Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 16 Additional Section Part 6 Page 137

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Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 16 Additional Section Part 6 Page 137

This is another article written to answer the problems given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book in Chapter 16 at Additional Section on Part 6 in page 137. Currently, the problem given also has several option answers attached. In other words, the option answers has already been provided and it is must be chosen in order to create a complete sentence which is correct. The problems are sentences which has an empty bracket inside of it and it needs to be inserted with the option answers available. But for the option answers suitable to be inserted to the empty bracket, it needs to be modified first regarding its function as a connector with the next clause. The following are answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 16 in Additional Section on Part 6 located in page 137 :



Kanji             : カリナさんは 富士大学の( 学生で )、美術を 勉強しています。

Hiragana   : カリナさんは ふじだいがくの( がくせいで )、びじゅつを べんきょうしています。

Romaji     : Karina-san wa Fuji daigaku no( gakusei de )、bijyutsu wo benkyou shite imasu。

Meaning  : Karina Is Fuji university student, (she) is studying arts。

The connector is a noun which is represented with ‘gakusei’. It is translated as ‘student’ and it must be followed with particle ‘de’ since it is sequentially followed and connected to the next clause.


Kanji            : 佐藤さんは 頭が( よくて )、すてきな 人です。

Hiragana    : さとうさんは あたまが( よくて )、すてきな ひとです。

Romaji        :  Satou-san wa atama ga ( yokute ) 、suteki na hito desu。

Meaning     :  Satou is smart 、and he is a great person。

The answer for this problem is modifying the -i type adjective ‘ii’ and converting it into ‘yoi’ since this is an irregular adjective. So, it will be ‘yokute’ which is followed with the next clause.


3. Answer

Kanji            : 新しい パソコンは (軽くて)、便利です。

Hiragana    : あたらしい パソコンは (かるくて)、べんりです。

Romaji        : Atarashii pasokon wa (karukute)、benri desu。

Meaning     : The new PC (Personal Computer) is light、and it is convenient。

Since the connector is an -i type adjective, it must be changed by removing the ending -i vowel and appended it with ‘kute’. So, the connector which is originally written in the option answer as ‘karui’ will be modified into ‘karukute’ so that it can be properly functioned as a connector to the next clause.


4. Answer

Kanji            : 東京は( にぎやかで )、面白い 町です。

Hiragana    : とうきょうは( にぎやかで )、おもしろい まちです。

Romaji        : Toukyou wa( nigiyaka de )、omoshiroi machi desu。

Meaning     : Tokyo is lively、it is a fascinating city。

The answer is a -na type adjective which is way more simpler to be taken as the answer. Just add particle ‘de’ and it will automatically take the role as whole to connect it further with the next clause.


All those problems along with the option answers given is presented in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 16 Additional Section C Part 6 on page 137.



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