Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 18 Section B Part 2 Page 149
This article is written to answer on how to solve the problem exist in Japanese language grammar pattern to resolve the problem exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 18 Section B Part 2 in page 149. It is about expressing the ability of doing something which is described by asking it in form of interrogative sentence and then answer it either in positive or negative tone. The Japanese langauge grammar pattern used for answering using this kind of pattern is ‘ga dekiru’. It is expressing the ability of someone for doing something. Below is the pattern and also the example for doing it :
Pattern :
Kanji | : | 主語「名詞」 | + | は | 名詞 | + | が | + | できます |
Hiragana | : | しゅご「めいし」 | + | は | めいし | + | が | + | できます |
Romaji | : | shugo「meishi」 | + | wa | meishi | + | ga | + | dekimasu |
Meaning | : | subject 「noun」 | + | particle wa | noun | + | particle ga | + | able to… |
This is an example for using the above Japanese language grammar pattern :
Kanji :
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Kuruma wo unten suru koto ga dekimasuka。
Meaning :
Can you drive a car ?。
。。。Yes、I can。
。。。No、I cannot。
The example is describing a question asking whether or not the other counterpart can drive the car. The answer are also given in two forms which is positive or negative. Below are the answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 18 Section B Part 2 at page 149 :
Kanji :
ピアノを弾くことが できますか。
Hiragana :
ピアノをひくことが できますか。
Romaji :
Piano wo hiku koto ga dekimasuka。
Meaning :
Can you play piano ?。
。。。Yes、I can。
Kanji :
ペラペラで日本語を話し人を わかることが できますか。
Hiragana :
ペラペラでにほんごをはなしひとを わかることが できますか。
Romaji :
Pera pera de nihongo wo hanashi hito wo wakaru koto ga dekimasuka。
Meaning :
Can you be able to understand a person who speaks Japanese flunelty ?。
。。。No、I cannot.
3. Answer
Kanji :
海に泳ぎことが できますか。
Hiragana :
うみにおよぎことが できますか。
Romaji :
Umi ni oyogi koto ga dekimasuka.
Meaning :
Can you swim at the beach (sea) ?.
。。。Yes、I can。
Kanji :
ビールを 飲む ことが できますか。
Hiragana :
ビールを のむ ことが できますか。
Romaji :
Bi-ru wo nomu koto ga dekimasuka。
Meaning :
Can you drink beer ?.
。。。No、I cannot。
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 18 Section B Part 2 on page 141.