :
Kanji :
A : 給仕さんから何をもらいましか
B : おつりをもらいました。
Hiragana :
A : きゅうじあんからなにをもらいましたか
B :おつりをもらいました。
Romaji :
A : Kyuuji-san kara nani wo moraimashitaka.
B : Otsuri wo moraimashita.
Meaning :
A : What did you receive from the waiter ?
B : (I) received change.
To be able to ask for a place or location where an activity will be or already happened. We can use どこ to ask it. It is translated as ‘where’ and to be able to use it properly it has to be followed with particle で to indicate a location where an activity will or had already take place. Below is the example of the usage :
Kanji :
A : 夕べどこで友達と散歩しましたか
B : 近くの公園で友達と散歩しました。
Hiragana :
A :ゆう べどこでともだちとさんぽしましたか
B :ちかくのこうえんでともだちとさんぽしました。
Romaji :
A : Yuube doko de tomodachi to sanpo shimashitaka ?
B : Chikaku no kouen de tomodachi to sanpo shimashita.
Interrogative pronoun いつ(itsu) which is translated as ‘when’ used to ask the time of an activity or even will or already happen. To be able to do it properly it has to be followed with particle に and it is shown in the following example :
Kanji :
A : いつにこの鞄を買いましたか。
B : 先月に買いました。
Hiragana :
A : いつにこのかばんをかいましたか。
B : せんげつにかいました。
Romaji :
A : itsu ni kono kaban wo kaimashitaka ?
B : Sengetsu ni kaimashita.
Meaning :
A : When did (you) buy a bag ?
B : (I) bought last month.
To ask someone we can use interrogative pronoun だれ(dare). Depends on the context of the sentence it is changed whether it is positioned as the actor or the benefactor of the action. The actor who give or who receive it depends on the pattern of the question. The following question is used to ask the person who receive an action or an item as the following example :
Kanji :
A : 誰にこの本を返すつもりですか
B : 先生に返すつもりです。
Hiragana :
A : だれにこのほんをかえすつもりですか
B : せんせいにかえすつもりです。
Romaji :
A : Dare ni kono kaban wo kaesu tsumori desuka ?
B : Sensei ni kaesu tsumori desu.
Based on the above examples, we will use it accordingly to answer the questions. We can see the full questions and problems in Minna Nihongo book chapter 7 practice B part 6 on page 60 :
Kanji :
去年のクリスマスに 何を もらいましたか。
Hiragana :
きょねんのクリスマスに なにを もらいましたか。
Romaji :
Kyonen no kurisumasu ni nani wo moraimashitaka ?.
… Nekutai to hon wo moraimashita.
Meaning :
What did you receive at last year’s christmas ?.
…(I) received necktie and book.
Kanji :
どこで 日本語を 習いましたか。
。。。アメリカで 習いました。
Hiragana :
どこで にほんごを ならいましたか。
。。。アメリカで ならいました。
Romaji :
Doko de nihongo wo naraimashitaka ?
… Amerika de naraimashita.
Meaning :
Where did you learn Japanese language ?
… I learned in Amerika.
Kanji :
いつ 家族に 電話を かけますか。
。。。明日 電話を かけます。
Hiragana :
いつ かぞくに でんわを かけますか。
。。。あした でんわを かけます。
Romaji :
Itsu kazoku ni denwa wo kakemasuka ?.
… Ashita denwa wo kakemasu.
Meaning :
When are you going to call your family ?.
… (I) will call tomorrow.
Kanji :
誰にこの CDを 借りましたか。
。。。友達に CDを 借りました。
Hiragana :
だれに この CDを かりましたか。
。。。ともだちに CDを かりました。
Romaji :
Dare ni kono CD wo karimashitaka ?.
… Tomodachi ni CD wo karimashita.
Meaning :
From whom did you borrow CD ?.
… I borrowed CD from my friend.