This is an article describing the usage of question word どこwhich is asking the location or whereabouts of something either that is a livingthing or even just an item or a simple noun. Besides, we also learn about usingthe word which is pointing to a certain location ここ, そこ dan あそこ that is used based on the position from not only the speaker but also the listener. The book itself is used as a learning material for a beginner in order to study Japanese language. To see the problems, please buy the original Minna no Nihongo book.
Question form:
In this question form A is something which can be a living thing or item or noun which is being asked about the location or whereabouts.
Possible answer form :
1. 会議室はどこですか。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Kaigishitsu wa doko desuka.
Koko desu.
Meaning :
Where is the meeting room ?.
It is here.
2. 電話はどこですか。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Denwa wa doko desuka.
Soko desu.
Meaning :
Where is the phone ?.
It is there.
3. 山田さんはどこですか。
Hiragana :
Romaji :
Yamada-san wa doko desuka.
Asoko desu.
Meaning :
Where is Yamada ?.
He is over there.
This is read as koko and this is a word which is used to point the location or whereabouts of either a living thing or any other item where the exact position is closer from the speaker.
This is read as soko and this is a word which is used to point the location or whereabouts of either a living thing or any other item where the exact position is closer from the listener.
This is read as asoko and this is a word which is used to point the location or whereabouts of either a living thing or any other item where the exact position is far away not onlyfrom the speaker but also from the listener.