Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 4 Practice B Part 7 Page 34

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This article is focusing on asking about whether the other person is doing an activity or not in a specific time marker. As we already knew there are several time marker which can be used to inform the activity done by using sentence. Depends on the time marker stated in the sentence, we learn how to inform an activity based on the time of the activitiy been done. But we are also going to learn how to state a negative sentence or to deny that we do or we have already done the activity which is being asked. Through chapter 4 page 34 in Minna no Nihongo book, we can learn how to ask and also to give an answer whether it is a yes or no depends on the question. And as an addition, the answer of the question is also given based on the time marker whether it is past, present or future. To view the complete question, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book.

Pattern :

過去形(かこけい)Past Tense

Question / Interrogative Form

To make a simple question based on the past time marker we have to change the verb in a –ta form to be used in an ordinary situation. We can also change the verb in a –mashita form to be used in a polite or formal situation as shown below :

Past Time Marker + 動詞「ました   |(-た形) 」

Past Time Marker + どうし「ました |(-たけい)」

Past Time Marker + Doushimashita(-ta kei) 」 +ka

Past Time Marker + Verb 「mashita(-ta kei) 」 +ka

Example :

In a formal or polite situation 

Question : 去年大学を卒業しましたか


Romaji: Kyonen daigaku wo sotsugyoushimashitaka

Meaning: Did (you) graduate from university last year ?

In a normal or ordinary situation

Question : 去年だいがくを卒業したか

Hiragana: きょねんだいがくをそつぎょうしたか

Romaji: Kyonen daigaku wo sotsugyoshitaka.

Meaning: Did (you) graduate from university last year ?

As we see on the example, we are using verb sotsugyou suru which means to graduate. Since the time marker is a past one, kyonen means last year, we have to change the verb in to a –mashita or –ta form depends on the situation.

And the possible answer will beat least two which is positive or negative. The pattern of the answer are shown below :

Positive answer to be used in a formal or polite situation :

はい、動詞    +ました


Hai, doushi mashita

Yes, verb   mashita

In a formal situation example :

Question: 一昨日は映画を見ましたか

Answer: はい、映画を見ました。


Question: おとといはえいがをみましたか

Answer: はい、えいがをみました。


Question: Ototoi wa eiga wo mimashitaka.

Answer: Hai, eiga wo mimashita.


Question: Two days ago (did you) watch movie?

Answer: Yes, (I) watched movie.


Positive answer to be used in a normal or ordinary situation :

はい、動詞  +た


      Hai, doushi ta

      Yes, verb   ta

In a normal or ordinary situation example :

Question: 先週買い物しましたか。

Answer: はい、買い物しきました。


Question: せんしゅうかいものしましたか。

Answer: はい、かいものしました。


Question: Senshuu kaimono shimashitaka.

Answer: Hai, kaimono shimashita.

Question: Last week (did you) shop ?

Answer: Yes, (I) shopped.


Negative answer to be used in a formal or polite situation :

いいえ、動詞  +ませんでした


Iie, doushi   masendeshita

Yes, verb     masendeshita

In a formal or polite situation example :

Question: 三ヶ月前国へ帰りましたか

Answer: いいえ、帰りませんでした。


Question: さんかげつまえくにへかえりましたか

Answer: いいえ、かえりませんでした。


Question: Sankagetsu mae kuni e kaerimashitaka.

Answer: Iie, kaerimasendeshita.


Question: Three months ago (did you) come back to your country ?

Answer: No, I didn’t come back home (to my country).

Negative answer to be used in a ordinary or normal situation:

いいえ、動詞 +なかった


Iie, doushi  nakatta

Yes, verb     nakatta

In a formal or polite situation example :


Answer: いいえ、勉強しなかった。


Question: にねんまえとうきょうだいがくでべんきょうしたか

Answer: いいえ、べんきょうしなかった。


Question: Ninen mae Tokyo Daigaku de benkyoushitaka.

Answer: Iie, benkyoushinakatta.


Question: Two years ago (did you) study at Tokyo University ?

Answer: No, I didn’t study (at Tokyo University).

