Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 15 Section C Part 1 Page 127
An article with problem given in chapter 15 where it can be answered using a specific Japanese language grammar which is using ‘-te mo ii desuka’ for asking permission to do something or to have something. In this article, the above Japanese language grammar pattern is combined with ‘morau’ as the verb converted into a ‘-te form’ as ‘moratte’. In this context, ‘moratte’ means to retrieve, to receive or to have. In the problem given, the speaker asks permission to receive something. Al of the problem which is given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 15 Section C Part 1 in page 127 is solved by using the Japanese language grammar pattern in form of a conversation . Below is the pattern and also example for doing it :
Pattern :
Kanji | : | 。。。 | + | 動詞「―て形」 | + | も いいですか |
Hiragana | : | 。。。 | + | どうし「-て けい」 | + | も いいですか |
Romaji | : | 。。。 | + | doushi 「-te kei」 | + | mo ii desuka |
Meaning | : | 。。。 | + | verb 「-te form」 | + | … |
This is an example for using the above Japanese language grammar pattern :
Kanji :
Hiragana :
A :このカレンダー、もらってもいいですか。
B :ええ、どうぞ。
A :どうも。
Romaji :
A :Kono karenda-、moratte mo ii desuka。
B :ee、douzo。
A :doumo。
Meaning :
A :This calendar、can I have it ?。
B :yes、here you go。
A :thanks。
The pattern along with the example given for answering the problem specifically solved by using ‘-te mo ii desuka’ . In the example above, the speaker asks for a permission to have the calendar. And in the above example, the verb specifically used is ‘morau’ which can be translated as ‘to receive, to retrieve or to have’ and the item which is asked to have is the calendar. The problem given in this section in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 15 Section C Part 1 at page 127 will be answered below :
Kanji :
A :この資料、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Hiragana :
A :このしりょう、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Romaji :
A :Kono shiryou、moratte mo ii desuka。
B :ee、douzo。
A :doumo。
Meaning :
A :This document、can I have it ?。
B :yes、here you go。
A :thanks。
Kanji :
A :この地図、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Hiragana :
A :このちず、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Romaji :
A :Kono chizu、moratte mo ii desuka。
B :ee、douzo。
A :doumo。
Meaning :
A :This map、can I have it ?。
B :yes、here you go。
A :thanks。
3. Answer
Kanji :
A :この時刻表、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Hiragana :
A :このじこくひょう、もらっても いいですか。
B : ええ、どうぞ。
A : どうも。
Romaji :
A :Kono jikokuhyou、moratte mo ii desuka。
B :ee、douzo。
A :doumo。
Meaning :
A :This timetable (chart)、can I have it ?。
B :yes、here you go。
A :thanks。
The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 15 Section B Part 6 on page 126.