Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 17 Additional Section Part 3 Page 144

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Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 17 Additional Section Part 3 Page 144

An article written to answer the problem given in in Minna no Nihongo 1 book in Chapter 17 at Additional Section on Part 3 in page 144. This article is written by answering the problem through converting the verb in -masu form into a -nai form. The pattern which has a continuous form (renyoukei) followed by -masu suffix changed into an imperfective form (mizenkei) followed by -nai suffix. Below is the pattern and also example given to describe it clearly :

Kanji 動詞「連用形」 ます => 動詞「未然形」 ない
Hiragana どうし「れんようけい」 ます => どうし「みぜんけい」 ない
Romaji doushi 「renyoukei」 -masu => doushi 「mizenkei」 -nai
Meaning verb「continuative form」 -masu suffix => verb 「imperfective form」 -nai suffix


The above pattern has a main purpose to change the polite or informal -masu form of a verb into a plain negative form of a verb. Below is the example :

Kanji 戦い ます => 戦わ ない
Hiragana たたかい ます => たたかわ ない
Romaji tatakai -masu => tatakawa -nai
Meaning to fight -masu suffix => to fight -nai suffix


Based on the above pattern and example, the following are answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 17 in Additional Section on Part 3 located in page 144 :


No. Atribute Problem Answer
1. Kanji 行きます 行かない
Hiragana いきます いかない
Romaji ikimasu ikanai
Meaning to go not to go
2. Kanji 脱ぎます 脱がない
Hiragana ぬぎます ぬがない
Romaji nugimasu nuganai
Meaning to take off (clothes, shoes) to not take off (clothes, shoes)
3. Kanji 返します 返さない
Hiragana かえします かえさない
Romaji kaeshimasu kaesanai
Meaning to return to not return
4. Kanji 持ちます 持たない
Hiragana もちます もたない
Romaji mochimasu motanai
Meaning to have, to possess to not have, to not possess
5. Kanji 呼びます 呼ばない
Hiragana よびます よばない
Romaji yobimasu yobanai
Meaning to call to not call
6. Kanji 入ります 入らない
Hiragana はいります はいらない
Romaji hairimasu hairanai
Meaning to enter to not enter
7. Kanji 払います 払わない
Hiragana はらいます はらわない
Romaji haraimasu harawanai
Meaning to pay (money, bill) to not pay (money, bill)
8. Kanji 忘れます 忘れない
Hiragana わすれます わすれない
Romaji wasuremasu wasurenai
Meaning to forget to not forget
9. Kanji 覚えます 覚えない
Hiragana おぼえます おぼえない
Romaji oboemasu oboenai
Meaning to remember to not remember
10. Kanji (6時)起きます (6時)起きない
Hiragana (6じ)おきます (6じ)おきない
Romaji (6ji)okimasu (6ji)okinai
Meaning  to wake at (6 o’clock) to not wake at (6 o’clock)
11. Kanji 借ります 借りない
Hiragana かります かりない
Romaji karimasu karinai
Meaning to lend to not lend
12. Kanji 見ます 見ない
Hiragana みます みない
Romaji mimasu minai
Meaning to see to not see
13. Kanji します しない
Hiragana します しない
Romaji shimasu shinai
Meaning to do to not do
14. Kanji 心配します 心配しない
Hiragana しんぱいします しんぱいしない
Romaji shinpai shimasu shinpai shinai
Meaning to worry to not worry
15. Kanji (日本へ)来ます (にほんへ)きます
Hiragana (にほんへ)きます (にほんへ)きます
Romaji (Nihon e) kimasu (Nihon e) konai
Meaning to come to Japan to not come to Japan


To see the complete question, see in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 17 in Additional Section on Part 3 located in page 144.

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