現在形(げんざいけい)Present Tense ・未来形 (みらいけい)Future Tense

Question / Interrogative Form

To make a simple question based on the present or future time marker we can use –masu form in a polite or formal situation or to use the base form or dictionary form (jisho kei) in an ordinary situation:

Present / Future Time Marker + 動詞 「-ます形 | 辞書形 」    

Present / Future Time Marker + どうし「-ますけい|じしょけい」    

Present / Future Time Marker+ Doushimasu kei  | jisho kei」      ka

Present / Future Time Marker+ Verbmasu form   | dictionary formka

Example :

Formal Form 

Question :  明日学校へ行きますか

Hiragana : あしたがっこうへいきますか

Romaji: Ashita gakkou e ikimasuka

Meaning: Tomorrow (are you) going to school ?.

Ordinary Form  

Question : 明日学校へ行くか

Hiragana : あしたがっこうへいくか

Romaji : Ashita gakkou e ikuka.

Meaning : Tomorrow (are you) going to school ?.

On the example above, we are using verb iku or to go. Ashita or tomorrow is the time marker is which describe a certain time in the future, so we have to use the verb in the sentence depends on the situation.

The possible answer can be positive or negative. The pattern of the answer are shown below :

Positive answer to be used in a formal or polite situation :

はい、動詞  「-ます 形 」

はい、どうし「-ます けい」

      Hai, doushi masu kei

      Yes, verbmasu form

In a formal or polite situation example :

Question: 今日朝ごはんを食べますか。

Answer: はい、食べます。


Question: きょうあさごはんをたべますか。

Answer: はい、たべます。


Question: Kyou asa gohan wo tabemasuka.

Answer: Hai, tabemasu.

Question: Do you want to eat breakfast ?

Answer: Yes, (I) want to eat.

Positive answer to be used in an ordinary or normal situation :

はい、動詞「辞書 形 」

はい、どうし「辞書 けい」

      Hai, doushi jisho kei

      Yes, verbdictionary form

In an ordinary or normal situation example :

Question: 今週喫茶店で飲みますか。

Answer: はい、飲みます。


Question: 今週きっさてんでのみますか。

Answer: はい、たべます。


Question: Kyou asa gohan wo tabemasuka.

Answer: Hai, tabemasu.

Question: Do you want to eat breakfast ?

Answer: Yes, (I) want to eat.

Negative answer to be used in a polite or formal situation:

いいえ、動詞 +ません


Iie, doushi  masen

Yes, verb     masen

In an polite or formal situation example :


Answer: いいえ、散歩しません。


Question: らいしゅうこうえんでさんぽしますか

Answer: いいえ、さんぽしません。


Question: Raishuu kouen de sanpo shimasuka.

Answer: Iie, sanpo shimasen.


Question: (Do you) want to walk around the park next week ?

Answer: No, I don’t.

Negative answer to be used in a ordinary or normal situation :



Iie, doushi nai

No, verbnai

In an ordinary or normal situation example :

Question 今年結婚するか

Answer: いいえ、結婚しない。


Question: 今年けっこんするか

Answer: いいえ、結婚しない。


Question: Kotoshi kekkon suruka?

Answer: Iie, kekkon shinai.


Question: Will (you) get married this year?.

Answer: No, I will not get married (this year).


1.  あさって 働きますか。




あさって はたらきますか。




Asatte hatarakimasuka.

Iie, hatarakimasen.



Tomorrow (are you) working ?.

No, (I am) not working.


2.  毎晩 勉強しますか。




まいばん べんきょうしますか。




Mai ban benkyoushimasuka.

Hai, benkyoushimasu.



(Are you) study every night ?.

Yes, (I) study.


3.   きのうの 晩 勉強しましたか。




きのうの ばん べんきょうしましたか。




Kinou no ban benkyoushimashitaka.

Hai, benkyoushimashita.



Yesterday night (are you) studied ?.

Yes, (I) studied.


4.   きのう 働きましたか。




きのう はたらきましたか。




Kinou hatarakimashitaka.

Iie, hatarakimasendeshita.



Yesterday (are you) working ?.

No, (I) didn’t work.


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