This is an article where the main content is just to change the verb into another form. The other form is the verb with the suffix ‘-tai’ form. That kind of form is the purpose or the answer of the question form in the problem set. Actually, the problem set exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 19 Additional Section Part 3 in page 160. In the problem set, there are several verbs in with the suffix ‘-masu’ form. That kind of form is a verb form informing the activity in a polite form. The answers are given must also in the verb with the suffix ‘-tai’ form. So, change it from the verb with the suffix ‘-masu’ into a form of verb with the suffix ‘-tai’ form. The following is the grammar pattern of it :
The grammar pattern :
Kanji : | ||
動詞「-ます形」。 | > | 動詞「-たい形」。 |
Hiragana : | ||
どうし「-ますけい」。 | > | どうし「-たいけい」。 |
Romaji | ||
Doushi「-masu kei」。 | > | Doushi「-tai kei」。 |
Meaning : | ||
Verb [ -masu form] | > | Verb [ -tai form] |
So, using the grammar pattern above, complete the table by changing the form. The first grammar is a grammar pattern in the verb form of polite form. It is expressing the activity or the work in the verb. The next column grammar pattern, the ‘-shitai’ one is actually a grammar pattern to express something that someone wish or expect.
Just use the grammar pattern above to answer the problem set available in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 19 Addition Section Part 3 in page 160. The following answers are references and alternatives for answering the question exist in Minna No Nihongo 1 Book, Chapter 19 Additional Section Part 3 in page 160 :
1. | 行きます | 行きたい | 9. | 消します | 消したい |
いきます | いきたい | けします | けしたい | ||
ikimasu | ikitai | keshimasu | keshitai | ||
to go | want to go | erase | want to erase | ||
2. | 働きます | 働きたい | 10. | 食べます | 食べたい |
はたらきます | はたらきたい | たべます | たべたい | ||
hatarakimasu | hatarakitai | tabemasu | tabetai | ||
to work | want to work | to eat | want to eat | ||
3. | 泳ぎます | 泳ぎたい | 11. | 寝ます | 寝たい |
およぎます | およぎたい | ねます | ねたい | ||
oyogimasu | oyogitai | nemasu | netai | ||
to swim | want to swim | to sleep | want to sleep | ||
4. | 飲みます | 飲みたい | 12. | 見ます | 見たい |
のみます | のみたい | みます | みたい | ||
nomimasu | nomitai | mimasu | mitai | ||
to drink | want to drink | to see | want to see | ||
5. | 遊びます | あそびたい | 13. | 降ります | 降りたい |
あそびます | あそびたい | おります | おりたい | ||
asobimasu | asobitai | orimasu | oritai | ||
to play | want to play | to get off | want to get off | ||
6. | 持ちます | 持ちたい | 14. | 散歩します | 散歩したい |
もちます | もちたい | さんぽします | さんぽしたい | ||
mochimasu | mochitai | sanpo shimasu | sanpo shitai | ||
to have | want to have | to walk | |||
7. | 買います | 買いたい | 15. | 来ます | 来たい |
かいます | かいたい | きます | きたい | ||
kaimasu | kaitai | kimasu | kitai | ||
to buy | want to buy | to come | want to come | ||
8. | 乗ります | 乗りたい | |||
のります | のりたい | ||||
norimasu | noritai | ||||
to drink | want to drink |
All of the above is the answer pattern for solving the problem exist in in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 19 Additional Section Part 3 in page 160.