Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 6 Practice C Part 4 Page 52

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The article is discussing on how to answer the question which is given with the appropriate answer based on the question and several choice of answers which is already provided along with the question. There are a lot of pattern which is stated in the answer’s option and every single of it has a different purpose. Below is the example of those answer choice :

1. doko de (どこで)

It is a pattern which consists of ‘doko’ and ‘de’. The interrogative pronoun doko (どこ) is used to ask a place or a location. The second one is ‘de’(で) which is a particle used to ask about the place or the location of the activity done in that place or location. Below is the example :









Doko de shiken no renshuu wo shimasuka ?

… Toshokan de shaken no renshuu wo shimasu .


Where do you do the exam’s practice ?

… (I) do the exam’s practice in the library.

2. doko e (どこへ)

It is a pattern which consists of ‘doko’ and ‘e’. The first one is an interrogative pronoun means ‘where’. It is used to ask for a place or a location. The second one, e (へ) is a direction particle which is used to describe the direction a subject move or go. So, basically it is a pattern which asked the place or the location of someone is heading or going to. Below is the example :








Ashita doko e ikimasuka ?

… Kyouto e ikimasu.


Where do you go tomorrow ?

I will go to Kyouto.

3. nani wo (何を)

It is a pattern used to ask what kind of thing which is being the object of an act or activity. Below is the example of the pattern for a better explanation :









Nani wo kirimasuka ?

… kami desu.


What are you going to cut ?

… Paper.


4. nan de (何で)

It is a pattern focusing to ask for a means or a way of someone doing an activity. Below is the example :









Nan de Hokkaido e ryokou ni ikimasuka ?

… Hikouki de ikimasu.


How do you get to Hokkaido for traveling ?

… (I get to Hokkaido) by plane.


5. dare ni (だれに)

It is a pattern used in a sentence to point out to whom we do an action or an activity. Below is the example in a sentence :








Sono suteki na omiyage wo dochira sama nin sashiagemasuka.

… daigaku de watakushi no kyoujyu desu.


To whom do you present that lovely souvenir ?

.. . My professor at the university.

6. nanji ni (何時に)

It is a pattern used to ask for a specific time of an action, activity or event is held or is already happened. Below is the example :









Kyou nanji ni kuruma wo unten suru no renshuu ga shitai desuka ?

… 9 ji ni shitai desu.


At what time would you like to practice on driving a car today ?

… I would like (to practice on driving a car) at 9 o’clock.

Below are all of the answers of all the questions based on the above pattern. The questions contains a question form with several answer’s option which can be chosen. We can see the full questions in Minna Nihongo book chapter 6 practice C part 4 page 52 :

1. Kanji :



Hiragana            :



Romaji               :

Nichiyoubi (doko de, nani wo, nan de) shimasuka.

… Tenisu wo shimasu.

Meaning           :

What are you doing at Sunday ?

… I play tennis.

The answer is playing tennis which is indicating an activity. The correct answer will be ‘nani wo’ (なにを). It can be translated as ‘what is ‘. If it is combined with ‘shimasuka’ (しますか) means what do you do ?.

The answer ‘doko de’ (どこで) is asking about the location of the activity and the other answer ‘nan de’ (なんで) can be translated as means or way on doing something.


2. Kanji :

(どこへ、どこで、いつ)その カメラを かいましたか。

。。。おおさかデパートで 買いました。

Hiragana            :

(どこへ、どこで、いつ)その カメラを かいましたか。

。。。おおさかデパートで かいました。

Romaji               :

(doko e, doko de, itsu) sono kamera wo kaimashitaka.

… Oosaka depa-to de kaimashita.

Meaning           :

Where did you buy that camera ?

… (I) bought it at Oosaka department store.

The correct answer is ‘doko de’ (どこで) which is asking the location of the place of the activity. It is a correct answer since the answer is also a location or a place, Oosaka department store where the activity is done which is buying a camera.

The other answer’s option is false ‘doko e’(どこへ) is actually translated as the place where the subject is heading to not doing the activity. The other option, ‘itsu’ (いつ) is actually used to ask when the activity is done or being done.


3. Kanji :


。。。何も 食べませんでした。

Hiragana            :


。。。なにも たべませんでした。

Romaji               :

Kesa (nani wo, nan de, doko de) tabemashitaka.

… Nani mo tabemasendeshita.

Meaning           :

What did you eat this morning ?

… I ate nothing.

The right answer is ‘nani wo’ (何を)and it is translated as ‘what’. It is actually asking what is the one being eaten this morning where the answer is nothing is being eaten.

The other option is false. The answer ‘nan de’ (何で) is actually used to ask by what or what kind of means or way is used by doing the activity. It can be used if the answer is by hand, by fork, by spoon, etc.

The other option, ‘doko de’ is translated as ‘where’ and it is actually used to ask for the location or the place of the activity which is happened.

4. Kanji :


。。。グプタさんに 会いました。

Hiragana           :


。。。グプタさんに あいました。

Romaji               :

Ototoi (doko de, dare ni, nanji ni) aimashitaka.

… Guputa-san ni aimashita.

Meaning           :

Whom did you meet yesterday ?

(I) met Gupta.

The correct answer is ‘dare ni’ (だれに) means with whom or to whom. The answer is correct since the answer is the name of the person that the subject met.

The other option ‘doko de’ (どこで) is asking for a place they met and the other one ‘nanji ni’ (何時に) is asking for the time they met.

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