This article will discuss on developing a well and deep understanding of a passage. By reading a passage, we will be given several statements related to the passage. We have to conclude whether the statement either true or false. The passage itself is displayed in Minna no Nihongo Chapter 6 part 6 in page 53 and it is describing Mira’s daily activity as follows :
ミラーさんは 毎日 7時に 起きます。朝ごはんは いつも パンとコーヒーです。電車で 会社へ 行きます。会社は 9時から 5時までです。 7時に うちへ 帰ります。7時半に 晩ごはんを 食べます。それから テレビを 見ます。英語の 新聞を 読みます。夜 12時に 寝ます。
土曜日と 日曜日は 働きません。土曜日は 朝 図書館へ 行きます。午後 テニスを します。日曜日は どこも 行きません。休みます。
ミラーさんは まいにち 7じに おきます。あさごはんは いつも パンとコーヒーです。でんしゃで かいしゃへ いきます。 かいしゃは 9じから 5じまでです。7じに うちへ かえります。7じはんに あさごはんを たべます。それから テレビを みます。 えいごの しんぶんを よみます。よる 12じに ねます。
どようびと にちようびは はたらきません。どようびは あさ としょかんへ いきます。 ごご テニスを します。にちようびは どこも いきません。やすみます。
Mira-san no mai nichi
Mira-san wa mai nichi 7ji ni okimasu. Asa gohan wa itsumo pan to ko-hi- desu. Densha de kaisha e ikimasu. Kaisha wa 9ji kara 5ji made desu. 7ji ni uchi e kaerimasu. 7ji han ni ban gohan wo tabemasu. Sore kara terebi wo mimasu. Eigo no shinbun wo yomimasu. Yoru 12ji ni nemasu.
Doyoubi to nichiyoubi wa hatarakimasen. Doyoubi wa asa toshokan e ikimasu. Gogo tenisu wo shimasu. Nichiyoubi wa doko mo ikimasen. Yasumimasu.
Mira’s daily activity
Every day Mira wakes up at 7 o’clock. (She) always has bread and coffee as her breakfast. (She) goes the office by train. (She) works from 9 o’clock to 5 o’clock. (She) come back home at 7 o’clock. She eat dinner at 7.30 o’clock. After that she watches television. (She) read english newspaper. (She) sleeps at 12 o’clock at night.
Saturday and Sunday (she) doesn’t work. (She) goes to the library at Saturday morning. At the evening she does tenis. Sunday (she) doesn’t go anywhere. Take a rest.
Based on the above passage, we have to answer and choose between true or false whether the statement which is given in the question is either true or false.
To see all the full questions in the form of the complete statement, please look in Minna Nihongo book chapter 6 practice C part 5 page 53 :
1. Answer : False
The statement told that Mira doesn’t eat breakfast. It is false since we can inferred from the first paragraph the 2nd sentence :
Kanji :
朝ごはんは いつも パンとコーヒーです。
Hiragana :
あさごはんは いつも パンとコーヒーです。
Romaji :
Asa gohan wa itsumo pan to ko-hi- desu.
Meaning :
(She) always has bread and coffee as (her) breakfast.
2. Answer : True
The statement told that Mira works from Monday to Friday. It is true since we can conclude it from the second paragraph in the 1st sentence :
Kanji :
土曜日と 日曜日は 働きません。
Hiragana :
どようびと にちようびは はたらきません。
Romaji :
Doyoubi to nichiyoubi wa hatarakimasen.
Meaning :
Saturday and Sunday (I) don’t work.
Although it doesn’t declare directly state that she work from Monday t Friday, we can exclude Saturday and Sunday for her to go to work in the above statement. The other day in a week she will be doing the activity accordingly stated as in the first paragraph which is working at the office. And that day will be from Monday to Friday.
3. Answer : False
The statement told that Mira read english newspaper every morning. The statement is false, since we can inferred from the first paragraph that Mira read English newspaper every night after she has her dinner and watches television.
Kanji :
7時半に 晩ごはんを 食べます。それから テレビを 見ます。英語の 新聞を 読みます。
Hiragana :
7じはんに ごはんを たべます。それから テレビを みます。えいごの しんぶんを よみます。
Romaji :
ji ni ban gohan wo tabemasu. Sorekara terebi wo mimasu. Eigo no shinbun wo yomimasu.
Meaning :
I eat dinner at 7.30 evening. After that, (I) watch television. (I) read english newspaper.
4. Answer : False
The statement told that Mira doesn’t go anywhere at Saturday. This statement is false, the truth is we can see from the 2nd paragraph that she goes to the library every Saturday. We can acquire that information from the 2nd sentence in 2nd paragraph as shown below :
Kanji :
土曜日は 朝 図書館へ 行きます。
Hiragana :
どようびは あさ としょかんへ いきます。
Romaji :
Doyoubi wa asa toshokan e ikimasu.
Meaning :
Saturday (I) go to the library at morning.