Japanese Minna no Nihongo Answer Sheet Chapter 5 Practice B Part 6 Page 42

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This article contains several questions related with the previous type of questions. It demonstrates the usage of several particles such as ( ni ) and( to ). Basically, the answers which is given is an information that contains the location, the time or the person that a subject go or went to. Detailed questions and also answers are given in the book of Minna no Nihongo. In chapter 5 page 42 in the book, we are going to learn how to answer those questions written on the book. To view the complete problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book.

There are several types of questions and also the associate paired answers.The first type of question is asking the time a subject go or went to a specific location by using the following pattern :

Introgative Form

Kanji    : いつ + 「場所」  + へ 行きますか

Hiragana : いつ  + 「ばしょ」 + へ いきますか

Romaji   : Itsu  +  Basho」   + へ ikimasuka

Meaning  : When are you going to + Location


Kanji   :いつ お母さんの故郷 へ 行きますか

Hiragana:いつ おかあさんのふるさと へ いきますか

Romaji  Itsu okaasan no furusato e ikimasuka

Meaning When (do you) go to your mother’s hometown ?

Possible Answer

From the previous article, we can answer the questions and informing the time when the subject go or went to a location by using particle (ni). But there is a rule on using the particle itself on informing time of the subject go or went to a location. The time has to be specific and it is not a general time marker.

The first example is displaying about how to use particle on informing specific time when an activity is done.

Kanji    : 夕べ10時に会社から帰りました。

Hiragana : ゆうべ10時にかいしゃからかえりました。

Romaji   : Yuube 10ji ni kaisha kara kaerimashita.

Meaning  : I came back from the office at 10 o’clock last night.

The specific time is 10 o’clock last night of in the sentence above :

The second example is displaying about how to inform the time of an activity is done especially when the time is not specifically given in detailed.

Kanji    : 今朝朝御飯を食べました。

Hiragana : けさあさごはんをたべました。

Romaji   : Kesa asa gohan wo tabemashita.

Meaning  : This morning (I) ate breakfast.

The time marker which is given in the above sentence is a general time marker without any detailed or specific about the exact time. けさ means this morning and is a general time marker. It is not necessary to be followed with particle .

The second type of question is asking with whom did or does the subjent went or gone to a specific location by using the following pattern :

Introgative Form

Kanji    : 誰    + と + 「場祖」 へ 行きますか

Hiragana : だれ  + と + 「ばしょ」へ いきますか

Romaji   : Dare to  +  Basho」 へ ikimasuka

Meaning  : With whom (do you)go to Location


Kanji    : だれ + と+遊園地    + へ 行きますか

Hiragana : だれ  + と+ゆうえんち + へ いきますか

Romaji   : Dare  +  to+yuuenchi    + e ikimasuka

Meaning  : With whom (do you) go to the amusement park ? 

Below are the interrogative sentence with answers which is paired as an example to answer the problems in the book.

1. Answer

Kanji   : 去年 来ました。

Hiragana: きょねん きました。

Romaji  : Kyonen kimashita.

Meaning : (I) came last year.

2.  Answer

Kanji   : 一人で 来ました。

Hiragana: ひとりで きました。

Romaji  : Hitori de kimashita.

Meaning : (I) came by myself.

3.  Answer

Kanji   : 来年 帰ります。

Hiragana: らいねん かえります。

Romaji  : Rainen kaerimasu.

Meaning : (I) come back home next year.

4. Answer

Kanji   : どこも 行きませんでした。

Hiragana: どこも いきませんでした。

Romaji  : Doko mo ikimasendeshita.

Meaning : (I) didn’t go anywhere.

5. Answer

Kanji   : 9時に 来ました。

Hiragana: 9じに きました。

Romaji  : 9ji ni kimashita.

Meaning : (I) came at 9 o’clock.

6. Answer

Kanji   : 佐藤さんと 来ました。

Hiragana: さとうさんと きました。

Romaji  : Satou-san to kimashita.

Meaning : (I) came with Satou-san.

7. Answer

Kanji   : バスで 帰ります。

Hiragana: バスで かえります。

Romaji  : Basu de kaerimasu.

Meaning : (I) come back home by bus.

8. Answer

Kanji   :7時に 帰りました。

Hiragana:7じに かえりました。

Romaji  : 7ji ni kaerimashita.

Meaning : (I) came back home at 7 o’clock.











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