This is an article to discuss about how to solve the problem set in Chapter 18 Section C Part 7 in page 153. The content regarding on the problems available in Minna no Nihongo book is actually involving some passages. After the passages, there are several sentences that is available. The task on answering the questions is only deciding whether it is true or false. In order to answer the question just read the passage carefully.
In order to read the passage, check the Minna no Nihongo book but fortunately before answering the problem below is the passages :
Kanji :
- 受付で カードを 作って ください。
- 受付へ 本を 持って 来て、カードを 見せて ください。
- 本は 2週間 借りる ことが できます。
- 辞書と 新聞と 新しい 雑誌は 借りる ことが できません。
コピーが できます (1枚 10円)
- 図書館の 本を コピーする ことが できます。
- コピーは 受付で しますから、本を 受付へ 持って 来てください。
Hiragana :
- うけつけで カードを つくって ください。
- うけつけへ ほんを もって きて、カードを みせて ください。
- ほんは 2しゅうかん かりる ことが できます。
- じしょと しんぶんと あたらしい ざっしは かりる ことが できません。
コピーが できます (1枚 10円)
- としょかんの ほんを コピーする ことが できます。
- コピーは うけつけで しますから、ほんを うけつけへ もって きてください。
Meaning :
Children Library
How to borrow book
- Please create a card at the reception.
- Bring the book to the reception and please show the card.
- It is possible to borrow a book for 2 weeks. (Book can be borrowed for 2 weeks)
- It is not possible to borrow dictionary and newspaper and new magazines.
It is possible to copy (1 piece for 10 yen)
- It is possible to copy the library’s book.
- Since the copy (process) is done in the reception, please bring the book to the reception.
Answer Sheet Chapter 18 Section C Part 7 Page 153
So, using the information available from the passage, the following sentence is possible for a decision whether it is true or false.
1. Answer : True
Kanji :
本を借りる前に、受付で カードを作らなければなりません。
Hiragana :
ほんをかりるまえに、うけつけで カードをつくらなければなりません。
Romaji :
Hon wo kariru mae ni, uketsuke de ka-do wo tsukuranakereba narimasen.
Meaning :
Before borrowing the book, must create the card at the reception.
Reason :
Actually, the information is available in the passage on the section for how to borrow book. The first step is to create a card at the reception. After that, just bring the book to the reception and show the card.
2. Answer : False
Kanji :
1週間まえに、本を 借りましたから、きょう 返さなければなりません。
Hiragana :
1しゅうかんまえに、ほんを かりましたから、きょう かえさなければなりません。
Romaji :
1 shuukan mae ni, hon wo karimashitakara, kyou kaesanakereba narimasen.
Meaning :
1 week before, because (I) borrowed a book, today I must return it back.
Reason :
The reason is also clear and it exist in the section informing about how to borrow a book. It is possible to borrow a book for 2 weeks. So, if it is only being borrowed for 1 week, the book can be returned later and it doesn’t have to be today since it is only just 1 week.
3. Answer : True
Kanji :
古い雑誌を借りる ことが できます。
Hiragana :
ふるいざっしをかりる ことが できます。
Romaji :
Furui zasshi wo kariru koto ga dekimasu.
Meaning :
Borrow an old magazine is possible.
Reason :
In this question, the reason is also available in the passage, specifically in the section informing how to borrow a book. In the last line, the information explains that it is not possible to borrow dictionary, newspaper and new magazines. The information is clear and adding the word ‘new’ describing the magazines that cannot be borrowed. It is indicating that the old one is possible to be borrowed although it is not stated directly in the rule.
4. Answer : False
Kanji :
図書館の 本を コピーしては いけません。
Hiragana :
としょかんの ほんを コピーしては いけません。
Romaji :
Toshokan no hon wo kopi- shite wa ikemasen.
Meaning :
Copying library book is forbidden.
Reason :
Actually, it is possible to copy the book. The rule is also available in the passage. For 1 piece of copy it costs 10 yen. It is possible to copy it and since it is done in the reception, just bring the book for copy to the reception.
So, the above is the answer for solving the problem exist in in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 18 Section C Part 7 in page 153.