Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 5 Practice C Part 5 Page 43

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In this article we will try to describe all particles which is being used to answer all of the questions presented in Minna no Nihongo Book Chapter 5 Section C Part 5. There are several particles including particle の, に, へ andで which is used in the questions. We will give an examples on the usage of those particles in form of sentences :

Particle の

It is a particle in this article which is mainly used to modify noun or to describe characteristics of a noun which is defined by another noun. Below is the pattern and an example of it :

Pattern :

Kanji      : 名詞 + の + 名詞

Hiragana    : めいし+ の + めいし

Romaji      : meishi+ no + meishi

Meaning     : noun + no + noun


Kanji      : これは 先生  + の + 辞書  です。

Hiragana    : これは せんせい+ の + じしょ です。

Romaji      : kore wa sensei + no + jisho  desu。

Meaning     : this is teacher’s dictionary.


Particle に

In this article, this particle is mainly used to indicate location of an action which can be translated as : “at, in”. Below is the pattern and also an example of it :

Pattern :

Kanji       : 場所+に+動詞

Hiragana    : ばしょ+に+どうし

Romaji      : basho +ni+doushi

Meaning     : location +ni+verb

Example :

Kanji       : 日本に大学院生として勉強続けます。

Hiragana    : にほんにだいがくいんせいとしてべんきょうつづけます

Romaji      : nihon ni daigakuinsei toshite benkyou tzuzukemasu.

Meaning     : (I) continue studying as graduate student in Japan.


Particle へ

In this article it is used as a destination particle functioning as a particle to indicate on any movement verb such as iku (いく:to go) , kuru (くる:to come), kaeru (かえる:to come back home), modoru (もどる:to come back) to a certain destination like a place or a location such post office, bank or a country name like Japan, America, etc. We will give detail explanation on the pattern and also in a form of example :

Kanji : 明日妹と遊園地へ行きます

Hiragana : あしたいもうととゆうえんちへいきます

Romaji : ashita imouto to yuuenchi e ikimasu.

Meaning : tomorrow I will go to the amusement park with my little sister.

Particle で

In this article, particle で is a particle which is used among of its function is to describe means or way of doing some activities or something. We will give the pattern and also an example with it :

Kanji : あの人は毎日自転車で運度します。

Hiragana :あのひとはまいにちじてんしゃでうんどうします。

Romaji :ano hito wa mai nichi jitensha de undou shimasu.

Meaning :every day that man is doing exercise by using bycicle.

Based on the pattern and the example which has been given above, we will try to answer the question in Minna no Nihongo book chapter 5 practice C part 5 :

1. Answer (to go)

Hiragana  :ことし(の)4がつ(に)アメリカ(へ)きました。

Romaji     :Kotoshi (no) 4gatsu (ni) Amerika (e) kimashita.        

Meaning    :In April this year (I) went to America.

2. Answer

Kanji      :毎日 電車(で)会社(へ)行きます。

Hiragana   :まいにち でんしゃ(で)かいしゃ(へ)いきます。

Romaji     :Mai nichi densha (de) kaisha (e) ikimasu.

Meaning    :I go by electric train every day.

3. Answer

Kanji      :きのう 9時半(に)うち(へ)帰りました。   

Hiragana   :きのう 9じはん(に)うち(へ)かえりました。

Romaji     :Kinou 9jihan (ni) uchi (e) kaerimashita.

Meaning    :Yesterday I came back home at 9.30

4. Answer

Kanji      :けさ わたしは 松本さん(と)ここ(に)来ました。

Hiragana   けさ わたしは まつもとさん(と)ここ(に)きました。

Romaji     :Kesa watashi wa Matsumoto-san (to) koko (ni) kimashita.

Meaning    :This morning I came here with Matsumoto-san.

5. Answer 

Kanji      :おととい どこ(へ)行きませんでした。

Hiragana   :おととい どこ(へ)いきませんでした。

Romaji     :Ototoi doko (e) ikimasendeshita.

Meaning    :Two days ago I didn’t go anywhere.

6. Answer

Kanji      :あさって 一人(で)デパート(へ)行きます。

Hiragana   :あさって ひとり(で)デパート(へ)いきます。

Romaji     :Asatte hitori (de) depa-to (e) ikimasu.

Meaning    :I will go to the department store all by myself the day after.


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