Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 16 Section B Part 6 Page 134

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Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 16 Section B Part 6 Page 134

Another written article for answering the the problems given in one of the section exist in chapter 16 of Minna no Nihongo 1 book at Section B Part 6 in page 134. The questions given must be answered by using keywords given which is mostly adjectives. Those adjectives given as keywords in order to create a sentence for answering the problem has several Japanese language grammar pattern on it especially if those keywords are combined to create one full sentence. Basically, in Japanese language, there are two kinds of adjective which is the -i type adjective and the -na type adjective. Both of those adjectives serve the purpose of describing characteristics of an item or a subject. The grammar pattern which is needed to be looked at is for creating the suitable conjunction form to connect each of the adjective. Furthermore, each type of adjectives have different way to connect each other. Below is the pattern of connecting those adjectives and the example based on the one given in the problem section :

Pattern for -i type adjective is shown as follows :

Kanji : 形容詞「 くて
Hiragana : けいようし「 くて
Romaji : keiyoushi 「i kute
Meaning : -i type adjective 「i kute

The above Japanese language grammar pattern is using -i type adjective and then connect it with another adjective to describe an item or subject.

Pattern for ‘-na type adjective is shown as follows :

Kanji : 形容動詞
Hiragana : けいようどうし
Romaji : keiyoudoushi de
Meaning : verb particle de


The other grammar pattern using -na type adjective for connecting it to another adjective for describing an item or subject.

This is an example for using the above Japanese language grammar pattern :

Using the -i type adjective to connect it to another adjective :

Kanji       :


➞ 美味しくてあまり辛いじゃないです。

Hiragana    :


➞ おいしくてあまりからいじゃないです。

Romaji             :

Nihon no tabemono wa dou desuka。

➞ Oishikute amari karai jyanai desu。

Meaning     :

How is (What do you think) Japanese food ?

➞ It is delicious and not too spicy。


Using the -na type adjective to connect it to another adjective :

Kanji       :


➞ 上手で親切な人です。

Hiragana    :


➞ じょうずでしんせつなひとです。

Romaji             :

Nihongo no sensei wa donna hito desuka。

➞ Jyouzu de shinsetsu na hito desu。

Meaning     :

What kind of person is the Japanese language teacher ?。

➞ (He or she) is smart and kind。

Example given in the above one is explaining on how to use -i type adjective to describe a subject which is also act as a connector to the next adjective for additional description of the subject. To be able to functionally act as the connector, the -i type adjective must be modified by erasing the ending -i part and then it is added with -kute. The next example is on how to use -na type adjective to have the same purpose as the -i type adjective. But in the case of -na type adjective, to be able to make it functionally as a connector, just add particle de and connect it with another adjective. The following are answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 16 Section B Part 5 at page 134 :



Kanji       :

サントスさんは どの 人ですか。

➞ あの 紙が 黒くて 目が 大きい 人です。

Hiragana    :

サントスさんは どの ひとですか。

➞ あの かみが くろくて めが おおきい ひとです。

Romaji            :

Santosu-san wa dono hito desuka。

➞ Ano kami ga kurokute me ga ookii hito desu。

Meaning           :

Which one is Santos ?。

➞ That person with the black hair and large eyes。



Kanji       :

ミラーさんは どんな 人ですか。

➞ 背が高くて すてきな 人です。

Hiragana    :

ミラーさんは どんな ひとですか。

➞ せがたかくて すてきな ひとです。

Romaji            :

Mira-san wa donna hito desuka。

➞ Se ga takakute suteki na hito desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of person is Miller ?。

➞ He is a tall and lovely person。


3. Answer

Kanji       :

奈良は どんな 町ですか。

➞ 静かで 緑が 多い町です。

Hiragana    :

ならは どんな まちですか。

➞ しずかで みどりが おおいまちです。

Romaji            :

Nara wa donna machi desuka。

➞ Shizuka de midori ga ooi machi desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of city (town) is Nara 。

➞ It is a quiet (calm) and lots of greenery.



Kanji       :

北海道は どんな ところですか。

。。。きれいで 食べ物が おいしい所です。

Hiragana    :

ほっかいどうは どんな ところですか。

。。。きれいで たべものが おいしいところです。

Romaji            :

Hokkaidou wa donna tokoro desuka。

。。。Kirei de tabemono ga oishii tokoro desu。

Meaning           :

What kind of place is Hokkaido ?。

。。。It is a beautiful place which has lots of delicious food。


This questions given consists of several keywords of adjectives either an -i type adjective or a -na type adjective which is given to answer the problem in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 16 Section B Part 6 on page 134.

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