Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 13 Section B Part 5 Page 108

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Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 13 Section B Part 5 Page 108

This is an article created to describe on how to answer problems given in Minna no Nihongo 1 book chapter 13 Section B Part 5 in page 108. There is another Japanese language grammar pattern which is used to describe an activity that someone is doing by going to a certain place. There are images attached in each problem which is very important because the place or location and also the activity described exist as part of if. Based on the keyword given in the image, create an answer in form of a sentence which is consistent with the keyword given. Below is the example and also the pattern for answering the question :


Pattern     :

Kanji : 主語 動詞「-ます形」ます


Hiragana : しゅご どうし「-ますけい」ます いきます
Romaji : shugo wa doushi「-masu kei」masu ni ikimasu
Meaning : subject wa particle verb「-masu form」masu ni particle to go


Example     :

Kanji       :

日本へ 旅行に 行きます。

Hiragana    :

にほんへ りょこうに いきます。

Romaji            :

Nihon e ryokou ni ikimasu。

Meaning     :

I go to Japan for travelling。



An example given above is describing someone which is going to a certain place in order to do something. In the above example, the subject is going to Japan for a trip or for traveling. Based on the above pattern and example given, below are the  answers given to answer the question exist in Minna no Nihongo 1 book Chapter 13 Section B Part 5 at page 107.


Kanji       :

デパートへ おみやげを 買いに 行きます。

Hiragana    :

デパートへ おみやげを かいに いきます。

Romaji            :

Depa-to e omiyage wo kai ni ikimasu。

Meaning           :

I go to the department store to buy souvenir。



Kanji       :

郵便局へ 速達を 出しに 行きます。

Hiragana    :

ゆうびんきょくへ そくたつを だしに いきます。

Romaji            :

Yuubinkyoku e sokutatsu wo dashi ni ikimasu。

Meaning           :

I go to the post office to send this by special delivery。



3. Answer

Kanji       :

図書館へ 本を借りに 行きます。

Hiragana    :

としょかんへ ほんをかりに いきます。

Romaji            :

Toshokan e hon wo kari ni ikimasu。

Meaning           :

I go to the library to borrow a book。



Kanji       :

駅へ 友達を迎えに 行きます。

Hiragana    :

えきへ ともだちをむかえに いきます。

Romaji            :

Eki e tomodachi wo mukae ni ikimasu。

Meaning           :

I go to the train station to pick up my friend。


The full question which consists of several numbers can be seen completely in Minna no Nihongo 1 Chapter 13 Section B Part 5 on page 107.

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